Les autorités suisses disposeront de moyens renforcés | blue News
Les autorités suisses disposeront dès le 1er janvier de moyens élargis pour surveiller les données issues d'internet et de la téléphonie mobile. Elles pourront notamment plus facilement identifier qui se cache derrière un numéro usurpé ou inconnu.
L’exploitation de vulnérabilités critiques revient en force sur le devant de la scène pour l’établissement d’un accès initial et le lancement de cyberattaques. Elles étaient nombreuses l'an dernier.
Cyberattaques : 2023, année noire pour les ESN
L’année qui s’achève a vu de nombreuses entreprises de services numériques frappées par des cyberattaques, en France et au-delà. Avec à chaque fois, un nombre conséquent d’organisations affectées indirectement.
Le Centre hospitalier cantonal de St-Gall a attribué un contrat de 2,2 millions de francs suisses pour un service de centre opérationnel de sécurité SOC.
Russian military hackers target Ukraine with new MASEPIE malware
Ukraine's Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) is warning of a new phishing campaign that allowed Russia-linked hackers to deploy previously unseen malware on a network in under one hour.
Ukraine war: What's the impact of cyber guerrillas?
In response to Russia's invasion, Ukraine called for support from volunteers operating in cyberspace. Since then, hackers have helped Kyiv's war effort. But this new phenomenon also draws criticism.
Things are about to get a lot worse for Generative AI
A full of spectrum of infringment The cat is out of the bag: Generative AI systems like DALL-E and ChatGPT have been trained on copyrighted materials; OpenAI, despite its name, has not been transparent about what it has been trained on. Generative AI systems are fully capable of producing materials that infringe on copyright. They do not inform users when they do so. They do not provide any information about the provenance of any of the images they produce. Users may not know when they produce any given image whether they are infringing.
Amnesty confirms Apple warning: Indian journalists’ iPhones infected with Pegasus spyware
Apple's warnings in late October that Indian journalists and opposition figures may have been targeted by state-sponsored attacks prompted a forceful Behind closed doors, senior officials from Modi's administration demanded that Apple soften the political impact of the state-sponsored warnings, according to Washington Post.
Lockbit ransomware disrupts emergency care at German hospitals
German hospital network Katholische Hospitalvereinigung Ostwestfalen (KHO) has confirmed that recent service disruptions were caused by a Lockbit ransomware attack where the threat actors gained access to IT systems and encrypted devices on the network.
Steam game mod breached to push password-stealing malware
Downfall, a fan expansion for the popular Slay the Spire indie strategy game, was breached on Christmas Day to push Epsilon information stealer malware using the Steam update system.
New malware found in analysis of Russian hacks on Ukraine, Poland
Researchers at Ukraine's computer emergency response team said that during attacks in December, Russian hackers deployed novel malware via a phishing campaign.
Iranian Hackers Claim They Disrupted Albanian Institutions
Albania's Parliament and a telecommunications service provider faced online attacks on Christmas day, according to the Albanian National Authority for Electronic #AKCESK #Albania #Authority #Certification #Cyber #Cyberwarfare #Electronic #Hacking #Homeland #Iran #Justice #MEK #National #Security #Warfare #and #for
Cybercriminals launched “Leaksmas” event in the Dark Web exposing massive volumes of leaked PII and compromised data
Even as the New Year approached and the world celebrated the festive Christmas season, the cybercriminal community did not pause their activities. Instead, they marked the holiday season in their unique way. On Christmas Eve, Resecurity observed multiple actors on the Dark Web releasing substantial data dumps. These were the result of data breaches and network intrusions to a variety of companies and government agencies. Numerous leaks disseminated in the underground cyber world were tagged with 'Free Leaksmas,' indicating that these significant leaks were shared freely among various cybercriminals as a form of mutual gratitude.
Microsoft disables MSIX protocol handler abused in malware attacks
Microsoft has again disabled the MSIX ms-appinstaller protocol handler after multiple financially motivated threat groups abused it to infect Windows users with malware.
Les données médicales toujours plus vulnérables face aux cyberattaques
En Suisse et partout ailleurs dans le monde, les hôpitaux se retrouvent fréquemment dans la ligne de mire des cybercriminels, exposant nos données médicales à des risques considérables. Dans une ère où la numérisation de la santé est en plein essor, la protection des informations sensibles apparaît comme un défi majeur.
Les arnaques aux QR codes se multiplient depuis quelques mois
Les QR codes sont devenus d'incontournables moyens de paiement en Suisse. Très pratiques, ils sont néanmoins faillibles et les arnaques fleurissent, en particulier en matière de parkings. La prudence est de mise.
This Clever New Idea Could Fix AirTag Stalking While Maximizing Privacy
Apple updated its location-tracking system in an attempt to cut down on AirTag abuse while still preserving privacy. Researchers think they’ve found a better balance.
Operation Triangulation: The last (hardware) mystery
Recent iPhone models have additional hardware-based security protection for sensitive regions of the kernel memory. We discovered that to bypass this hardware-based security protection, the attackers used another hardware feature of Apple-designed SoCs.
GTA 5 source code reportedly leaked online a year after RockStar hack
The source code for Grand Theft Auto 5 was reportedly leaked on Christmas Eve, a little over a year after the Lapsus$ threat actors hacked Rockstar games and stole corporate data.