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Largest European DDoS Attack on Record
Largest European DDoS Attack on Record
The risk of distributed denial-of-service attacks (DDoS) has never been greater. Over the past several years, organizations have encountered a deluge of DDoS extortion, novel threats, state-sponsored hacktivism, and unprecedented innovation in the threat landscape.
Largest European DDoS Attack on Record
Largest European DDoS Attack on Record
Largest European DDoS Attack on Record
The risk of distributed denial-of-service attacks (DDoS) has never been greater. Over the past several years, organizations have encountered a deluge of DDoS extortion, novel threats, state-sponsored hacktivism, and unprecedented innovation in the threat landscape.
Largest European DDoS Attack on Record
DDoS threat report for 2023 Q2
DDoS threat report for 2023 Q2
Q2 2023 saw an unprecedented escalation in DDoS attack sophistication. Pro-Russian hacktivists REvil, Killnet and Anonymous Sudan joined forces to attack Western sites. Mitel vulnerability exploits surged by a whopping 532%, and attacks on crypto rocketed up by 600%. Read the full story...
DDoS threat report for 2023 Q2
Largest European DDoS Attack on Record
Largest European DDoS Attack on Record
The risk of distributed denial-of-service attacks (DDoS) has never been greater. Over the past several years, organizations have encountered a deluge of DDoS extortion, novel threats, state-sponsored hacktivism, and unprecedented innovation in the threat landscape.
Largest European DDoS Attack on Record
Microsoft says early June disruptions to Outlook, cloud platform, were cyberattacks
Microsoft says early June disruptions to Outlook, cloud platform, were cyberattacks
Microsoft says the early June disruptions to its Microsoft’s flagship office suite — including the Outlook email apps — were denial-of-service attacks by a shadowy new hacktivist group. In a blog post published Friday evening after The Associated Press sought clarification on the sporadic but serious outages, Microsoft confirmed that that they were DDoS attacks by a group calling itself Anonymous Sudan, which some security researchers believe is Russia-affiliated. The software giant offered few details on the attack. It did not comment on how many customers were affected.
Microsoft says early June disruptions to Outlook, cloud platform, were cyberattacks
Cyberattaques massives contre la Suisse, huit questions pour analyser une semaine folle
Cyberattaques massives contre la Suisse, huit questions pour analyser une semaine folle
La guerre s’est invitée dans le cyberespace suisse avec fracas cette semaine, le groupe de hackers NoName visant des dizaines de cibles. Il faudra mieux se préparer face à des attaques qui pourraient s’intensifier, avertissent trois experts
Cyberattaques massives contre la Suisse, huit questions pour analyser une semaine folle