Takedown of SMS-based FluBot spyware infecting Android phones
This technical achievement follows a complex investigation involving law enforcement authorities of Australia, Belgium, Finland, Hungary, Ireland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the Netherlands and the United States, with the coordination of international activity carried out by Europol’s European Cybercrime Centre (EC3). The investigation is ongoing to identify the individuals behind this global malware campaign. Here is how FluBot worked First spotted...
Pegasus vs. Predator: Dissident's Doubly-Infected iPhone Reveals Cytrox Mercenary Spyware
Two Egyptians—exiled politician Ayman Nour and the host of a popular news program (who wishes to remain anonymous)—were hacked with Predator spyware, built and sold by the previously little-known mercenary spyware developer Cytrox. The phone of Ayman Nour was simultaneously infected with both Cytrox’s Predator and NSO Group’s Pegasus spyware, operated by two different government clients.
CatalanGate: Extensive Mercenary Spyware Operation against Catalans Using Pegasus and Candiru
The Citizen Lab, in collaboration with Catalan civil society groups, has identified at least 65 individuals targeted or infected with mercenary spyware, including members of the European Parliament, Catalan Presidents, legislators, jurists, and members of civil society organisations.
Pegasus spyware scandal uncovered by fake image file on an iPhone
The scandal over NSO Group's Pegasus spyware was uncovered by a single fake image file mistakenly left on an activist's iPhone, a report states, a discovery that prompted international outcry over privacy.
‘Zero-Click’ Hacks Are Growing in Popularity. There’s Practically No Way to Stop Them
As a journalist working for the Arab news network Alaraby, Rania Dridi said she’s taken precautions to avoid being targeted by hackers, keeping an eye out for suspicious messages and avoiding clicking on links or opening attachments from people she doesn’t know.
The revelations made about the Pegasus spyware raised very serious questions about the possible impact of modern spyware tools on fundamental rights, and particularly on the rights to privacy and data protection. This paper aims to contribute to the ongoing assessment in the EU and globally of the ...
DEV-0196: QuaDream’s “KingsPawn” malware used to target civil society in Europe, North America, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia - Microsoft Security Blog
Microsoft analyzes a threat group tracked as DEV-0196, the actor’s iOS malware “KingsPawn”, and their link to an Israel-based private sector offensive actor (PSOA) known as QuaDream, which reportedly sells a suite of exploits, malware, and infrastructure called REIGN, that’s designed to exfiltrate data from mobile devices.
Sweet QuaDreams: A First Look at Spyware Vendor QuaDream’s Exploits, Victims, and Customers - The Citizen Lab
At least five civil society victims of QuaDream’s spyware and exploits were identified in North America, Central Asia, Southeast Asia, Europe, and the Middle East. Victims include journalists, political opposition figures, and an NGO worker. Traces of a suspected iOS 14 zero-click exploit used to deploy QuaDream’s spyware.
Spyware vendors use 0-days and n-days against popular platforms
Google’s Threat Analysis Group (TAG) tracks actors involved in information operations (IO), government backed attacks and financially motivated abuse. For years, TAG has been tracking the activities of commercial spyware vendors to protect users. Today, we actively track more than 30 vendors with varying levels of sophistication and public exposure selling exploits or surveillance capabilities to government backed actors. These vendors are enabling the proliferation of dangerous hacking tools, arming governments that would not be able to develop these capabilities in-house. While use of surveillance technologies may be legal under national or international laws, they are often found to be used by governments to target dissidents, journalists, human rights workers and opposition party politicians.
Meta Manager Was Hacked With Spyware and Wiretapped in Greece
A U.S. and Greek national who worked on Meta’s security and trust team while based in Greece was placed under a yearlong wiretap by the Greek national intelligence service and hacked with a powerful cyberespionage tool, according to documents obtained by The New York Times and officials with knowledge of the case.
Israeli Firm Suspected of Illegally Selling Classified Spy Tech
Haaretz reveals NFV Systems’ surveillance tools; firm under investigation by secretive Israeli body for skirting arms export controls, in case that may ‘damage national security’
Le renseignement espagnol muet sur le scandale du logiciel espion Pegasus
Auditionnée par le Parlement européen, la directrice du Centre national espagnol s’est contentée de rappeler le cadre juridique, selon les eurodéputés.
Internal Documents Show How Close the F.B.I. Came to Deploying Spyware - The New York Times
Christopher Wray, the F.B.I.’s director, told Congress last December that the bureau purchased the phone hacking tool Pegasus for research and development purposes.
Logiciels espions et surveillance : un rapport de l’ONU met en garde contre les menaces croissantes pour la vie privée et les droits de l’homme
Le droit à la vie privée est de plus en plus menacé par l’utilisation de technologies numériques modernes en réseau, dont les caractéristiques en font de formidables outils de surveillance, de contrôle et d’oppression, selon un nouveau rapport de l’ONU. Il est donc essentiel que ces technologies soient encadrées par une réglementation efficace reposant sur le droit international des droits de l’homme et les normes applicables en la matière [PDF Document link](https://documents-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/G22/442/29/PDF/G2244229.pdf?OpenElement)
An Italian surveillance company is tracking people all over the world on a grand scale on behalf of its clients – including in countries with a recent history of corruption and human rights abuses. Its powerful spyware was recently found in Kazakhstan and Romania. Europe’s parliamentarians voice growing concern about an out-of-control surveillance industry and call for it to be regulated.
Greek intelligence service admits spying on journalist
The head of Greek intelligence told a parliamentary committee his agency had spied on a journalist, two sources present said, in a disclosure that coincides with growing pressure on the government to shed light on the use of surveillance malware.
Untangling KNOTWEED: European private-sector offensive actor using 0-day exploits
MSTIC and MSRC disclose technical details of a private-sector offensive actor (PSOA) tracked as KNOTWEED using multiple Windows and Adobe 0-day exploits, including one for the recently patched CVE-2022-22047, in limited and targeted attacks against European and Central American customers.
The Return of Candiru: Zero-days in the Middle East - Avast Threat Labs
We recently discovered a zero-day vulnerability in Google Chrome (CVE-2022-2294) when it was exploited in the wild in an attempt to attack Avast users in the Middle East. The vulnerability was a memory corruption in WebRTC that was abused to achieve shellcode execution in Chrome’s renderer process. We reported this vulnerability to Google, who patched it on July 4, 2022.
As civil society and media organisations expose EU Member States' use of the Pegasus commercial spyware, one of the most high-profile spying scandals of recent years is coming to light in Europe.
Spyware vendor targets users in Italy and Kazakhstan
Today, alongside Google’s Project Zero, we are detailing capabilities provided by RCS Labs, an Italian vendor that uses a combination of tactics, including atypical drive-by downloads as initial infection vectors to target mobile users on both iOS and Android.
Lookout Découverte d'un logiciel espion Android déployé au Kazakhstan
Lookout Les chercheurs de Threat Lab ont découvert un logiciel de surveillance Android de niveau entreprise utilisé par le gouvernement du Kazakhstan à l'intérieur de ses frontières. D'après notre analyse, le logiciel espion est probablement développé par le fournisseur italien de logiciels espions RCS Lab S.p.A.