The Malware That Must Not Be Named: Suspected Espionage Campaign Delivers “Voldemort”
Key findings Proofpoint researchers identified an unusual campaign delivering malware that the threat actor named “Voldemort”. Proofpoint assesses with moderate confidence the goal of the activi...
Threat Actors Deliver Malware via YouTube Video Game Cracks
Key takeaways Proofpoint identified multiple YouTube channels distributing malware by promoting cracked and pirated video games and related content. The video descriptions include links leading t...
OneNote Documents Increasingly Used to Deliver Malware
Key Findings: * The use of Microsoft OneNote documents to deliver malware via email is increasing. * Multiple cybercriminal threat actors are using OneNote documents to deliver malware. * While some campaigns are targeted at specific industries, most are broadly targeted and include thousands of messages. * In order to detonate the payload, an end-user must interact with the OneNote document. * Campaigns have impacted organizations globally, including North America and Europe. * TA577 returned from a month-long hiatus in activity and began using OneNote to deliver Qbot at the end of January 2023.
Crime group hijacks hundreds of US news websites to push malware
A cybercriminal group has compromised a media content provider to deploy malware on the websites of hundreds of news outlets in the U.S. according to cybersecurity company Proofpoint.
OneNote Documents Increasingly Used to Deliver Malware
Key Findings: * The use of Microsoft OneNote documents to deliver malware via email is increasing. * Multiple cybercriminal threat actors are using OneNote documents to deliver malware. * While some campaigns are targeted at specific industries, most are broadly targeted and include thousands of messages. * In order to detonate the payload, an end-user must interact with the OneNote document. * Campaigns have impacted organizations globally, including North America and Europe. * TA577 returned from a month-long hiatus in activity and began using OneNote to deliver Qbot at the end of January 2023.
Crime group hijacks hundreds of US news websites to push malware
A cybercriminal group has compromised a media content provider to deploy malware on the websites of hundreds of news outlets in the U.S. according to cybersecurity company Proofpoint.