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As Threats in Space Mount, U.S. Lags in Protecting Key Services
As Threats in Space Mount, U.S. Lags in Protecting Key Services
The United States and China are locked in a new race, in space and on Earth, over a fundamental resource: time itself. And the United States is losing. Global positioning satellites serve as clocks in the sky, and their signals have become fundamental to the global economy — as essential for telecommunications, 911 services and financial exchanges as they are for drivers and lost pedestrians.
As Threats in Space Mount, U.S. Lags in Protecting Key Services
Personal Information Exploit on OpenAI’s ChatGPT Raise Privacy Concerns
Personal Information Exploit on OpenAI’s ChatGPT Raise Privacy Concerns
Last month, I received an alarming email from someone I did not know: Rui Zhu, a Ph.D. candidate at Indiana University Bloomington. Mr. Zhu had my email address, he explained, because GPT-3.5 Turbo, one of the latest and most robust large language models (L.L.M.) from OpenAI, had delivered it to him.
Personal Information Exploit on OpenAI’s ChatGPT Raise Privacy Concerns
Meta Manager Was Hacked With Spyware and Wiretapped in Greece
Meta Manager Was Hacked With Spyware and Wiretapped in Greece
A U.S. and Greek national who worked on Meta’s security and trust team while based in Greece was placed under a yearlong wiretap by the Greek national intelligence service and hacked with a powerful cyberespionage tool, according to documents obtained by The New York Times and officials with knowledge of the case.
Meta Manager Was Hacked With Spyware and Wiretapped in Greece
Microsoft Plans to Eliminate Face Analysis Tools in Push for ‘Responsible A.I.’
Microsoft Plans to Eliminate Face Analysis Tools in Push for ‘Responsible A.I.’
For years, activists and academics have been raising concerns that facial analysis software that claims to be able to identify a person’s age, gender and emotional state can be biased, unreliable or invasive — and shouldn’t be sold.
Microsoft Plans to Eliminate Face Analysis Tools in Push for ‘Responsible A.I.’
Meta Manager Was Hacked With Spyware and Wiretapped in Greece
Meta Manager Was Hacked With Spyware and Wiretapped in Greece
A U.S. and Greek national who worked on Meta’s security and trust team while based in Greece was placed under a yearlong wiretap by the Greek national intelligence service and hacked with a powerful cyberespionage tool, according to documents obtained by The New York Times and officials with knowledge of the case.
Meta Manager Was Hacked With Spyware and Wiretapped in Greece