Revealed: US Military Bought Mass Monitoring Tool That Includes Internet Browsing, Email Data
The “Augury” platform includes highly sensitive network data that Team Cymru, a private company, is selling to the military. “It’s everything. There’s nothing else to capture except the smell of electricity,” one cybersecurity expert said.
Los Angeles School District Hit by Ransomware Attack
California's largest public school district and the second-largest in the U.S. is undergoing a ransomware attack. The attack has disrupted the district's email
Online Attack Disrupts Michigan School District for 2nd Day
School is out for more than 3,000 students of a suburban Detroit district undergoing its second day of forensics analysis following an online attack. Students have
Chromium Blog: Announcing the Launch of the Chrome Root Program
In 2020, we announced we were in the early phases of establishing the Chrome Root Program and launching the Chrome Root Store. The Chrome Root Program ultimately determines which website certificates are trusted by default in Chrome, and enables more consistent and reliable website certificate validation across platforms. This post shares an update on our progress and how these changes help us better protect Chrome’s users.
Record 25.3 Billion Request Multiplexing Attack Mitigated by Imperva
On June 27, 2022, Imperva mitigated a single attack with over 25.3 billion requests, setting a new record for Imperva’s application DDoS mitigation solution. While attacks with over one million requests per second (RPS) aren’t new, we’ve previously only seen them last for several seconds to a few minutes. On June 27, Imperva successfully mitigated a strong attack that lasted more than four hours and peaked at 3.9 million RPS.
Affaire Pegasus: l'Union européenne se penche sur le dossier suisse - - Monde
Le Haut Commissariat aux droits de l’homme des Nations unies a publié vendredi un nouveau rapport extrêmement alarmant sur les menaces des nouvelles technologies de surveillance quant au respect de la vie privée et des droits humains. Les usages dénoncés font largement écho à la situation en Suisse.
Turning Your Computer Into a GPS Tracker With Apple Maps
One of the things Apple cares about in terms of its bug bounty program is your location data. Apple rightly categorizes real-time or historical precise location data as "sensitive data" which in some cases qualifies for a significant monetary award.
Six months into Breached: The legacy of RaidForums?
On March 14, 2022, a new English-language cybercrime forum called Breached (also known as BreachForums) launched, as a response to the closure and seizure of the popular RaidForums. Breached was launched with the same design by the threat actor “pompompurin” as “an alternative to RaidForums,” offering large-scale database leaks, login credentials, adult content, and hacking tools.
Incoscienti e sfacciati: le tecniche dei teenager che violano aziende
Specializzati soprattutto in social engineering, i ragazzini di oggi continuano, come un tempo, a essere protagonisti di gravi incidenti informatici. Come è possibile?
we’re studying the ConfuserEx1 obfuscation mechanism of a Ginzo .NET sample. This class of obfuscator is known as code flatteners. We describe how it can dealt with it using a Python script within IDA Pro2, a famous reverse-engineering tool.
Revolut hack exposes data of 50,000 users, fuels new phishing wave
Revolut is sending out notices of a data breach to a small percentage of impacted users, informing them of a security incident where an unauthorized third party accessed internal data.
In the context of an internationally coordinated operation against a ransomware group, the Zurich Public Prosecutor’s Office is leading criminal proceedings against an accused person. At the same time, cyber investigators of the Zurich Cantonal Police have been intensively analysing the data storage devices seized from that person in the past months. This analysis has revealed numerous private keys. They enable the aggrieved companies to recover their encrypted data.
Get root on macOS 12.3.1: proof-of-concepts for Linus Henze’s CoreTrust and DriverKit bugs (CVE-2022-26766, CVE-2022-26763)
Here are two proof-of-concepts for CVE-2022-26766 (CoreTrust allows any root certificate) and CVE-2022-26763 (IOPCIDevice::_MemoryAccess not checking bounds at all), two issues discovered by @LinusHenze and patched in macOS 12.4 / iOS 15.5.
Webworm: Espionage Attackers Testing and Using Older Modified RATs
The attackers are working on a number of malware threats, some of which have been used in attacks while others are in pre-deployment or testing stages. Symantec, by Broadcom Software, has gained insight into the current activities of a group we call Webworm. The group has developed customized versions of three older remote access Trojans (RATs), including Trochilus, Gh0st RAT, and 9002 RAT. At least one of the indicators of compromise (IOCs) observed by Symantec was used in an attack against an IT service provider operating in multiple Asian countries, while others appear to be in pre-deployment or testing stages.
RedLine spreads through ads for cheats and cracks on YouTube
An unusual malicious bundle (a collection of malicious programs distributed in the form of a single installation file, self-extracting archive or other file with installer-type functionality) recently caught our eye. Its main payload is the widespread RedLine stealer. Discovered in March 2020, RedLine is currently one of the most common Trojans used to steal passwords and credentials from browsers, FTP clients and desktop messengers. It is openly available on underground hacker forums for just a few hundred dollars, a relatively small price tag for malware.
Undermining Microsoft Teams Security by Mining Tokens
In August 2022, the Vectra Protect team identified an attack path that enables malicious actors with file system access to steal credentials for any Microsoft Teams user who is signed in.
How Human Traffickers Force Victims Into Cyberscamming
Traffickers in Southeast Asia force thousands of people into perpetrating cyberscams that defraud Americans out of millions of dollars. Here’s how they do it.