Pinduoduo: One of China's most popular apps has the ability to spy on its users, say experts
While many apps collect vast troves of user data, sometimes without explicit consent, experts say Chinese e-commerce giant Pinduoduo has taken violations of privacy and data security to the next level.
L'uso di piattaforme didattiche fornite da Google e Microsoft nelle scuole italiane solleva interrogativi sullo scambio di dati con gli Stati Uniti, al centro di un braccio di ferro tra Washington e la Commissione europea. E per il ministero dell'Istruzione il problema è delle scuole
Les trackers GPS et Bluetooth, des petites balises dont il faut se méfier
Une récente enquête a montré les immenses capacités des trackers GPS et Bluetooth pour pister et retrouver des objets. Ils mesurent à peine quelques centimètres et sont d’une efficacité redoutable. Des trackers ont été récemment au cœur d’une enquête sur le leader de la vente de vêtement en ligne Zalando. Trois médias allemands ont glissé des appareils de ce type dans des habits renvoyés après une commande. Le but était de voir dans quels pays voyageaient ensuite les vêtements
Sony's Legal Attack on Quad9, Censorship, and Freedom of Speech
A potentially precedent-setting legal case involving Sony Music and Quad9 may endanger internet freedom of speech and allow unchecked content censorship.
What's allowed for Cupertino is verboten for everyone else Apple has again been sued for promising privacy and allegedly failing to provide it. The complaint [PDF], filed in Northern California District Court on behalf of plaintiff Julie Cima, claims Apple captures iPhone customer data despite device settings declaring a preference that information should not be shared.
A Police App Exposed Secret Details About Raids and Suspects | WIRED
SweepWizard, an app that law enforcement used to coordinate raids, left sensitive information about hundreds of police operations publicly accessible.
The decision is one of the most consequential issued under the E.U.’s landmark data-protection law and creates a new business headwind for the social media giant.
Leaked: The Altrnativ world of cybersurveillance About this series: As co-founder of the French search engine Qwant, Eric Leandri was heralded as a champion of digital privacy and an example of Eur…
Videosorveglianza: stop del Garante privacy a riconoscimento facciale e occhiali smart. L’Autorità apre istruttorie nei confronti di due Comuni
L’Autorità ha aperto un’istruttoria nei confronti del Comune di Lecce, che ha annunciato l’avvio di un sistema che prevede l’impiego di tecnologie di riconoscimento facciale. In base alla normativa europea e nazionale, ha ricordato l’Autorità, il trattamento di dati personali realizzato da soggetti pubblici, mediante dispositivi video, è generalmente ammesso se necessario per l’esecuzione di un compito di interesse pubblico o connesso all’esercizio di pubblici poteri.
Google Reaches $391.5 Million Settlement With States Over Location Tracking Practices
Attorneys general found that Google violated state consumer protection laws by misleading consumers about its location-data practices, tracking consumers even when their location history setting was turned off.
Internal Documents Show How Close the F.B.I. Came to Deploying Spyware - The New York Times
Christopher Wray, the F.B.I.’s director, told Congress last December that the bureau purchased the phone hacking tool Pegasus for research and development purposes.
Department for Education warned after gambling companies benefit from learning records database
The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has issued a reprimand to the Department for Education (DfE) following the prolonged misuse of the personal information of up to 28 million children. An ICO investigation found that the DfE’s poor due diligence meant a database of pupils’ learning records was ultimately used by Trust Systems Software UK Ltd (trading as Trustopia), an employment screening firm, to check whether people opening online gambling accounts were 18.
SiriSpy - iOS bug allowed apps to eavesdrop on your conversations with Siri
Any app with access to Bluetooth could record your conversations with Siri and audio from the iOS keyboard dictation feature when using AirPods or Beats headsets. This would happen without the app requesting microphone access permission and without the app leaving any trace that it was listening to the microphone.
Revealed: US Military Bought Mass Monitoring Tool That Includes Internet Browsing, Email Data
The “Augury” platform includes highly sensitive network data that Team Cymru, a private company, is selling to the military. “It’s everything. There’s nothing else to capture except the smell of electricity,” one cybersecurity expert said.
Inside Fog Data Science, the Secretive Company Selling Mass Surveillance to Local Police
A data broker has been selling raw location data about individual people to federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies, EFF has learned. This personal data isn’t gathered from cell phone towers or tech giants like Google — it’s obtained by the broker via thousands of different apps on Android and iOS app stores as part of the larger location data marketplace.
Malicious Cookie Stuffing Chrome Extensions with 1.4 Million Users
A few months ago, we blogged about malicious extensions redirecting users to phishing sites and inserting affiliate IDs into cookies of eCommerce sites. Since that time, we have investigated several other malicious extensions and discovered 5 extensions with a total install base of over 1,400,000 "...the extensions also track the user’s browsing activity."
Tech tool offers police ‘mass surveillance on a budget’
Local law enforcement agencies from suburban Southern California to rural North Carolina have been using an obscure cellphone tracking tool, at times without search warrants, that gives them the power to follow people’s movements months back in time, according to public records and internal emails obtained by The Associated Press.
Cette entreprise vend des données aussi sensibles que des visites dans des centres IVG - Numerama
La Federal Trade Commission, l'agence responsables des bonnes pratiques commerciales aux États-Unis, a lancé une procédure judiciaire contre Kocheva, un groupe chargé du traitement de données de milliers d'entreprises, dont Googles Ads, TikTok ou Tinder. Cette société est accusée de revendre des informations très