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Après un ransomware, l'université Paris-Saclay lance un site provisoire
Après un ransomware, l'université Paris-Saclay lance un site provisoire
Comme d’autres services publics avant elle, l’université Paris-Saclay a subi une cyberattaque par le biais d’un ransomware sur ses serveurs. L’attaque qui a eu lieu le 11 août a affecté les services centraux de l’établissement, ainsi que ses composantes (facultés, IUT, Polytech Paris-Saclay, Observatoire des sciences de l’univers). Sont notamment indisponibles un certain nombre de services comme la messagerie électronique, l’intranet, les espaces partagés et certaines applications métier. Un site provisoire a été mis en ligne afin d’assurer, durant les prochaines semaines, la communication auprès des personnels et des étudiants. Une foire aux questions, relative à la cyberattaque, régulièrement complétée et actualisée y est affichée.
Après un ransomware, l'université Paris-Saclay lance un site provisoire
Ransomware cyberattack continues at Bluefield University
Ransomware cyberattack continues at Bluefield University
There are new developments on the cybersecurity attack that has crippled internet services at Bluefield University. We’ve learned through “RamAlert” texts sent to students, faculty and staff that the cyber attackers are now directly communicating with everyone on the alert system. They have identified themselves as “AvosLocker” and are demanding payment in return for not leaking students’ private information. The FBI considers AvosLocker to be ransomware. In March 2022, they released an advisory on it. They said avoslocker has “Targeted victims across multiple critical infrastructure sectors in the U.S. Including…The financial services, critical manufacturing, and government facilities sectors.”
Ransomware cyberattack continues at Bluefield University
Vice Society ransomware leaks University of Duisburg-Essen’s data
Vice Society ransomware leaks University of Duisburg-Essen’s data
The Vice Society ransomware gang has claimed responsibility for the November 2022 cyberattack that forced the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE) to reconstruct its IT infrastructure, a process that's still ongoing.
Vice Society ransomware leaks University of Duisburg-Essen’s data
Vice Society ransomware leaks University of Duisburg-Essen’s data
Vice Society ransomware leaks University of Duisburg-Essen’s data
The Vice Society ransomware gang has claimed responsibility for the November 2022 cyberattack that forced the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE) to reconstruct its IT infrastructure, a process that's still ongoing.
Vice Society ransomware leaks University of Duisburg-Essen’s data