Pegasus, il Parlamento europeo vuole chiarezza. Gli Stati Ue no
Premier, politici d’opposizione, giornalisti europei sono stati presi di mira da spyware governativi. Uno scandalo senza precedenti su cui ora indaga una commissione d’inchiesta. Ma non avrà vita facile.
Exclusive: Russian hackers are linked to new Brexit leak website, Google says
A new website that published leaked emails from several leading proponents of Britain's exit from the European Union is tied to Russian hackers, according to a Google cybersecurity official and the former head of UK foreign intelligence.
Si depuis l’offensive Russe en Ukraine, le « cyber Pearl Harbor » tant redouté n'a pas fait la Une de l’actualité, les assauts contre les infrastructures numériques de l’Ukraine et incidemment dans le reste de l’Europe ont bien été constatés.
CatalanGate: Extensive Mercenary Spyware Operation against Catalans Using Pegasus and Candiru
The Citizen Lab, in collaboration with Catalan civil society groups, has identified at least 65 individuals targeted or infected with mercenary spyware, including members of the European Parliament, Catalan Presidents, legislators, jurists, and members of civil society organisations.
Gli smartphone di almeno cinque funzionari di Bruxelles e del commissario alla Giustizia Reynders sono stati tenuti sotto controllo tra febbraio e settembre 2021 con software dell'azienda isrealiana Pegaus, contro cui Reynders aveva chiesto l'apertura di un'indagine
Denmark: Datatilsynet publishes guidance on use of cloud technologies
The Danish data protection authority ('Datatilsynet') announced, on 9 March 2022, that it had published a new guide on the use of cloud services, as well as a short overview of frequently asked questions ('FAQs'). In particular, the Datatilsynet stated that the new guide is targeted at data controllers and notes the considerations which data controllers must keep in mind when using a cloud service, including an outline of the pitfalls, opportunities, and obligations that arise when using such technologies. [Document PDF](
Boosting your Organisation's Cyber Resilience - Joint Publication
ENISA and CERT-EU strongly encourage all public and private sector organisations in the EU to adopt a minimum set of cybersecurity best practices [PDF Document](
The revelations made about the Pegasus spyware raised very serious questions about the possible impact of modern spyware tools on fundamental rights, and particularly on the rights to privacy and data protection. This paper aims to contribute to the ongoing assessment in the EU and globally of the ...