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Exclusive: US disabled Chinese hacking network targeting critical infrastructure
Exclusive: US disabled Chinese hacking network targeting critical infrastructure
The U.S. government in recent months launched an operation to fight a pervasive Chinese hacking operation that successfully compromised thousands of internet-connected devices, according to two Western security officials and one person familiar with the matter. The Justice Department and Federal Bureau of Investigation sought and received legal authorization to remotely disable aspects of the Chinese hacking campaign, the sources told Reuters.
Exclusive: US disabled Chinese hacking network targeting critical infrastructure
Russian troops in Melitopol plunder $5M farm vehicles from Ukraine -- to find they've been remotely disabled
Russian troops in Melitopol plunder $5M farm vehicles from Ukraine -- to find they've been remotely disabled
Russian troops in the occupied city of Melitopol have stolen all the equipment from a farm equipment dealership -- and shipped it to Chechnya, according to a Ukrainian businessman in the area.
Russian troops in Melitopol plunder $5M farm vehicles from Ukraine -- to find they've been remotely disabled
Russian troops in Melitopol plunder $5M farm vehicles from Ukraine -- to find they've been remotely disabled
Russian troops in Melitopol plunder $5M farm vehicles from Ukraine -- to find they've been remotely disabled
Russian troops in the occupied city of Melitopol have stolen all the equipment from a farm equipment dealership -- and shipped it to Chechnya, according to a Ukrainian businessman in the area.
Russian troops in Melitopol plunder $5M farm vehicles from Ukraine -- to find they've been remotely disabled
Russian troops in Melitopol plunder $5M farm vehicles from Ukraine -- to find they've been remotely disabled
Russian troops in Melitopol plunder $5M farm vehicles from Ukraine -- to find they've been remotely disabled
Russian troops in the occupied city of Melitopol have stolen all the equipment from a farm equipment dealership -- and shipped it to Chechnya, according to a Ukrainian businessman in the area.
Russian troops in Melitopol plunder $5M farm vehicles from Ukraine -- to find they've been remotely disabled