FTI: Participant Testimonial ⠌VL 3 Kettlebells Master Trainer Course

#Master #Kettlebells #Participant
FTI: Participant Testimonial ⠌VL 3 Kettlebells Master Trainer Course
FTI: Participant Testimonial ⠌VL 3 Kettlebells Master Trainer Course
http://functionaltraininginstitute.com : This video is a testimonial of Luke Istomin, found of F45 Training, who completed the ⍡ster Kettlebell Instructor Level 3⠣ourse. We teach many techniques in our ⍡ster Kettlebell Instructor Level 3⠣ourse, only at AIK. http://kettlebellinstitute...Read more #Videos
FTI: Participant Testimonial ⠌VL 3 Kettlebells Master Trainer Course