Incendie OVH : une première décision de condamnation
Le tribunal juge qu’en stockant les 3 réplications de sauvegarde au même endroit que le serveur principal, OVH engage sa responsabilité contractuelle au titre du contrat de sauvegarde. Une ligne est en train de se dessiner dans la jurisprudence OVH : d’un côté les sociétés qui avaient pris soin de souscrire, en supplément, un contrat de sauvegarde et peuvent revendiquer une indemnisation, et d’un autre côté celles qui n’avaient pas pris cette précaution et n’ont que leurs yeux pour pleurer.
Adoption de l’OPDo et confirmation de l’entrée en vigueur de la nLPD
Comme cela était attendu, le Conseil fédéral a adopté les projets d’Ordonnance sur la protection des données (OPDo) et d’Ordonnance sur les certifications en matière de protection des données (OCPD) Plus rien ne s’oppose donc à l’entrée en vigueur de la Loi sur la protection des données révisée (nLPD) le 1er septembre 2023. Le Conseil fédéral a en effet souhaité laisser encore un peu de temps aux petites et moyennes entreprises pour se mettre en conformité.
Council conclusions on a Framework for a coordinated EU response to hybrid campaigns
RECALLS the relevant conclusions of the European Council1 and the Council2, ACKNOWLEDGES that state and non-state actors are increasingly using hybrid tactics, posing a growing threat to the security of the EU, its Member States and its partners3. RECOGNISES that, for some actors applying such tactics, peacetime is a period for covert malign activities, when a conflict can continue or be prepared for in a less open form. EMPHASISES that state actors and non-state actors also use information manipulation and other tactics to interfere in democratic processes and to mislead and deceive citizens. NOTES that Russia’s armed aggression against Ukraine is showing the readiness to use the highest level of military force, regardless of legal or humanitarian considerations, combined with hybrid tactics, cyberattacks, foreign information manipulation and interference, economic and energy coercion and an aggressive nuclear rhetoric, and ACKNOWLEDGES the related risks of potential spillover effects in EU neighbourhoods that could harm the interests of the EU.
Denmark: Datatilsynet publishes guidance on use of cloud technologies
The Danish data protection authority ('Datatilsynet') announced, on 9 March 2022, that it had published a new guide on the use of cloud services, as well as a short overview of frequently asked questions ('FAQs'). In particular, the Datatilsynet stated that the new guide is targeted at data controllers and notes the considerations which data controllers must keep in mind when using a cloud service, including an outline of the pitfalls, opportunities, and obligations that arise when using such technologies. Document PDF
Merck’s $1.4 Billion Insurance Win Splits Cyber From ‘Act of War’
Merck & Co.‘s victory in a legal dispute with insurers over coverage for $1.4 billion in losses from malware known as NotPetya is expected to force insurance policies to more clearly confront responsibility for the fallout from nation-state cyberattacks.
Incendie OVH : une première décision de condamnation
Le tribunal juge qu’en stockant les 3 réplications de sauvegarde au même endroit que le serveur principal, OVH engage sa responsabilité contractuelle au titre du contrat de sauvegarde. Une ligne est en train de se dessiner dans la jurisprudence OVH : d’un côté les sociétés qui avaient pris soin de souscrire, en supplément, un contrat de sauvegarde et peuvent revendiquer une indemnisation, et d’un autre côté celles qui n’avaient pas pris cette précaution et n’ont que leurs yeux pour pleurer.
Adoption de l’OPDo et confirmation de l’entrée en vigueur de la nLPD
Comme cela était attendu, le Conseil fédéral a adopté les projets d’Ordonnance sur la protection des données (OPDo) et d’Ordonnance sur les certifications en matière de protection des données (OCPD) Plus rien ne s’oppose donc à l’entrée en vigueur de la Loi sur la protection des données révisée (nLPD) le 1er septembre 2023. Le Conseil fédéral a en effet souhaité laisser encore un peu de temps aux petites et moyennes entreprises pour se mettre en conformité.
Council conclusions on a Framework for a coordinated EU response to hybrid campaigns
RECALLS the relevant conclusions of the European Council1 and the Council2, ACKNOWLEDGES that state and non-state actors are increasingly using hybrid tactics, posing a growing threat to the security of the EU, its Member States and its partners3. RECOGNISES that, for some actors applying such tactics, peacetime is a period for covert malign activities, when a conflict can continue or be prepared for in a less open form. EMPHASISES that state actors and non-state actors also use information manipulation and other tactics to interfere in democratic processes and to mislead and deceive citizens. NOTES that Russia’s armed aggression against Ukraine is showing the readiness to use the highest level of military force, regardless of legal or humanitarian considerations, combined with hybrid tactics, cyberattacks, foreign information manipulation and interference, economic and energy coercion and an aggressive nuclear rhetoric, and ACKNOWLEDGES the related risks of potential spillover effects in EU neighbourhoods that could harm the interests of the EU.
Denmark: Datatilsynet publishes guidance on use of cloud technologies
The Danish data protection authority ('Datatilsynet') announced, on 9 March 2022, that it had published a new guide on the use of cloud services, as well as a short overview of frequently asked questions ('FAQs'). In particular, the Datatilsynet stated that the new guide is targeted at data controllers and notes the considerations which data controllers must keep in mind when using a cloud service, including an outline of the pitfalls, opportunities, and obligations that arise when using such technologies. [Document PDF](
Merck’s $1.4 Billion Insurance Win Splits Cyber From ‘Act of War’
Merck & Co.‘s victory in a legal dispute with insurers over coverage for $1.4 billion in losses from malware known as NotPetya is expected to force insurance policies to more clearly confront responsibility for the fallout from nation-state cyberattacks.
Council conclusions on a Framework for a coordinated EU response to hybrid campaigns
RECALLS the relevant conclusions of the European Council1 and the Council2, ACKNOWLEDGES that state and non-state actors are increasingly using hybrid tactics, posing a growing threat to the security of the EU, its Member States and its partners3. RECOGNISES that, for some actors applying such tactics, peacetime is a period for covert malign activities, when a conflict can continue or be prepared for in a less open form. EMPHASISES that state actors and non-state actors also use information manipulation and other tactics to interfere in democratic processes and to mislead and deceive citizens. NOTES that Russia’s armed aggression against Ukraine is showing the readiness to use the highest level of military force, regardless of legal or humanitarian considerations, combined with hybrid tactics, cyberattacks, foreign information manipulation and interference, economic and energy coercion and an aggressive nuclear rhetoric, and ACKNOWLEDGES the related risks of potential spillover effects in EU neighbourhoods that could harm the interests of the EU.
Denmark: Datatilsynet publishes guidance on use of cloud technologies
The Danish data protection authority ('Datatilsynet') announced, on 9 March 2022, that it had published a new guide on the use of cloud services, as well as a short overview of frequently asked questions ('FAQs'). In particular, the Datatilsynet stated that the new guide is targeted at data controllers and notes the considerations which data controllers must keep in mind when using a cloud service, including an outline of the pitfalls, opportunities, and obligations that arise when using such technologies. [Document PDF](
Merck’s $1.4 Billion Insurance Win Splits Cyber From ‘Act of War’
Merck & Co.‘s victory in a legal dispute with insurers over coverage for $1.4 billion in losses from malware known as NotPetya is expected to force insurance policies to more clearly confront responsibility for the fallout from nation-state cyberattacks.