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NoName057(16) DDoSia project: 2024 updates and behavioural shifts
NoName057(16) DDoSia project: 2024 updates and behavioural shifts
Learn about NoName057(16), a pro-Russian hacktivist group behind Project DDoSia targeting entities supporting Ukraine. Discover an overview of the changes made by the group, both from the perspective of the software shared by the group to generate DDoS attacks and the specifics of the evolution of the C2 servers. It also provides an overview of the country and sectors targeted by the group for 2024.
NoName057(16) DDoSia project: 2024 updates and behavioural shifts
CISA cautions against using hacked Ivanti VPN gateways even after factory resets
CISA cautions against using hacked Ivanti VPN gateways even after factory resets
The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) revealed today that attackers who hack Ivanti VPN appliances using one of multiple actively exploited vulnerabilities may be able to maintain root persistence even after performing factory resets.
CISA cautions against using hacked Ivanti VPN gateways even after factory resets
Threat Actors Exploit Multiple Vulnerabilities in Ivanti Connect Connect and Policy Secure Gateways | CISA
Threat Actors Exploit Multiple Vulnerabilities in Ivanti Connect Connect and Policy Secure Gateways | CISA
Based upon the authoring organizations’ observations during incident response activities and available industry reporting, as supplemented by CISA’s research findings, the authoring organizations recommend that the safest course of action for network defenders is to assume a sophisticated threat actor may deploy rootkit level persistence on a device that has been reset and lay dormant for an arbitrary amount of time. For example, as outlined in PRC State-Sponsored Actors Compromise and Maintain Persistent Access to U.S. Critical Infrastructure), sophisticated actors may remain silent on compromised networks for long periods. The authoring organizations strongly urge all organizations to consider the significant risk of adversary access to, and persistence on, Ivanti Connect Secure and Ivanti Policy Secure gateways when determining whether to continue operating these devices in an enterprise environment.
Threat Actors Exploit Multiple Vulnerabilities in Ivanti Connect Connect and Policy Secure Gateways | CISA
BlackCat Ransomware Affiliate TTPs
BlackCat Ransomware Affiliate TTPs
This blog post provides a detailed look at the TTPs of a ransomware affiliate operator. In this case, the endpoint had been moved to another infrastructure (as illustrated by various command lines, and confirmed by the partner), so while Huntress SOC analysts reported the activity to the partner, no Huntress customer was impacted by the ransomware deployment.
BlackCat Ransomware Affiliate TTPs
le team sa - Informations sur le cyberincident chez leteam sa
le team sa - Informations sur le cyberincident chez leteam sa
En décembre 2023, leteam sa a été victime d'une cyber-attaque. Un groupe de ransomware connu a pu accéder au réseau et crypter plusieurs disques. Grâce à une réaction rapide de l'équipe informatique et d'experts en sécurité externes, l'attaque a pu être rapidement contrée et les systèmes restaurés. L'analyse de l'incident a révélé une fuite de certaines données, mais celle-ci a été jugée à l'époque comme étant partiellement critique. Un monitoring a été mis en place pour surveiller une éventuelle publication de données.
le team sa - Informations sur le cyberincident chez leteam sa
Lazarus and the FudModule Rootkit: Beyond BYOVD with an Admin-to-Kernel Zero-Day - Avast Threat Labs
Lazarus and the FudModule Rootkit: Beyond BYOVD with an Admin-to-Kernel Zero-Day - Avast Threat Labs
The Lazarus Group is back with an upgraded variant of their FudModule rootkit, this time enabled by a zero-day admin-to-kernel vulnerability for CVE-2024-21338. Read this blog for a detailed analysis of this rootkit variant and learn more about several new techniques, including a handle table entry manipulation technique that directly targets Microsoft Defender, CrowdStrike Falcon, and HitmanPro.
Lazarus and the FudModule Rootkit: Beyond BYOVD with an Admin-to-Kernel Zero-Day - Avast Threat Labs
How the Pentagon Learned to Use Targeted Ads to Find Its Targets—and Vladimir Putin | WIRED
How the Pentagon Learned to Use Targeted Ads to Find Its Targets—and Vladimir Putin | WIRED
Meet the guy who taught US intelligence agencies how to make the most of the ad tech ecosystem, "the largest information-gathering enterprise ever conceived by man." #Ads #US #department-of-defense #information-gathering #longreads #secrecy-and-surveillance #spies #wired
How the Pentagon Learned to Use Targeted Ads to Find Its Targets—and Vladimir Putin | WIRED
Paris 2024 : vol d'un ordinateur et de clés USB contenant des plans de sécurisation des JO
Paris 2024 : vol d'un ordinateur et de clés USB contenant des plans de sécurisation des JO
Lundi soir, dans un train gare du Nord, un ingénieur de la mairie de Paris s'est fait voler une sacoche contenant un ordinateur et deux clés USB. Problème, dessus étaient stockés les plans de sécurisation des Jeux olympiques de Paris 2024 par la police municipale.
Paris 2024 : vol d'un ordinateur et de clés USB contenant des plans de sécurisation des JO
Civil society complaint raises concern that LinkedIn is violating DSA ad targeting restrictions
Civil society complaint raises concern that LinkedIn is violating DSA ad targeting restrictions
On 26 February, EDRi and its partners Global Witness, Gesellschaft für Freiheitsrechte and Bits of Freedom have submitted a complaint to the European Commission regarding a potential infringement of the Digital Services Act (DSA). Specifically, we have raised concerns that LinkedIn, a designated Very Large Online Platform (VLOP) under the DSA, infringes the DSA’s new prohibition of targeting online adverts based on profiling using sensitive categories of personal data such as sexuality, political opinions, or race.
Civil society complaint raises concern that LinkedIn is violating DSA ad targeting restrictions
Joomla: PHP Bug Introduces Multiple XSS Vulnerabilities
Joomla: PHP Bug Introduces Multiple XSS Vulnerabilities
  • Sonar’s Vulnerability Research Team has discovered an issue that led to multiple XSS vulnerabilities in the popular Content Management System Joomla. The issue discovered with the help of SonarCloud affects Joomla’s core filter component and is tracked as CVE-2024-21726. Attackers can leverage the issue to gain remote code execution by tricking an administrator into clicking on a malicious link. The underlying PHP bug is an inconsistency in how PHP’s mbstring functions handle invalid multibyte sequences. The bug was fixed with PHP versions 8.3 and 8.4, but not backported to older PHP versions. * Joomla released a security announcement and published version 5.0.3/4.4.3, which mitigates the vulnerability.
Joomla: PHP Bug Introduces Multiple XSS Vulnerabilities
“SubdoMailing” — Thousands of Hijacked Major-Brand Subdomains Found Bombarding Users With Millions of Malicious Emails
“SubdoMailing” — Thousands of Hijacked Major-Brand Subdomains Found Bombarding Users With Millions of Malicious Emails
Guardio Labs uncovers a sprawling campaign of subdomain hijacking, compromising already over 8,000 domains from esteemed brands and institutions, including MSN, VMware, McAfee, The Economist, Cornell University, CBS, Marvel, eBay and others. This malicious activity, dubbed “SubdoMailing”, leverages the trust associated with these domains to circulate spam and malicious phishing emails by the Millions each day, cunningly using their credibility and stolen resources to slip past security measures. In our detailed analysis, we disclose how we detected this extensive subdomain hijacking effort, its mechanisms, its unprecedented scale and the main threat actor behind it. Furthermore, we developedthe “SubdoMailing” checker — a website designed to empower domain owners to reclaim control over their compromised assets and shield themselves against such pervasive threats. This report not only sheds light on the magnitude of the issue but also serves as a call to action for enhancing domain security against future exploits.
“SubdoMailing” — Thousands of Hijacked Major-Brand Subdomains Found Bombarding Users With Millions of Malicious Emails
U.S. and U.K. Disrupt LockBit Ransomware Variant | United States Department of Justice
U.S. and U.K. Disrupt LockBit Ransomware Variant | United States Department of Justice
The Department of Justice joined the United Kingdom and international law enforcement partners in London today to announce the disruption of the LockBit ransomware group, one of the most active ransomware groups in the world that has targeted over 2,000 victims, received more than $120 million in ransom payments, and made ransom demands totaling hundreds of millions of dollars.
U.S. and U.K. Disrupt LockBit Ransomware Variant | United States Department of Justice