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Uncovering the Dark Web Underground Forum: “” a Nexus for Illicit Cyber Activities
Uncovering the Dark Web Underground Forum: “” a Nexus for Illicit Cyber Activities
In the hidden corners of the internet, a parallel economy thrives—one that operates beyond the reach of conventional search engines and law enforcement agencies. Dark Web Forums have become the breeding grounds for cybercriminals. In the world of cybersecurity, Exploit in is a well-known private Russian hacker forum. Since it began in 2012, the forum has developed into a well-known exchange and sales platform for various cybercrime tools and stolen data. A wide range of cybercrime-related topics are covered by Exploit, such as credit card information, email spamming tools, social engineering, security & vulnerabilities, social network hacking, cryptography, cracked tools, buying and selling of hacked databases, info-stealer & Malware as a service (Maas). The creators of Exploit, a well-known cybercrime forum where ransomware gangs recruit affiliates and promote their Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS) offerings, have declared that ransomware advertisements are no longer permitted and will be taken down.
Uncovering the Dark Web Underground Forum: “” a Nexus for Illicit Cyber Activities
Diamond Sleet supply chain compromise distributes a modified CyberLink installer
Diamond Sleet supply chain compromise distributes a modified CyberLink installer
Microsoft has uncovered a supply chain attack by the threat actor Diamond Sleet (ZINC) involving a malicious variant of an application developed by CyberLink Corp. This malicious file is a legitimate CyberLink application installer that has been modified to include malicious code that downloads, decrypts, and loads a second-stage payload. The file, which was signed using a valid certificate issued to CyberLink Corp., is hosted on legitimate update infrastructure owned by the organization.
Diamond Sleet supply chain compromise distributes a modified CyberLink installer
Medical Transcription Service Data Breach Impacts Multiple Health Systems
Medical Transcription Service Data Breach Impacts Multiple Health Systems
Northwell Health and Cook County Health both notified patients of a third-party data breach that originated at Perry Johnson & Associates, a medical transcription vendor. The HHS data breach portal now shows that the Perry Johnson & Associates data breach impacted nearly 9 million individuals, making it one of the largest reported healthcare data breaches this year.
Medical Transcription Service Data Breach Impacts Multiple Health Systems
Spyware Targeting Against Serbian Civil Society - The Citizen Lab
Spyware Targeting Against Serbian Civil Society - The Citizen Lab
We confirm that two members of Serbian civil society were targeted with spyware earlier this year. Both have publicly criticized the Serbian government. We are not naming the individuals at this time by their request. The Citizen Lab’s technical analysis of forensic artifacts was conducted in support of an investigation led by Access Now in collaboration with the SHARE Foundation. Researchers from Amnesty International independently analyzed the cases and their conclusions match our findings.
Spyware Targeting Against Serbian Civil Society - The Citizen Lab
Into the Trash: Analyzing LitterDrifter
Into the Trash: Analyzing LitterDrifter
Gamaredon, also known as Primitive Bear, ACTINIUM, and Shuckworm, is a unique player in the Russian espionage ecosystem that targets a wide variety of almost exclusively Ukrainian entities. While researchers often struggle to uncover evidence of Russian espionage activities, Gamaredon is notably conspicuous. The group behind it conducts large-scale campaigns while still primarily focusing on regional targets. The Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) identified the Gamaredon personnel as Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) officers.
Into the Trash: Analyzing LitterDrifter
How to bypass Windows Hello, log into vulnerable laptops
How to bypass Windows Hello, log into vulnerable laptops
Hardware security hackers have detailed how it's possible to bypass Windows Hello's fingerprint authentication and login as someone else – if you can steal or be left alone with their vulnerable device. The research was carried out by Blackwing Intelligence, primarily Jesse D'Aguanno and Timo Teräs, and was commissioned and sponsored by Microsoft's Offensive Research and Security Engineering group. The pair's findings were presented at the IT giant's BlueHat conference last month, and made public this week. You can watch the duo's talk below, or dive into the details in their write-up here.
How to bypass Windows Hello, log into vulnerable laptops
Hacking Employers and Seeking Employment: Two Job-Related Campaigns Bear Hallmarks of North Korean Threat Actors
Hacking Employers and Seeking Employment: Two Job-Related Campaigns Bear Hallmarks of North Korean Threat Actors
Two ongoing campaigns bear hallmarks of North Korean state-sponsored threat actors, posing in job-seeking roles to distribute malware or conduct espionage.
Hacking Employers and Seeking Employment: Two Job-Related Campaigns Bear Hallmarks of North Korean Threat Actors
Business Continuity in a Box
Business Continuity in a Box
Business Continuity in a Box – developed by the Australian Signals Directorate’s Australian Cyber Security Centre (ASD’s ACSC), with contributions from the United States Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) – assists organisations with swiftly and securely standing up critical business functions during or following a cyber incident. By using Business Continuity in a Box, organisations can maintain or re-establish the basic functions needed to operate a business while responding to the issues affecting their existing systems.
Business Continuity in a Box
Meet the Unique New "Hacking" Group: AlphaLock
Meet the Unique New "Hacking" Group: AlphaLock
It’s not every day that you discover a new Russian hacking group complete with a song and dance routine (performed live), a sleek user interface (with dark mode!) and a clearly thought-out business model. But that is exactly what our security research team discovered with “AlphaLock,” a “pentesting training organization” that trains hackers and then monetizes their services through a dedicated affiliate program. ... We originally discovered their group through a public Telegram channel that has since become private. This post will serve as a detailed investigation and description of one of the most brazen, strange, and best marketed cybercrime groups to appear in 2023. Cybercrime sophistication and commoditization continues to grow: We now have a real life example of a threat group that seeks to create its own talent pool through a training program, goes to extensive lengths to market itself, and plans to monetize this through a hacker-for-hire scheme. The level of technical sophistication required to do this isn’t very high, but the level of organizational sophistication and business acumen is quite interesting. Ransomware isn’t the only game in town: Cybercriminals typically choose the path of least resistance that is most likely to prove profitable, this has been increasingly the case as the cybercrime ecosystem has evolved into a functional market economy. However AlphaLock represents another potential method to both monetize and democratize cybercrime. This could be a particularly interesting model alternative for ransomware groups if the U.S. follows through with the proposal of banning ransomware payments. A Technical Threat Actor Supply Shortage? One of the most fascinating things about AlphaLock is they want to create a pipeline of talent to populate their hacker marketplace. This suggests that there may be limitations on the supply of talented threat actors that have the required degree of sophistication to the point where they have tried to build their own pipeline of actors. The Brand: Our researchers have noted an increasing focus on group “brand” and identity among financially motivated threat groups. AlphaLock has clearly made significant investments in time to create a brand and reputation for itself. Notice in the final post they even advertise that they are looking to hire someone to market themselves on Telegram and social media. * Blurred Lines: Many security practitioners have often assumed that threat actors primarily operate on the dark web. In most cases today this isn’t the case. There are increasingly blurred lines between clear web sites, Tor, and social media applications such as Telegram that create easy avenues for threat actors to congregate and communicate.
Meet the Unique New "Hacking" Group: AlphaLock
Artificial Intelligence in Education – Legal Best Practices
Artificial Intelligence in Education – Legal Best Practices
Artificial intelligence offers potential for individualised learning in education and supports teachers in repetitive tasks such as corrections. However, there are regulatory and ethical challenges. The guide is primarily aimed at providers, but can also offer insightful insights to school leaders.
Artificial Intelligence in Education – Legal Best Practices