Decker Shado Movie Reviews

Decker Shado Movie Reviews

Dungeons & Dragons Wrath of the Dragon God Review by Decker Shado
Dungeons & Dragons Wrath of the Dragon God Review by Decker Shado
Buy Dungeons & Dragons 2 in a 2 movie collection on Amazon via my referral link: Help support my channel at My facebook - When you saw the original Dungeons & Dragons movie, did it make you wish to Pelor or Olidammara that another would be made? Well consider that wish not granted, as this film is vastly different from the first. However, if you're a D&D fan who hated the film for having the name but nothing else.. you may be in luck! Dungeons & Dragons: Wrath of the Dragon God sticks a lot closer to the source material. Unfortunately, the budget and release were severely limited, being a Syfy made for TV movie. Nevertheless, how does it hold up as a movie, and as a proper tale of D&D?
Dungeons & Dragons Wrath of the Dragon God Review by Decker Shado
Alien Review by Decker Shado
Alien Review by Decker Shado
Buy Alien on Amazon via my referral link: The classic 1979 sci-fi horror movie Alien, revisited for your viewing pleasure! Yes, it's one that everyone has reviewed at some point, including me. In fact, I reviewed it so long ago it's not even counted on my list of episodes. So... why not review it again? Well, because I don't like too much repetition. Still, there is quite a lot that I have still to say about this movie. Help support my channel at My facebook -
Alien Review by Decker Shado
Cutie Honey Review by Decker Shado
Cutie Honey Review by Decker Shado
Buy Cutie Honey on Amazon via my referral link: Due to certain circumstances, Creepy has decided to make my show useful in preparing me for the planned trip to Japan. To this cause, he has provided for review the 2004 film adaptation of Cutie Honey. A balls-to-the-wall over the top action movie, where most of the characters don't have any - but they do have superpowers! Mostly those involving wearing as little as possible. Wait.. how could I not like this movie? Help support my channel at My facebook -
Cutie Honey Review by Decker Shado
Godzilla 2014 Reaction/Review
Godzilla 2014 Reaction/Review
Hey, I got to see the 2014 Godzilla film after all! ...a tad late, but still. Help support my channel at Check out my latest videos at My facebook -
Godzilla 2014 Reaction/Review
Cypher Review by Decker Shado
Cypher Review by Decker Shado
Buy Cypher on Amazon via my referral link: Another film attempting to make a profit off of the popularity of The Matrix, Cypher was a Miramax funded low budget espionage film from 2002. How does that make it a Matrix rip-off? Well, it doesn't really. Technology is a huge part of the world, but because of the low budget that's mostly behind the scenes. On the surface, it's all spy vs spy of the two big companies. Don't worry about the people getting caught in the crossfire though, EVERYONE is a spy. Help support my channel at My facebook -
Cypher Review by Decker Shado
From Hell Review
From Hell Review
Buy From Hell on Amazon via my referral link: Based on the graphic novel based on the killings of Jack the Ripper, From Hell stars Johnny Depp as the investigator leading the case in the Whitechapel murders. How closely does it match the actual history of the case though? Well.. let's put it this way.. if it took place on Mars, it would be just about as true to history. Help support my channel at My facebook -
From Hell Review
Sex Pot Review by Decker Shado
Sex Pot Review by Decker Shado
Buy Sex Pot on Amazon via my referral link: In the tradition of a 4:20 special for my show, how about a review of Sex Pot, the Asylum's sex themed rip off of Half Baked? ...well horror and sci-fi films with heavy marijuana themes are kind of rare, you know. Anyway! Sex Pot is the tale of two idiots who desperately want to lose their virginity, but are really picky about what does or does not count. They also have some weed that makes women go crazy - so they set up another arbitrary achievement as that's just too easy. Oy... Help support my channel at My facebook -
Sex Pot Review by Decker Shado
Akira Review by Decker Shado
Akira Review by Decker Shado
Buy Akira on Amazon via my referral link: The 1988 anime film that helped create the demand for the genre in America, Akira was based on the long running Manga series of the same name. Famously shunned by big names like George Lucas as being unmarketable, it's still remembered for being remarkable - and very strange. Some love it, some hate it - but what do I think of it? Oh you know you're supposed to click on the video to learn that part. Help support my channel at My facebook -
Akira Review by Decker Shado
Aliens Review by Decker Shado
Aliens Review by Decker Shado
Buy Aliens on Amazon via my referral link: How do you make a sequel that's so good, people argue over if it or the original were better for years to come? One idea is to try doing something very different than the first. At least this way, the film is not simply "The Movie: Again" and you have a chance to expand the universe in smart ways. Such is the case with Aliens, directed by James Cameron. While not straight horror like it's predecessor, it helped flesh out the setting a lot more and gave us a bunch of depth for the creatures in question. So... what do I have to say about it? Besides all that, I mean. Help support my channel at My facebook -
Aliens Review by Decker Shado
Godzilla King of the Monsters Review by Decker Shado
Godzilla King of the Monsters Review by Decker Shado
Buy Godzilla: King of the Monsters on Amazon via my referral link: This week, we look at the unoriginal original Godzilla film! As the 1954 production had to be "Americanized" before it was released in the majority of theaters on this side. So while this takes the original movie and tells the original story, it is anything but the original version. Nevertheless, how does Hollywood fare inserting Raymond Burr into the first major Kaiju film? do you think? Help support my channel at My facebook -
Godzilla King of the Monsters Review by Decker Shado
The Beastmaster Review by Decker Shado
The Beastmaster Review by Decker Shado
Buy The Beastmaster on Amazon via my referral link: Released in 1982, The Beastmaster came out in the wake of Conan the Barbarian. Despite this, it didn't get much praise during it's theatrical run. However, subsequent airings on cable TV granted the film a cult following that has grown over the years. So in this tale of swords, sorcery, barbarism and boobs - there yet remains one question that must be answered... is it really worth watching? Help support my channel at My facebook -
The Beastmaster Review by Decker Shado
8 Man Review by Decker Shado
8 Man Review by Decker Shado
Buy 8 Man on Amazon via my referral link: Back in 1992, when robotic police were the "thing," 8 Man sought to ride the coattails of Robocop, despite the truth being that the original 8 Man manga and anime series came out much, MUCH earlier. Still, as this was the only live action film adaptation to take place, it ended up being compared to Robocop more often than not. Especially in America, where most of the people weren't familiar with the original series. Nevertheless, it's 8 Man! And.. um.. wait, what is this movie even about? Help support my channel at My facebook -
8 Man Review by Decker Shado
Alien³ Review by Decker Shado
Alien³ Review by Decker Shado
Buy Alien 3 on Amazon via my referral link: Alien Cubed, where we glimpse into the square root of all evil! Or not, as I'm just making things up. The point is, a lot of decisions were done on the fly in this movie, which was put together in such a haphazard self-destructive way, it's actually very impressive that it turned out as well as it did. That's not to say it turned out great, though... Help support my channel at My facebook -
Alien³ Review by Decker Shado
Merlin and the War of the Dragons Review by Decker Shado
Merlin and the War of the Dragons Review by Decker Shado
Buy Merlin and the War of the Dragons on Amazon via my referral link: So I find myself at the mercy of YouTube's unpredictable nature? Well may as well dive in head first by tackling an Asylum movie as soon as possible! This week, I bring you Merlin and the War of the Dragons. Strangely though, this almost comes off as a semi decent movie, going by the cast. They're not all great, heck there's not even all good... but some performances stand out in ways you don't usually see in Asylum movies. Sadly, this does little to change the fact that at it's heart, this is still an asylum film. Help support my channel at My facebook -
Merlin and the War of the Dragons Review by Decker Shado
The Guyver Review
The Guyver Review
Buy The Guyver on Amazon via my referral link: What happens when one person wants to make an awesome movie about a Japanese series they love, but everyone else on the project wants to turn it into a generic kid's movie? Well.. THIS. Guyver! Starring Mark Hamill - they even have him on the DVD cover as if he himself is the Guyver! But he's not. Yay for deceptive marketing tactics... Help support my channel at My facebook -
The Guyver Review
Alien Resurrection Review
Alien Resurrection Review
Buy Alien Resurrection an Amazon via my referral link: Proving that no matter how bad an idea, if someone in a suit thinks a character is absolutely necessary for a franchise, even killing them off isn't good enough to prevent them from insisting they be used. Thus, we got Alien Resurrection, where bringing the Xenomorph back from extinction honestly took a backseat to getting Mrs. Weaver to reprise her role as Ripley yet again. While this one didn't have quite the production hell to worry about that the third film did, that's not to say it went much smoother... Help support my channel at My facebook -
Alien Resurrection Review
Hellraiser Review
Hellraiser Review
Buy Hellraiser 1 and 2 on Amazon via my referral link: The horror classic from the famous horror writer, Clive Barker's Hellraiser was the film adaptation of his own novella, The Hellbound Heart. Interestingly enough, there were still many differences between the book and the movie, even though he wrote and directed this too. It's enough to make you wonder.. how well does the film hold up today? Help support my channel at My facebook -
Hellraiser Review
Hellbound Hellraiser II Review
Hellbound Hellraiser II Review
Buy Hellraiser 1 and 2 on Amazon via my referral link: Movie studios are known for pumping out sequels, but it's still rare to see one that was greenlit well before the original made a profit as Hellraiser had yet to be released. Nevertheless, many of those details that Clive couldn't fit into the first movie spilled over into Hellbound: Hellraiser II. Unfortunately though, despite coming out only one year later, not all the actors returned to reprise their roles... So.. plans changed. Help support my channel at My facebook - Follow me on Twitter @DeckerShado
Hellbound Hellraiser II Review
Hellraiser III Review
Hellraiser III Review
Buy Hellraiser III - VIII on Amazon via my referral link: In 1992, Hell would come.. to EARTH! Which gives two options. Los Angeles, or New York? More importantly.. how would it come together, as Miramax now held the rights to the franchise? Clive Barker had the least influence of any Hellraiser movie yet, and almost none of the previous characters are even mentioned in this one. That... makes me worry... Help support my channel at My facebook - Follow me on Twitter @DeckerShado
Hellraiser III Review
Hellraiser III Review Subscriber Message
Hellraiser III Review Subscriber Message Help support my channel at My facebook - Follow me on Twitter @DeckerShado
Hellraiser III Review Subscriber Message
Hellraiser Bloodline Review
Hellraiser Bloodline Review
Buy Hellraiser III - VIII on Amazon via my referral link: The fourth and final Hellraiser film to be shown in theaters, Bloodline looks like it might have sought to be a new trilogy, as it's story is much more ambitious than your usual 90 minute flick. However, if they did that, then we'd have to wait quite a while for our Pinhead, and we can't have that. Surely, having Pinhead appear in the first second is far more important than coherent storytelling, or even keeping studio meddling down far enough so the director DOESN'T walk off set in anger. Surely. Help support my channel at My facebook - Follow me on Twitter @DeckerShado
Hellraiser Bloodline Review
Hellraiser Inferno Review
Hellraiser Inferno Review
Buy Hellraiser III - VIII on Amazon via my referral link: After the Hellraiser series left theaters, never to return.. Inferno would come out some years later, straight to video. However, it's hard to say what inspired this movie, as it feels nothing like a Hellraiser film. Instead, it's kind of a psychological horror murder mystery, and in fact, could easily work without Pinhead or any reference to Hellraiser at all. Probably because that's how it was originally written... they just slapped Pinhead in there and viola! 5th film! Oh dear... Help support my channel at My facebook - Follow me on Twitter @DeckerShado
Hellraiser Inferno Review
Don't Look in the Basement Review
Don't Look in the Basement Review
Buy Don't Look in the Basement in a 2-pack on Amazon via my referral link: A classic horror from 1973, presented as a double feature with Last House on the Left, Don't Look in the Basement (or it's alternate title, The Forgotten) is a low budget horror movie set in an Asylum. The premise is interesting, but the twists more than obvious. However, does the acting and presentation make up for that? Help support my channel at My facebook - Follow me on Twitter @DeckerShado
Don't Look in the Basement Review
Guyver Dark Hero Review
Guyver Dark Hero Review
Buy The Guyver 2 on Amazon via my referral link: A mere three years after the live action Guyver movie disappointed the world, Guyver Dark Hero would be released. Not because the original was some kind of success that demanded a sequel, but the original brains behind the film really wanted to do a good job with it, and sought to right the wrongs this time around. For starters, the old cast is gone and replaced with brand new faces, even for returning characters. It really is a clean slate.. but then, was it really a better execution? Help support my channel at My facebook - Follow me on Twitter @DeckerShado
Guyver Dark Hero Review
Hellraiser Hellseeker Review
Hellraiser Hellseeker Review
Buy Hellraiser III - VIII on Amazon via my referral link: The second straight to video Hellraiser film, Hellseeker sought to... hell? Maybe! The original script was yet again not written as a Hellraiser movie, but they shoehorned Kirsty Cotton into this one, so... take the bad with the bad? Help support my channel at My facebook - Follow me on Twitter @DeckerShado
Hellraiser Hellseeker Review
Hellraiser Deader Review
Hellraiser Deader Review
Buy Hellraiser III - VIII on Amazon via my referral link: The seventh film in the Hellraiser franchise, which strangely due to odd distribution rights tends to get sold on it's own (while you can get a 4 pack of 4,5,6 and 8) Hellraiser Deader is the story about how someone tried to make a semi interesting psychological horror film with elements of Lovecraft, only to have the script picked up by Miramax and be turned into a Hellraiser movie no matter the cost. There's no stopping the rampage of the puzzle box now... it's Hellraiser: Deader. Help support my channel at My facebook - Follow me on Twitter @DeckerShado
Hellraiser Deader Review
Hellraiser Hellworld Review
Hellraiser Hellworld Review
Buy Hellraiser III - VIII on Amazon via my referral link: After being drug through the mud for the last 3 films, the 8th film in the Hellraiser franchise sought to bury the series. At least, that's what it looks like in Hellraiser Hellworld, where 5 generic friends embark on a generic adventure towards a generic horror where generic terror awaits them. To top it all off... Lance Henrickson will be there. Help support my channel at My facebook - Follow me on Twitter @DeckerShado
Hellraiser Hellworld Review
Kamen Rider The First Review
Kamen Rider The First Review
Buy "Masked Rider the First" on Amazon via my referral link: Kamen Rider "The First" was certainly not the original of the 30ish year old series when it came out in 2005, but it was trying to represent the original continuity for a new audience. However, while the original series was aimed more at children, the new audience the studio seemed to be after included adults.. adults who seemingly don't care much for tokusatsu. They do however, love them some drama. Oh boy... Help support my channel at My facebook - Follow me on Twitter @DeckerShado
Kamen Rider The First Review
Hellraiser Revelations Review
Hellraiser Revelations Review
Buy Hellraiser Revelation on Amazon via my referral link: The final movie in the Hellraiser franchse (as of 2014) Hellraiser Revelations was... oh screw it. Dimension films needed to keep the rights to the series, and threw this together over a weekend for just that purpose. Infamously it has a different actor portray Pinhead, but it also is the first Hellraiser in YEARS to actually be written as a Hellraiser movie. How bad could it be?'s Revelations. Help support my channel at My facebook - Follow me on Twitter @DeckerShado
Hellraiser Revelations Review
Predator Review
Predator Review
Purchse Predator + Predator 2 on Amazon via this handy dandy referral link! Deep in the jungles of miscellaneous Spanish-speaking country, an alien presence hunts and kills. That's pretty much the entire plot right there. Still, this film is a classic for many reasons.. three of the main cast ended up as politicians, the filming was delayed 8 months while the predator was extensively redesigned, and most interestingly... critics kind of thought the film was "meh" when it came out. Help support my channel at My facebook - Follow me on Twitter @DeckerShado
Predator Review