Unpacking RDStealer: An Exfiltration Malware Targeting RDP Workloads
In June 2023, Bitdefender Labs published a research paper about espionage operation in East Asia. This operation was ongoing since at least the beginning of 2022, showing a high level of sophistication typically associated with state-sponsored groups. Despite trying various methods, we have been unable to attribute these attacks to a specific threat actor, but the target aligns with the interest of China-based threat actors.
Chinese Cyberespionage Group BRONZE SILHOUETTE Targets U.S. Government and Defense Organizations
Learn how the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) issued a joint cybersecurity advisory highlighting a cluster of activity it attributes to a People’s Republic of China (PRC) state-sponsored threat group.
Pinduoduo: One of China's most popular apps has the ability to spy on its users, say experts
While many apps collect vast troves of user data, sometimes without explicit consent, experts say Chinese e-commerce giant Pinduoduo has taken violations of privacy and data security to the next level.
AI deepfake 'news anchors' found in pro-China footage on social media, research firm says - Hong Kong Free Press HKFP
The “news broadcasters” appear stunningly real, but they are AI-generated deepfakes in first-of-their-kind propaganda videos that a research report published Tuesday attributed to Chinese state-aligned actors. The fake anchors — for a fictious news outlet called Wolf News — were created by artificial intelligence software and appeared in footage on social media that seemed to […]
Chinese researchers claim to have broken RSA with a quantum computer. Experts aren’t so sure.
Researchers in China claim to have reached a breakthrough in quantum computing, figuring out how they can break the RSA public-key encryption system using a quantum computer of around the power that will soon be publicly available. Breaking 2048-bit RSA — in other words finding a method to consistently and quickly discover the secret prime numbers underpinning the algorithm — would be extremely significant. Although the RSA algorithm itself has largely been replaced in consumer-facing protocols, such as Transport Layer Security, it is still widely used in older enterprise and operational technology software and in many code-signing certificates.
Pro-PRC DRAGONBRIDGE Influence Campaign Leverages New TTPs to Aggressively Target U.S. Interests, Including Midterm Elections
Mandiant has recently observed DRAGONBRIDGE, an influence campaign we assess with high confidence to be operating in support of the political interests of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), aggressively targeting the United States by seeking to sow division both between the U.S. and its allies and within the U.S. political system itself. Recent narratives include: * Claims that the China-nexus threat group APT41 is instead a U.S. government-backed actor. * Aggressive attempts to discredit the U.S. democratic process, including attempts to discourage Americans from voting in the 2022 U.S. midterm elections. * Allegations that the U.S. was responsible for the Nord Stream gas pipeline explosions.
MAR-10365227-3.v1 China Chopper Webshells
CISA analyzed 15 files associated with China Chopper malware. The files are modified Offline Address Book (OAB) Virtual Directory (VD) configuration files for Microsoft Exchange servers. The files have been modified with a variant of the China Chopper webshell. The webshells allow an attacker to remotely access the server and execute arbitrary code on the system(s).referenced in this bulletin or otherwise.
China: Declaration by the Minister for Foreign Affairs on behalf of the Belgian Government urging Chinese authorities to take action against malicious cyber activities undertaken by Chinese actors
Declaration by the Minister for Foreign Affairs on behalf of the Belgian Government urging Chinese authorities to take action against malicious cyber activities undertaken by Chinese actors.
Storm Cloud on the Horizon: GIMMICK Malware Strikes at macOS
In late 2021, Volexity discovered an intrusion in an environment monitored as part of its Network Security Monitoring service. Volexity detected a system running frp, otherwise known as fast reverse proxy, and subsequently detected internal port scanning shortly afterward. This traffic was determined to be unauthorized and the system, a MacBook Pro running macOS 11.6 (Big Sur), was isolated for further forensic analysis. Volexity was able to run Surge Collect to acquire system memory (RAM) and select files of interest from the machine for analysis. This led to the discovery of a macOS variant of a malware implant Volexity calls GIMMICK. Volexity has encountered Windows versions of the malware family on several previous occasions. GIMMICK is used in targeted attacks by Storm Cloud, a Chinese espionage threat actor known to attack organizations across Asia. It is a feature-rich, multi-platform malware family that uses public cloud hosting services (such as Google […]
China-backed APT41 compromised ‘at least’ six US state governments
The prolific China APT41 hacking group, known for carrying out espionage in parallel with financially motivated operations, has compromised multiple U.S. state government networks, according to cybersecurity giant Mandiant. The group — seemingly undeterred by U.S. indictments against five APT41 members in 2020 — conducted a months-long campaign during which it targeted and successfully breached […]
Pinduoduo: One of China's most popular apps has the ability to spy on its users, say experts
While many apps collect vast troves of user data, sometimes without explicit consent, experts say Chinese e-commerce giant Pinduoduo has taken violations of privacy and data security to the next level.