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Second data wiper attack hits Ukraine computer networks
Second data wiper attack hits Ukraine computer networks
Two cybersecurity firms with a strong business presence in Ukraine—ESET and Broadcom’s Symantec—have reported tonight that computer networks in the country have been hit with a new data-wiping attack. The attack is taking place as Russian military troops have crossed the border and invaded Ukraine’s territory in what Russian President Putin has described as a “peacekeeping” mission.
Second data wiper attack hits Ukraine computer networks
Mēris botnet, climbing to the record
Mēris botnet, climbing to the record
End of June 2021, Qrator Labs started to see signs of a new assaulting force on the Internet – a botnet of a new kind. That is a joint research we conducted together with Yandex to elaborate on the specifics of the DDoS attacks enabler emerging in almost real-time.
Mēris botnet, climbing to the record
Largest European DDoS Attack on Record
Largest European DDoS Attack on Record
The risk of distributed denial-of-service attacks (DDoS) has never been greater. Over the past several years, organizations have encountered a deluge of DDoS extortion, novel threats, state-sponsored hacktivism, and unprecedented innovation in the threat landscape.
Largest European DDoS Attack on Record
Over 18.8 million IPs vulnerable to Middlebox TCP reflection DDoS attacks
Over 18.8 million IPs vulnerable to Middlebox TCP reflection DDoS attacks
We recently began scanning for middlebox devices that are vulnerable to Middlebox TCP reflection, which can be abused for DDoS amplification attacks.  Our results are now shared daily, filtered for your network or constituency in the new Vulnerable DDoS Middlebox report. We uncover over 18,800,000 IPv4 addresses responding to our Middlebox probes. In some cases the amplification rates can exceed 10,000!
Over 18.8 million IPs vulnerable to Middlebox TCP reflection DDoS attacks
Second data wiper attack hits Ukraine computer networks
Second data wiper attack hits Ukraine computer networks
Two cybersecurity firms with a strong business presence in Ukraine—ESET and Broadcom’s Symantec—have reported tonight that computer networks in the country have been hit with a new data-wiping attack. The attack is taking place as Russian military troops have crossed the border and invaded Ukraine’s territory in what Russian President Putin has described as a “peacekeeping” mission.
Second data wiper attack hits Ukraine computer networks