Casio Website Infected With SkimmerA threat actor has infected the website of Casio UK and 16 other victims with a web skimmer that altered the payment flow to harvest and exfiltrate visitors’ information, web security provider Jscrambler reports.#securityweek#EN#2025#Casio#UK#Skimmer#website··Feb 10, 2025Casio Website Infected With Skimmer
HPE Investigating Breach Claims After Hacker Offers to Sell Data - SecurityWeekHPE investigating claims by the hacker IntelBroker, who is offering to sell source code and other data allegedly stolen from the tech giant.#securityweek#EN#2025#HPE#IntelBroker#Data-Breach#HewlettPackard··Jan 20, 2025HPE Investigating Breach Claims After Hacker Offers to Sell Data - SecurityWeek