In Wake of Durov Arrest, Some Cybercriminals Ditch Telegram
Hackers, fraudsters, and drug dealers are all leaving the platform in one way or another. Some are worried that Telegram may start providing user data to the authorities.
CISA confirms hackers may have accessed data from chemical facilities during January incident
The agency found no evidence that hackers exfiltrated information but noted the intrusion “may have resulted in the potential unauthorized access” to security plans, vulnerability assessments and user accounts within a national system to protect the chemicals sector.
Hackers Linked to Russia’s Military Claim Credit for Sabotaging US Water Utilities | WIRED
Cyber Army of Russia Reborn, a group with ties to the Kremlin’s Sandworm unit, is crossing lines even that notorious cyberwarfare unit wouldn’t dare to.
The Mystery of ‘Jia Tan,’ the XZ Backdoor Mastermind
The thwarted XZ Utils supply chain attack was years in the making. Now, clues suggest nation-state hackers were behind the persona that inserted the malicious code.
The Mirai Confessions: Three Young Hackers Who Built a Web-Killing Monster Finally Tell Their Story | WIRED
Netflix, Spotify, Twitter, PayPal, Slack. All down for millions of people. How a group of teen friends plunged into an underworld of cybercrime and broke the internet—then went to work for the FBI.
Deux jeunes hackers jugés pour une campagne de mails « cryptoporno » en 2019
Les hackers sont soupçonnés d'avoir activé les caméras de milliers d'ordinateurs à distance grâce à un virus en 2019 et d'avoir menacé les internautes de diffuser des vidéos intimes d'eux s'ils ne payaient pas de rançon.
Des hackers ont accédé aux données client d’une banque en ligne
La filiale d’un établissement à Genève a récemment subi une cyberattaque. Un cas a priori bénin qui illustre comment les hackers s’attaquent aux banques.
Researchers watched 100 hours of hackers hacking honeypot computers
Imagine being able to sit behind a hacker and observe them take control of a computer and play around with it. That’s pretty much what two security researchers did thanks to a large network of computers set up as a honeypot for hackers. The researchers deployed several Windows servers deliberately exposed on the internet, set up with Remote Desktop Protocol, or RDP, meaning that hackers could remotely control the compromised servers as if they were regular users, being able to type and click around.
Russia-backed hackers used Microsoft Teams to breach government agencies | TechCrunch
Russian state-sponsored hackers posed as technical support staff on Microsoft Teams to compromise dozens of global organizations, including government agencies.
Hackers Claim They Breached T-Mobile More Than 100 Times in 2022
Three different cybercriminal groups claimed access to internal networks at communications giant T-Mobile in more than 100 separate incidents throughout 2022, new data suggests. In each case, the goal of the attackers was the same: Phish T-Mobile employees for access to internal company tools, and then convert that access into a cybercrime service that could be hired to divert any T-Mobile user’s text messages and phone calls to another device.