Google Delivers Record-Breaking $12M in Bug Bounties
Google's Android and Chrome Vulnerability Reward Programs (VRPs) in particular saw hundreds of valid reports and payouts for security vulnerabilities discovered by ethical hackers.
Activision's Data Breach Contains Employee Information, Call of Duty and More, Report
Insider Gaming has been able to obtain the entirety of the gaming giant Activision’s data breach initially reported by vx-underground and confirmed the data contains plans for Modern Warfare 2’s upcoming DLCs, Call of Duty 2023 (Codenamed Jupiter) and Call of Duty 2024 (Codenamed Cerberus), as well as sensitive employee information.
Fortinet FortiNAC CVE-2022-39952 Deep-Dive and IOCs
Fortinet FortiNAC CVE-2022-39952 Deep-Dive and IOCs. This vulnerability allows remote code execution as the root user. (advisory
Resecurity notified several data center organizations about malicious cyber activity targeting them and their customers. The initial early-warning threat notification about this activity was sent around September 2021 with further updates during 2022 and January, 2023. Recent cyber-attacks on cloud service providers (CSPs) and managed services providers (MSPs) saw bad actors attempt to leverage a weakness in their cybersecurity supply chain with the goal of stealing sensitive data from their target enterprises and government organizations. Data centers are meaningful targets for attackers and an important element of the enterprise supply chain.
Hackers Start Selling Data Center Logins for Some of World’s Largest Corporations
Such credentials in the wrong hands could be dangerous, experts say, potentially allowing physical access to data centers. The affected data center operators say the stolen information didn’t pose risks for customer IT systems.
Magecart Attack Disguised as Google Tag Manager | Akamai
Magecart skimmers constantly evolve. Recent attacks aimed at stealing sensitive customer information illustrate the need for comprehensive security solutions.
A series of distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks shut down seven German airports' websites on Thursday, a day after a major IT glitch at Lufthansa grounded flights.
FBI says it has 'contained' cyber incident on bureau's computer network
The FBI has been investigating and working to contain a malicious cyber incident on part of its computer network in recent days, according to people briefed on the matter. FBI officials believe the incident involved an FBI computer system used in investigations of images of child sexual exploitation, two sources briefed on the matter told CNN.
Clop ransomware claims it breached 130 orgs using GoAnywhere zero-day
The Clop ransomware gang claims to be behind recent attacks that exploited a zero-day vulnerability in the GoAnywhere MFT secure file transfer tool, saying they stole data from over 130 organizations.
Escroquerie aux SMS de l'Assurance maladie : les suspects volaient les numéros de téléphone depuis leur voiture
Cinq hommes sont mis en examen, qui ont eu recours à un appareil utilisé habituellement par les services de renseignement pour voler les numéros des automobilistes voisins, a appris franceinfo samedi.
GoDaddy: Hackers stole source code, installed malware in multi-year breach
Web hosting giant GoDaddy says it suffered a breach where unknown attackers have stolen source code and installed malware on its servers after breaching its cPanel shared hosting environment in a multi-year attack.
Hacker Uncovers How to Turn Traffic Lights Green With Flipper Zero
We've talked about this tiny gadget before: the Flipper Zero. Officially, it's a $170 tamagotchi-fied hacking gadget with a sub-gigahertz radio and some accessory pins. Unofficially, it's a menace's best friend.
The loss of availability Ransomware causes is enough to make your day/week/s bad, the loss of data, bad month/quarter or longer. Lockbit posted “Royal Mail need new negotiator.” Followed by “ALL AVAILABLE DATA PUBLISHED !” What we actually found is that they published the chat history:
Microsoft today patched 80 different vulnerabilities. This includes the Chromium vulnerabilities affecting Microsoft Edge. Nine vulnerabilities are rated as "Critical" by Microsoft. Three of the vulnerabilities, all rated "important", are already being exploited
Ethical hackers can now legally hack Belgian companies
A new Belgian law will allow ethical hackers to hack into the data of Belgian companies without any prior permission. Until now such practices could land you in jail.
The Israelis Destabilizing Democracy and Disrupting Elections Worldwide - National Security & Cyber - Haaretz
No Morals, No Qualms, No Borders: From an Office Building in Israel, Experts in Technological Manipulation Are Attacking Democracies, Media and Elections Across the World
Ces hackers israéliens qui ont piraté les élections en Afrique
Dans du projet « Story Killers » qui poursuit le travail de la journaliste indienne Gauri Lankesh sur la désinformation, le consortium Forbidden Stories révèle aujourd’hui l’existence d’une entreprise israélienne ultra-secrète impliquée dans la manipulation d’élections à grande échelle et le piratage de responsables politiques africains. Une plongée inédite au cœur d’un monde où s’entremêlent armée de trolls, cyber espionnage et jeux d’influence. Story Killers, une enquête mondiale sur les mercenaires de la désinformation, que Mondafrique a le fierté de publier. Cécile Andrzejewski « Les choses n’ont pas forcément besoin d’être vraies, du moment qu’elles sont crues. » Voilà une citation qui
ThreatLabz observed a new campaign targeting a Government organization in which the threat actors utilized a new Command & Control (C2) framework named Havoc
We decided to check what ChatGPT already knows about threat research and whether it can help with identifying simple adversary tools and classic indicators of compromise, such as well-known malicious hashes and domains.
New MortalKombat ransomware and Laplas Clipper malware threats deployed in financially motivated campaign
Since December 2022, Cisco Talos has been observing an unidentified actor deploying two relatively new threats, the recently discovered MortalKombat ransomware and a GO variant of the Laplas Clipper malware, to steal cryptocurrency from victims.
Cloudflare mitigates record-breaking 71 million request-per-second DDoS attack
This was a weekend of record-breaking DDoS DDoS. Over the weekend, Cloudflare detected and mitigated dozens of hyper-volumetric DDoS attacks. The majority of attacks peaked in the ballpark of 50-70 million requests per second (rps) with the largest exceeding 71 million rps. This is the largest reported HTTP DDoS attack on record, more than 35% higher than the previous reported record of 46M rps in June 2022.
What's allowed for Cupertino is verboten for everyone else Apple has again been sued for promising privacy and allegedly failing to provide it. The complaint [PDF], filed in Northern California District Court on behalf of plaintiff Julie Cima, claims Apple captures iPhone customer data despite device settings declaring a preference that information should not be shared.