ICO fines facial recognition database company Clearview AI Inc more than £7.5m and orders UK data to be deleted
The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has fined Clearview AI Inc £7,552,800 for using images of people in the UK, and elsewhere, that were collected from the web and social media to create a global online database that could be used for facial recognition. The ICO has also issued an enforcement notice, ordering the company to stop obtaining and using the personal data of UK residents that is publicly available on the internet, and to delete the data of UK residents from its systems.
Fronton: A Botnet for Creation, Command, and Control of Coordinated Inauthentic Behavior
May 2022 Investigative Report Release: Nisos analysts determined that Fronton is a system developed for coordinated inauthentic behavior on a massive scale. Read more. [document](https://6068438.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/6068438/fronton-report.pdf)
Des chercheurs reprogramment un AirTag et pointent quelques trous dans la raquette d'Apple
Des chercheurs se sont penchés sur ce qui se cachait sous le capot des AirTags et ont voulu voir ce qu'il était possible de faire en bidouillant la petite balise connectée. Ils ont découvert quelques grosses faiblesses qu'Apple aura bien du mal à corriger, sauf en revoyant en profondeur son appareil. Leur compte rendu révèle que l'accessoire est sensible à une attaque par
Gimmick MacOS Malware Spreads Through Customized Files, Enables MacOS CodeSign Bypass - CloudSEK
We discovered that Gimmick MacOS malware communicates only through their C2 server hosted on Google Drive. The malware was discovered in the first week of May and it has been actively targeting macOS devices
Large-scale Analysis of DNS-based Tracking Evasion - broad data leaks included?
User tracking technologies are ubiquitous on the web. In recent times web browsers try to fight abuses. This led to an arms race where new tracking and anti-tracking measures are being developed. The use of one of such evasion techniques, the CNAME cloaking technique is recently quickly gaining popularity. Our evidence indicates that the use of the CNAME scheme threatens web security and privacy systematically and in general
Exclusive: Russian hackers are linked to new Brexit leak website, Google says
A new website that published leaked emails from several leading proponents of Britain's exit from the European Union is tied to Russian hackers, according to a Google cybersecurity official and the former head of UK foreign intelligence.
Guerre en Ukraine : Anonymous déclare la cyberguerre à Killnet, un collectif de hackers pro-russes
En luttant contre le groupe Killnet, Anonymous espère réduire le nombre d'attaques en ligne portées par ce dernier à l'encontre des gouvernements de plusieurs pays membres de l'OTAN
New Zoom Flaws Could Let Attackers Hack Victims Just by Sending them a Message
Popular video conferencing service Zoom has resolved as many as four security vulnerabilities, which could be exploited to compromise another user over chat by sending specially crafted Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) messages and execute malicious code.
PyPI package 'ctx' and PHP library 'phpass' compromised to steal environment variables
This week, immensely popular PyPI package 'ctx' has been compromised and altered to steal environment variables from its users. Additionally, a forked PHP project 'phpass' also suffered a repo-hijacking attack with the project tained with identical malicious payload.
Remote Code Execution on Western Digital PR4100 NAS (CVE-2022-23121)
This blog post describes an unchecked return value vulnerability found and exploited in September 2021 by Alex Plaskett, Cedric Halbronn and Aaron Adams working at the Exploit Development Group (EDG) of NCC Group. We successfully exploited it at Pwn2Own 2021 competition in November 2021 when targeting the Western Digital PR4100.
Rise in XorDdos: A deeper look at the stealthy DDoS malware targeting Linux devices - Microsoft Security Blog
Observing a 254% increase in activity over the last six months from a versatile Linux trojan called XorDdos, the Microsoft 365 Defender research team provides in-depth analysis into this stealthy malware's capabilities and key infection signs.
Protecting Android users from 0-Day attacks
To protect our users, Google’s Threat Analysis Group (TAG) routinely hunts for 0-day vulnerabilities exploited in-the-wild. In 2021, we reported nine 0-days affecting Chrome, Android, Apple and Microsoft, leading to patches to protect users from these attacks.
Policy Statement – Securing Canada’s Telecommunications System
The Government of Canada has serious concerns about suppliers such as Huawei and ZTE who could be compelled to comply with extrajudicial directions from foreign governments in ways that would conflict with Canadian laws or would be detrimental to Canadian interests.
President Rodrigo Chaves says Costa Rica is at war with Conti hackers
The president of Costa Rica says his country is "at war", as cyber-criminals cause major disruption to IT systems of numerous government ministries. Rodrigo Chaves said hackers infiltrated 27 government institutions, including municipalities and state-run utilities.
Critical Privilege Escalation Vulnerability in Jupiter and JupiterX Premium Themes
On April 5, 2022, the Wordfence Threat Intelligence team initiated the responsible disclosure process for a set of vulnerabilities in the Jupiter and JupiterX Premium themes and the required JupiterX Core companion plugin for WordPress, which included a critical privilege escalation vulnerability that allowed any user to become an administrator. The plugin developers quickly replied ...Read More