ID Verification Service for TikTok, Uber, X Exposed Driver Licenses
As social networks and porn sites move towards a verified identity model, the actions of one cybersecurity researcher show that ID verification services themselves could get hacked too.
London hospital attackers started leaking blood test data
Cybercriminals behind attacks disrupting at least five London hospitals leaked nearly 400 gigabytes of data, which reportedly included blood test information. Qilin ransomware started leaking data stolen from England National Health Service (NHS) partner Synnovis labs. According to reports from the BBC, the data includes patient names, dates of birth, NHS numbers, descriptions of blood tests, and other information.
La Croix-Rouge italienne touchée par une fuite massive de données, le CICR enquête
La Croix-Rouge italienne touchée par une fuite massive de données, le CICR enquête Un volume très important de données a été volé à la Croix-Rouge italienne. En 2022 déjà, des informations sensibles avaient été subtilisées au CICR. Lors de sa grande conférence d’octobre, l’organisation humanitaire va insister sur l'importance de protéger les données humanitaires
Un prestataire externe de la Ville d'Yverdon-les-Bains victime d'une cyberattaque
Un prestataire externe du Service des énergies de la ville d'Yverdon-les-Bains (VD) a été victime fin mai d'une cyberattaque. Près de 12'300 particuliers et entreprises pourraient être concernés. Mais à ce stade, rien n'indique que des données aient été consultées ou copiées.
AT&T confirms data for 73 million customers leaked on hacker forum
AT&T has finally confirmed it is impacted by a data breach affecting 73 million current and former customers after initially denying the leaked data originated from them.
Misconfigured Firebase instances leaked 19 million plaintext passwords
Three cybersecurity researchers discovered close to 19 million plaintext passwords exposed on the public internet by misconfigured instances of Firebase, a Google platform for hosting databases, cloud computing, and app development.
Trello API abused to link email addresses to 15 million accounts
An exposed Trello API allows linking private email addresses with Trello accounts, enabling the creation of millions of data profiles containing both public and private information.
Sony confirms data breach impacting thousands in the U.S.
Sony Interactive Entertainment (Sony) has notified current and former employees and their family members about a cybersecurity breach that exposed personal information.
Toyota: Car location data of 2 million customers exposed for ten years
Toyota Motor Corporation disclosed a data breach on its cloud environment that exposed the car-location information of 2,150,000 customers for ten years, between November 6, 2013, and April 17, 2023.
Vice Society ransomware leaks University of Duisburg-Essen’s data
The Vice Society ransomware gang has claimed responsibility for the November 2022 cyberattack that forced the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE) to reconstruct its IT infrastructure, a process that's still ongoing.
Vice Society ransomware leaks University of Duisburg-Essen’s data
The Vice Society ransomware gang has claimed responsibility for the November 2022 cyberattack that forced the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE) to reconstruct its IT infrastructure, a process that's still ongoing.