Vegetarian Supplements
If youҲe one of the growing number of vegetarians or vegans, youҶe probably heard ofvegan supplements. These are products such as nutritional bars, drinks, and pills that contain no animal products or processed foods at all. While there are many health benefits to a vegan diet, many people donҴ think that a vegan supplement would be a good idea. After all, who wants to take supplements? Here are some of the health benefits to consider when it comes to vegan supplements.
Many vegetarians and vegans suffer from iodine deficiency. Iodine is needed to help produce the hormone thyroid. This hormone helps maintain healthy bones, muscles, nerves, and organs. If you donҴ get enough iodine in your diet, your body can use iodine from animal sources for what it needs instead, which can cause several symptoms including: depression, hair loss, irritability, mood swings, slow healing, fatigue, and inflammation. So, a vegan diet is a good way to increase your iodine levels without causing harmful side effects like those found in iodine deficiency.
Vitamin B-12 is important for energy production and proper nerve and brain function. Unfortunately, many vegetarians and vegans donҴ eat enough vitamin b-12 in their diet. However, supplementing it can help your body absorb it properly, helping prevent vitamin b-12 deficiency and related symptoms. A number of good vegan supplements contain vitamin b-12. For example, Moringa extract is a reliable source of vitamin b-12.
Vitamins C and D are important nutrients for maintaining a healthy digestive system and weight loss. In fact, research has shown that some vegetarians have a higher risk of colon cancer than non-vegetarians. In addition, low blood levels of vitamin C and D have been linked to depression and other diseases. Fortunately, supplementing these key nutrients with vegan supplements is simple, since many companies make vitamin supplements with natural plant extracts.
Another one of the most important nutrients needed by the body is iodine. Iodine is required for the human body to function properly, so most vegans are often low in this mineral. While there are plenty of organic iodine sources available, most people need to eat foods that contain at least moderate amounts of iodine in order to get their needed daily doses. Fortunately, supplements for iodine are widely available both as an insert in food (for example, seaweed contains all of the necessary iodine) and as a liquid supplement.
Iron is another important nutrient that is often deficient in a vegan diet. Iron is essential for red blood cell production and cell development, which is why deficiency can cause anemia in even otherwise healthy individuals. Fortunately, it is possible to improve the absorption of iron in a vegan diet by including foods rich in antioxidants, such as green tea and spices like turmeric. Additionally, a few animal-based iron supplements may be useful for persons with a mild iron deficiency. In most cases, however, it is better to get your iron from plant-based foods rather than iron-fortified drinks.
Many vegans also donҴ get enough B12 in their diets, and this can lead to anemia. A good supplement for this is absorption brass supplements. However, even absorption pills arenҴ quite suitable for vegans, because they often contain cheap soy or gluten products. Some manufacturers, on the other hand, make a special supplement just for vegans, or that include a large number of soy products. A quick online search should reveal a wide range of absorption supplements.
In general, a healthy diet includes a variety of plant-based foods, which are high in nutrients and low in fat, sugar, and cholesterol. Because many plant-based foods are heavy in phyto-nutrients (like nuts, seeds, and grains) it is particularly important for vegans to ensure that they consume plenty of these kinds of foods. To do this, it is important to eat a wide variety of nuts, seeds, and grains, and to eat lots of fresh vegetables and fruits. By taking a combination of well-balanced diet and vegan supplements, you will have the best of both worlds and make sure you are getting all the nutrients your body needs. Now get started on your vegan supplements!