As civil society and media organisations expose EU Member States' use of the Pegasus commercial spyware, one of the most high-profile spying scandals of recent years is coming to light in Europe.
Pegasus, il Parlamento europeo vuole chiarezza. Gli Stati Ue no
Premier, politici d’opposizione, giornalisti europei sono stati presi di mira da spyware governativi. Uno scandalo senza precedenti su cui ora indaga una commissione d’inchiesta. Ma non avrà vita facile.
Spanish prime minister’s phone ‘targeted with Pegasus spyware’
The Spanish government has said the mobile phones of the prime minister, Pedro Sánchez, and the defence minister, Margarita Robles, were both infected last year with the Pegasus spyware that its manufacturers claim is available only to state agencies.
Gli smartphone di almeno cinque funzionari di Bruxelles e del commissario alla Giustizia Reynders sono stati tenuti sotto controllo tra febbraio e settembre 2021 con software dell'azienda isrealiana Pegaus, contro cui Reynders aveva chiesto l'apertura di un'indagine
Pegasus spyware scandal uncovered by fake image file on an iPhone
The scandal over NSO Group's Pegasus spyware was uncovered by a single fake image file mistakenly left on an activist's iPhone, a report states, a discovery that prompted international outcry over privacy.
The revelations made about the Pegasus spyware raised very serious questions about the possible impact of modern spyware tools on fundamental rights, and particularly on the rights to privacy and data protection. This paper aims to contribute to the ongoing assessment in the EU and globally of the ...