It is imperative that the future be dominated by a Don't Touch Supply Chain Strategy!

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It is imperative that the future be dominated by a Don't Touch Supply Chain Strategy!
It is imperative that the future be dominated by a Don't Touch Supply Chain Strategy!
The overarching strategy for limiting exposure to, and spreading of, the Coronavirus is that of Social Distancing. We are all instructed to keep 6 feet apart from anyone, wear masks, and avoid any social gatherings and donҴ touch. How does this relate to a DonҴ Touch Supply Chain strategy? Even with social distancing, the global ŠContinue reading "A DonҴ Touch Supply Chain Strategy Must Now Dominate The Future!"The post A DonҴ Touch Supply Chain Strategy Must Now Dominate The Future! appeared first on Supply Chain Game Changerي
It is imperative that the future be dominated by a Don't Touch Supply Chain Strategy!