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9 Tips On How To Save Money On Gadgets Tech Guide
9 Tips On How To Save Money On Gadgets Tech Guide
9 Tips On How To Save Money On Gadgets – Tech Guide If you’re a tech lover, you know that the newest gadgets are always tempting. But with prices so high, it can be difficult to pass up buying that expensive new phone or laptop. Luckily, there are ways that you can save money on your new gadgets without having to give up all of your favorite tech toys. Here are nine tips for saving money when buying gadgets: 1. Compare Prices Online When you’re looking for a new gadget, it’s easy to get caught up in the moment and just buy the first thing you see. But if you take a few minutes to compare prices online, you might be able to save some money. There are lots of different websites that let you compare prices. For example, you can use Google Shopping to find the best prices on the web. This is a free tool that lets you search for items by keyword or product name and displays results from different retailers. 2. Don’t Buy Expensive Accessories There are many accessories you can buy for your gadgets. However, if you want to save money, don’t buy any of them. Yes, this may seem like a strange thing to say, but it’s true. If you’re going to use your accessory and enjoy it, it’s okay to spend some cash on it; however, if you can get away without buying the accessory and still use your device in exactly the same way (or better), there’s no need for the extra expense. The most common example is cases for phones or tablets; people often load up on these things because they think they need them or because everyone else has one too! This isn’t necessarily true though: there are plenty of cases out there that cost less than half as much as top-of-the-line models do (and even some free ones). Submitting an application for personal loan may seem like an okay deal at first glance, but you should always look into all of your options before taking the plunge. You might find that there are cheaper ways to get the same thing, or perhaps even better deals out there if you just ask around! 3. Consider Buying Used Gadgets If you’re looking to save some cash, consider buying used gadgets. This is a great option for those who want to buy new-looking products without paying top dollar. However, it’s also important to ensure that you’re dealing with a reputable seller when purchasing pre-owned items. Make sure the seller has positive reviews and isn’t selling counterfeit products. Ensure that the seller offers a warranty on used products so that you can get free repairs or replacements if something goes wrong after purchase (even if the warranty period has expired). If you’re going to buy used, it’s also a good idea to ensure that the product is still in working order. You can do this by taking it into a repair shop or testing it yourself before making an offer on the item. 4. Shop for Last Year’s Model One of the best ways to save money on gadgets is by shopping for last year’s model. Not only are last year’s models less expensive, but they’re often just as good (or even better) than the current model. If you’re buying a phone and don’t really care about having the latest features, then this method will save you even more money than usual. There are some exceptions to this rule: if your old gadget has something seriously wrong with it—like a broken screen or battery—you should probably just upgrade immediately instead of waiting until next year. But if your gadget is still working fine, there’s no reason not to wait until next year’s model comes out before upgrading again. 5. Watch for Sales Sales are the best way to save money on gadgets. This is because many stores have sales during certain times of the year, such as Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Stores like Amazon and Best Buy also have regular sales where they offer discounts on popular products. You can find out when these sales occur by following some of your favorite websites or social media accounts (like Facebook). No matter what you’re buying, thorough research is crucial. Make a search for both physical businesses and online retailers. Never forget that buying devices online is typically less expensive than doing it in a physical store. 6. Watch for Coupon Codes Coupon codes can be a great way to save money on gadgets, but they aren’t always easy to find. You’ll need patience and persistence when searching for these codes because it can take a lot of work and time before you find the right one. A good place to start is on social media sites like Facebook or Twitter where businesses will often post information about their latest deals in order to get more people interested in their products and services. If you’re interested in finding coupon codes online, don’t forget that Google also has an extensive list of websites dedicated solely to finding coupons and discounts on all kinds of products! 7. Don’t Buy Things You Don’t Really Need I’ve written about this before, but it’s worth repeating: don’t buy something just because it’s on sale. If you don’t need it, don’t get it! Likewise, don’t buy something just to keep up with the Joneses or for the sake of having something “cool.” If you can help it, don’t go into debt over things that cost more than they’re worth (or cost more than what was originally intended). Lastly—and this is where I think most people have trouble—don’t buy anything simply because you think you might need it someday. Most of us have an item or two that we could probably do without; in fact, there are probably several items in our closets right now that we’ve been meaning to donate for years! 8. Try Out Free Trial Versions A great way to save money on gadgets is to try out free trial versions first. You may be able to get a month-long trial period for most of your favorite apps and games, so it’s worth looking into. For example, Adobe offers a free version of its Photoshop program. You can also try out a free trial version of many other software programs, including Microsoft Office or Adobe Creative Cloud. If you like what you see, then you’ll have to pay for a full license; otherwise, just cancel your subscription before the trial period ends. 9. Look for Refurbished Gadgets If you’re looking to save money on new gadgets, the best way is to find a refurbished version of it instead of buying one that’s brand new. Refurbished products are usually cheaper than buying an entirely new product because they have been previously tested and repaired by a manufacturer or retailer and have had any cosmetic damage fixed up as well. You can also get them with warranties like you would if you bought a new gadget from the store. One of the main reasons people buy refurbished products is because they want to save money. It’s a great way to get the latest gadgets without breaking your budget. You’ll find them on sites like eBay or Amazon, but also in some brick-and-mortar stores as well. These Tips will help You Spend More Wisely When Buying Gadgets When it comes to buying a gadget, there are two kinds of people: those who want the latest and greatest and will pay whatever it costs, and those who don’t really care about having the latest technology. For example, if you’re upgrading from an older phone that still works just fine but needs a battery replacement or screen repair, you might be happy with what you have. But for some people (like me), saving money isn’t always as easy as it sounds. We want to buy all kinds of things—gadgets included—and we don’t always feel like we can say no when someone asks us out to lunch or dinner. And sometimes I feel guilty if I turn down somebody’s offer because they’re trying so hard to be nice! Conclusion We hope these tips will help you save money when buying a new gadget. If you follow them, we’re sure that you’ll be able to get a great deal on whatever it is you want. And remember: shopping smart can save you hundreds of dollars!
9 Tips On How To Save Money On Gadgets Tech Guide
South Korean Prosecutors Say They Want To Buy New Crypto-Tracking Tools Cryptonews
South Korean Prosecutors Say They Want To Buy New Crypto-Tracking Tools Cryptonews
South Korean Prosecutors Say They Want To Buy New Crypto-Tracking Tools – Cryptonews Source: Wit/Adobe Prosecutors in South Korea say they will spend money on crypto tracking tools – and have claimed that they will use these innovative solutions to crack down on money-laundering, crypto-powered drug deals, and kimchi premium trading. According to Kookmin Ilbo, the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office of the Republic of Korea (SPO) said it was ready to buy “tracking” software that would let it monitor crypto transactions to “investigate cases involving cryptocurrencies.” The media outlet explained that one of its new “trackers” is “capable of the real-time monitoring of transactions for cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin (BTC).” Prosecutors also stated that tools they would buy could help them “extract correlation data in multiple transactions,” and let them look at wallet and exchange-related transaction histories. Prosecutors explained that the tools would let them “check when, to whom, and to where cryptocurrency is being sent.” War on Kimchi Premium Traders & Crypto-powered Drug Deals Prosecutors are currently investigating about $7 billion worth of what they suspect to be illegally remitted, crypto-linked foreign exchange transactions. Much of this, they believe, was sent abroad by illegal kimchi premium traders who bought low-price BTC from over-the-counter traders in Japan and China before “dumping” the coins on domestic exchanges for gains of 30% or more. Using “shell companies” as a front, the traders have then allegedly used funds to buy semiconductors and precious metals from overseas vendors. The prosecution is also keen to close down networks of drug traders who make use of darkweb portals and the Telegram chat app to buy and sell narcotics. Probes into both kimchi premium traders and drug rings are sill ongoing in conjunction with the regulatory the Financial Supervisory Service and the National Tax Service. A number of crypto-using drug offenders have already been convicted, but the hunt continues for darkweb operators and a number of suspected drug dealers. According to data collected by the National Police Agency and made public by the MP Kang Seon-woo of the Democratic Party, the number of domestic drug offenders using cryptoassets increased over x8 from 2018 to at least 696 in August this year.
South Korean Prosecutors Say They Want To Buy New Crypto-Tracking Tools Cryptonews
Analysis | Making OPEC Subject To US Antitrust Law Will Backfire The Washington Post
Analysis | Making OPEC Subject To US Antitrust Law Will Backfire The Washington Post
Analysis | Making OPEC+ Subject To US Antitrust Law Will Backfire – The Washington Post The last thing the global bond market needs on top of aggressive interest rate hikes is more trouble. Yet, there’s more coming, and from an unlikely source: a rapidly deteriorating relationship between the US and Saudi Arabia. Earlier this month, Riyadh defied Washington, leading the OPEC+ cartel, which includes Russia, to cut oil production. The move has put a floor on oil prices, which have stabilized between $90 and $100 a barrel. As a result, inflation is likely to be more persistent than previously expected, probably forcing central banks into further monetary tightening, which would bite bond investors. This enraged the US.  Now American-Saudi relations are at their worst than since the assassination of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in October 2018. Since Riyadh agreed to cut oil output, the kingdom and the White House have engaged in a war of words. The Saudi Foreign Affairs Ministry released a statement saying that Washington wanted OPEC+ to delay the cut by a month — implying that the problem was really the US midterm elections. The White House responded accusing Riyadh of “spinning” excuses.  The key for what comes next is NOPEC. This is the “No Oil Producing and Exporting Cartels” Act, a bill that proposes subjecting OPEC to the Sherman antitrust law that was used more than a century ago to break up the oil empire of John Rockefeller. If enacted, the White House would be able to sue Saudi Arabia and its allies, currently protected by sovereign immunity, for manipulating the global oil market. There’s a real possibility the bill may see the light of day. But despite how much Biden wants to punish Saudi Arabia and OPEC for cutting oil supply, it would be far wiser to avoid escalating the legislation. Otherwise, the risk is that Saudis dump US financial assets, redirect oil sales and openly talk about pricing oil in other currencies.  For the last 25 years, NOPEC has been a staple of Washington — always a threat but never a law. President after president, whether Republican and Democrat, have argued against passing it. But Joe Biden, who once supported a similar bill as Senator, has said he’s ready to work with Congress to curb OPEC influence. If NOPEC was to become law — a big if — OPEC nations may retaliate by dumping some of their financial holdings in America. This means that NOPEC could come at a big price for the US.  As of the end of July, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait and Iraq altogether held, directly, about $246 billion in US Treasuries, according to government data. The real number is likely to be higher, as Middle East nations also hold bonds via tax havens such as Luxembourg, the Cayman Islands, Bermuda, Switzerland and Ireland. Although their cache is unlikely to be higher than 5%-10% of total foreign holdings of American sovereign debt — and they are likely to be significantly lower than the $970 billion held by China — dumping those assets will rock an already jittery Treasuries market. “There is a real risk that this diplomatic dispute could intensify,” said Helima Croft, an oil analyst at RBC Capital Markets who’s well connected in Washington and Riyadh. “We would not be surprised to see suggestions in the coming days that Gulf countries could liquidate their US financial holdings if NOPEC becomes law.” From what I hear from officials in the Middle East, the suggestions are already coming loud and clear. Are those empty threats? Maybe. After all, OPEC nations would likely suffer losses if they were to offload the assets and have few other options to park their money. But does anyone in Washington really want to test them? NOPEC has long been considered the nuclear option. No one has answered what would happen next if the bill was passed. Would the US government ask for an antitrust investigation into OPEC? Would it actually go as far as suing the Saudis in federal court? And if a lawsuit is filed and the US does win, can it enforce any compensation? Would it be worth the potential retaliation?  The White House needs to think about those questions — and whether it really wants to answer them. Senator Chuck Grassley, a Republican from Iowa, has now attached NOPEC as an amendment to the annual Pentagon spending bill, giving it a serious chance of getting a vote on the floor of the Senate next month. It’s unclear if the amendment has the votes. But the last time the bill came this close to passing was in 2007, when it got approved by the House of Representatives in a 345-72 vote and the Senate by 70-23, only to die after George W. Bush threatened a veto. Biden must finally decide where he stands. In 2000, when oil prices were rising, he co-wrote a letter as senator to then-President Bill Clinton urging the White House to sue OPEC either in US federal court or at the International Court of Justice in the Hague. In 2007, Senator Biden was the co-sponsor of a version of the NOPEC bill, but then he abstained during the vote. For now, the White House hasn’t said whether it supports the legislation. NOPEC goes hand-in-hand with oil prices. If Brent crude stays under $100 a barrel, the bill may die. But if prices rise, just a touch, it has a fighting chance of passing. If that’s the case, it’s likely to create more problems than it would resolve. This column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editorial board or Bloomberg LP and its owners. Javier Blas is a Bloomberg Opinion columnist covering energy and commodities. A former reporter for Bloomberg News and commodities editor at the Financial Times, he is coauthor of “The World for Sale: Money, Power and the Traders Who Barter the Earth’s Resources.” More stories like this are available on ©2022 Bloomberg L.P.
Analysis | Making OPEC Subject To US Antitrust Law Will Backfire The Washington Post
Air Classification Technology Revolutionises Graphite Purification Innovation News Network
Air Classification Technology Revolutionises Graphite Purification Innovation News Network
Air Classification Technology Revolutionises Graphite Purification – Innovation News Network Graphite mining and solid-state battery experts – Volt Carbon Technologies – outline their state-of-the-art air classification technology that propels graphite ore purification to unparalleled frontiers. Volt Carbon Technologies (VCT) has recently applied for a new patent for its groundbreaking air classification system. VCT’s air classifier separates graphite ore into extremely high purity level graphite that is essential for powering a plethora of zero-emission technologies. The novel process has a range of benefits that will make it the premier method of graphite extraction, as it is more efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly than other techniques, such as flotation processes. Graphite – the essential ingredient of green technologies As the planet collectively endeavours to reduce carbon emissions significantly, the production of climate-friendly technologies, such as the electrification of transport, will need to be ramped up dramatically to suffice the global demand. Research suggests that to achieve the target of net zero emissions by 2050, there will need to be a fleet of more than 300 million electric vehicles (EVs) on the road by 2030, with electric vehicle sales making up 60% of new car sales. Despite EVs becoming increasingly prevalent, the colossal scale of the manufacturing required to facilitate these goals will mean a substantial quantity of raw materials will need to be attained. Graphite is one of these vital raw materials, having multiple uses in vehicle electrification. Bill Pfaffengerber, CEO and President of Volt Carbon Technologies, explained in a recent interview: “The World Bank is projecting that there will be a 500% increase in graphite demand over the next 30 years. Currently, around 65% of graphite is used in steel, so you can imagine where the remaining 35% is coming from – the electrification of vehicles. For example, in the anode of an EV lithium-ion battery, there are between 100 to 150 pounds of graphite.” To ensure that these technologies remain sustainable, graphite will need to be obtained not only efficiently but also responsibly, criteria that some current methods failed to achieve. Introducing VCT’s air classification system Air classification is the method of separating particles based on their density, shape and aerodynamic properties. VCT has utilised computational fluid dynamics to advance its air classifiers. The company’s gravitational-crossflow air classifier pushes 12 mesh size material through the system horizontally, which is then further broken down by a diffuser. The particles are then sorted into bins at the bottom of the system. Due to their weight, the denser particles settle faster, whereas the lighter particles are carried further along by the air current before settling. The classifiers’ airflow can be adjusted, meaning the system can be programmed to purify other material properties as required. VCT is currently developing a novel proprietary system for refining large-flake graphite that leverages the aerodynamic differences between the flake graphite and the spherical surrounding material that is denser. The new system has shown excellent performance. Pfaffengerber commented: “Our classifier has been in development for around eight years, and two years ago, we decided to simulate it, and the results were so phenomenal that we went after a new patent. Right now, we have a prototype that we’ve worked with for a year that we’ve tested on five or six ore bodies. In the next year, we’ll have a commercial-sized machine for processing graphite.” VCT’s air classification system produces not only high-quality graphite at a purity of more than 90% but also boasts various advantages over other methods, such as traditional flotation processes that are more expensive and impact the environment. Pfaffengerber explained: “The way that most mines produce graphite is they grind up the material dry and then use a wet process. They use water and a flocculent to float the graphite out in a process that requires a lot of CapEx. This means that you need to have a large ore body to justify the CapEx to produce graphite this way. “Our technology has several advantages as it produces the graphite dry. The largest one is that processes involving water have a permitting process that takes years, whereas our process is an open-pit operation that is extremely easy to permit. Our air classification system also brings smaller ore bodies into focus that otherwise would not justify the CapEx to develop them.” Volt Carbon Technologies’ air classification technology is going to pave the future of graphite production, and the company is currently targeting Ontario, where they plan to utilise their technology to explore small ore bodies that would otherwise not be economical. Go to this partner’s profile page to learn more about them
Air Classification Technology Revolutionises Graphite Purification Innovation News Network
Bills Eagles Just Keep Winning Big Games Plus Gerrit Cole Yankees Force Game 5 CBS Sports
Bills Eagles Just Keep Winning Big Games Plus Gerrit Cole Yankees Force Game 5 CBS Sports
Bills, Eagles Just Keep Winning Big Games, Plus Gerrit Cole, Yankees Force Game 5 – CBS Sports The Football Five The Jets have their first three-game winning streak since 2019 after dominating the Packers at Lambeau Field, 27-10. Breece Hall went for 116 yards and a score on the ground, Sauce Gardner had a hilarious postgame celebration and Green Bay earned an “F” in NFL expert John Breech’s grades. Speaking of New-York-but-not-really-New-York, the Giants are 5-1 for the first time since 2009 after a 24-20 comeback win over the Ravens. Trailing by 10 late, the Giants got touchdowns from Daniel Bellinger and Saquon Barkley sandwiched around a Julian Love interception in the final 6:01 of the game. Tampa Bay’s struggles continue. The Buccaneers fell to the Steelers, 20-18, and Tom Brady cursed out his offensive linemen. Mitch Trubisky made several big plays for Pittsburgh after Kenny Pickett left the game with a concussion. Bailey Zappe threw for 309 yards and two touchdowns, Rhamondre Stevenson ran for two more scores and the Patriots dominated the Browns, 38-15, to get back to .500 this season Joe Burrow accounted for four touchdowns — including two on passes to Ja’Marr Chase — and the Bengals rallied past the Saints, 30-26. By submitting my email I agree to receive the “CBS Sports HQ Newsletter” and other marketing and promotional emails from CBS Sports, which may include information from our affiliates and/or partners’ offers, products and services. For more information about our data practices consult our Privacy Policy Please check the opt-in box to acknowledge that you would like to subscribe. Thanks for signing up! Keep an eye on your inbox. Sorry! There was an error processing your subscription. Good morning to everyone but especially to… THE BUFFALO BILLS… Last season, the Buffalo Bills couldn’t stop the Kansas City Chiefs when they needed to most. But they’re tired of hearing about last season. This is a new season, and they proved it Sunday. Josh Allen threw an absolutely perfect game-winning touchdown to Dawson Knox with just over one minute remaining, and Taron Johnson intercepted Patrick Mahomes on the ensuing drive as Buffalo pulled out a thrilling 24-20 win. Allen finished with 329 passing yards and three touchdowns — one each to Knox, Gabriel Davis and Stefon Diggs. Mahomes had moments of brilliance and finished with 338 passing yards and two scores, but he also threw two interceptions Von Miller — acquired to help win games like these — did just that with two sacks, including a crucial one on 3rd down that gave the Bills the ball back for their game-winning drive. Week 6 is far from the be-all and end-all. Last year, the Bills went to Kansas City in Week 5 and won 38-20, and we know what happened in the playoffs. But it’s hard to get a more impressive regular-season win than this, and the Bills will certainly cherish it as they head into their bye week. … AND ALSO A GOOD MORNING TO THE PHILADELPHIA EAGLES Great football teams aren’t great because of how they look when things are going well. It’s about how they respond when things are going poorly. Sunday night, the Eagles saw their 20-0 lead shrink to 20-17 early in the fourth quarter, only to respond with a statement drive: 13 plays — the first 11 of which were rushes — for 75 yards, taking over seven minutes and resulting in a Jalen Hurts touchdown pass to DeVonta Smith. The Cowboys never threatened again, and Philadelphia moved to 6-0 with a 26-17 win. Both of the Eagles’ star wide receivers — Smith and A.J. Brown — caught touchdowns while Miles Sanders ran for one. Cooper Rush, who entered this year with zero interceptions, threw three, including two to Chauncey Gardner-Johnson. The Eagles are 6-0 for just the third time in franchise history (2004, 1981). They also head into their bye week. Honorable mentions Brandon Clarke got a four-year, $52-million extension from the Grizzlies. Keegan Bradley won the Zozo Championship. Brooks Koepka won LIV Golf in Jeddah. Not so honorable mention After arguing with several coaches, Robbie Anderson got ejected by his own team as the Panthers lost to the Rams. Yankees force Game 5; Down go the Dodgers and Braves Getty Images Two teams, two seasons on the line, one very big night in the Bronx. The Yankees topped the Guardians, 4-2, setting up a decisive Game 5 tonight. The Yankees led 3-0 through two innings thanks to an early RBI single by Anthony Rizzo and a two-run home run by Harrison Bader. Gerrit Cole pitched seven strong innings, allowing two runs on six hits with eight strikeouts. One of those runs came via a home run from Josh Naylor, who was not afraid to celebrate as he rounded the bases. Unlike Saturday night, the Yankees’ bullpen was fine. Clay Holmes pitched a scoreless eighth and Wandy Peralta closed things out with a perfect ninth. Cleveland is 1-7 all-time in winner-take-all games; New York is 15-15. Aaron Civale will start for Cleveland while Jameson Taillon will get the ball for New York, though it will likely be an all-hands-on-deck approach. Here’s our preview. The winner will get the Astros, who finished off a sweep of the Mariners with an 18-inning, 1-0 win Saturday. Yes, you read that right: 18 innings, 1-0. Jeremy Peña provided the only run on a solo homer. The NL Championship Series, meanwhile, is already set. The Phillies hammered their way past the Braves with an 8-3 Game 4 win Saturday shortly before the Padres advanced past the Dodgers with a 5-3 Game 4 win. It sets up a fascinating NLCS, which starts tomorrow night, so we’ll have more in tomorrow’s newsletter! One thing’s for sure, though: San Diego’s and Philadelphia’s stars have shined. As for the surprising series losers… The Dodgers have lots of questions to answer. One answer has already arrived: Manager Dave Roberts will be back. They’re just the latest regular-season powerhouse to come up way short. The Braves also have plenty of questions to answer. Tennessee moves to No. 3 after wild win over Alabama USATSI There’s something special brewing in Knoxville, and there’s plenty of history being rewritten to prove it. Tennessee topped Alabama 52-49 in an instant classic on Saturday night.  Volunteers kicker Chase McGrath knocked through a wobbly 40-yard field goal as time expired, just three plays after Alabama’s Will Reichard missed a potential go-ahead 50-yard field goal. Moments after the kick was made, there was a field storming for the ages. Hendon Hooker threw for 385 yards and five touchdowns and ran for another 56 yards. Jalin Wyatt had six catches for 207 yards and a school-record five touchdowns and celebrated with Peyton Manning. The 52 points are the most allowed by Alabama since Sewanee scored 54 in 1907(!!!) Not to be outdone (at least not by much), Bryce Young had 465 passing yards and two scores. Jahmyr Gibbs had 151 yards from scrimmage and three touchdowns. The Volunteers snapped a 15-game losing streak to the Crimson Tide; it was their first win over a Nick Saban-coached Alabama squad. The win moves Tennessee into the College Football Playoff in Jerry Palm’s latest bowl projections. While Young was magnificent and showed the poise and accuracy that earned him the Heisman Trophy last year, Hooker has taken the lead in the race for that award this year, writes college football reporter Shehan Jeyarajah. More importantly, though, Tennessee is officially back, writes college football insider Dennis Dodd. Dodd: “Tennessee still has to go to Georgia on Nov. 5. Alabama certainly isn’t out of it with a chance to run the table, win the SEC West and play for the SEC title. If you game this thing out, Saturday’s result left open the possibility of all three SEC teams getting into the CFP. But that’s looking way too far ahead and ignoring the magnificent presence of Saturday night on Rocky Top. What was left in a last-second, three-point win was a wondrous realization: After 15 long years, the smoke had finally cleared.“ The Volunteers are also back… in the top five of the AP Poll for the first time since 2005. Here’s the entire top 10 of the latest poll: 1. Georgia (prev: 1) 2. Ohio State (prev: 2) 3. Tennessee (prev: 6) 4. Michigan (prev: 5) 5. Clemson (prev: 4) 6. Alabama (prev: 3) 7. Ole Miss (prev: 9) 8. TCU (prev: 13) 9. UCLA (prev: 11) 10. Oregon (prev: 12) Here are more top storylines from a wild CFB weekend: Utah rallied past previously unbeaten USC. TCU took control of the Big 12 West by beating Oklahoma State in overtime. Ole Miss outlasted Auburn to stay undefeated. Grades Coaches Poll Deontay Wilder returns with first-round KO of Robert Helenius Getty Images Fighting for the first time since losing to Tyson Fury over a year ago, Deontay Wilder made his return heard loud and clear with a first-round knockout of Robert Helenius. It was the 21st knockout of Wilder’s career, and, even at 36, his hammer of a right hand remains as dangerous as ever, writes boxing expert Brent Brookhouse. Brookhouse: “Wilder called for possible matchups with either unified heavyweight champion Oleksandr Usyk or former unified champ Andy Ruiz Jr. to be next. … Wilder is still arguably the most dangerous puncher the heavyweight division has ever seen and could make a meeting with either opponent intriguing, even if just for the possibility of that one punch landing clean.” What we’re watching Monday Guardians at Yankees, 7:07 p.m. on TBS Broncos at Chargers, 8:15 p.m. on ESPN
Bills Eagles Just Keep Winning Big Games Plus Gerrit Cole Yankees Force Game 5 CBS Sports
Where Can Texas College Students Vote? The Dallas Morning News
Where Can Texas College Students Vote? The Dallas Morning News
Where Can Texas College Students Vote? – The Dallas Morning News Some campuses across North Texas will house polling locations starting Oct. 24 — for those who want to vote early. Both Democrats and Republicans are vying for the votes of young Texans who have historically low voter turnout. Throughout the past year, young conservative groups ramped up activity on campuses across Texas. Some Republican lawmakers are also hosting youth summits to court young voters in recent weeks. Meanwhile, gubernatorial candidate Beto O’Rourke toured college campuses across the state for about two weeks. Students were registered to vote at each event and could sign up to volunteer during the elections. Young voter turnout in 2018 was up by 500% during early voting and up by more than 230% overall compared to the previous midterm election, according to his campaign. Despite their increasing involvement in politics and activism, some are still skeptical that most will show up on Election Day. Related:Will Texas college voters turn out for O’Rourke vs. Abbott election? Mark Jones, a political science professor at Rice University, projects Generation Z to represent about 8% of the voters this year. If they voted in proportion to their share of the adult population, their influence would nearly double that. Where are college students eligible to vote? Students living in their home county can cast early ballots anywhere in the county where they are registered to vote. Those students living away from home can vote by mail if they request to do so by Oct. 28. Their application must be received by the state by that deadline. However, students must now include their driver license number or identification card number that’s issued by the state’s Department of Public Safety. That must appear on the application to vote by mail as well as on the envelope used to send in the ballot. People who are uncertain about their voter registration status can check the Texas Secretary of State’s website. Dallas County residents can also check at the county elections administrator’s office website. Community colleges Collin College is hosting polling locations in seven of its campuses. Schedules and locations can be found on Collin County’s website. Dallas College will house 10 polling locations during early voting and seven on Election Day throughout different campuses. Dallas voters can find the locations and schedules at the Dallas County Elections website. Tarrant County College will have early voting at four of its campuses. More information and schedules can be found on Tarrant County’s website. The college also has a dedicated website that features questions on voting. Southern Methodist University The private university will host a polling location on Nov. 8 in the Hughes-Trigg Student Center. Parking will be available to the public at the Binkley Parking Center. Texas A&M University System Students at Texas A&M University unsuccessfully sought to bring an early voting site back to campus in September after Brazos County officials decided to move it to a location that is about a 20-minute walk from the school. University and county officials now are coordinating to run shuttle buses from campus to the closest polling precinct during early voting. The polling place – found in the university’s Memorial Student Center – will be open on Election Day. Texas A&M-Commerce will offer shuttle services to drive students to the polls on Oct. 28 for early voting and on Election Day from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Texas Christian University There will be no polling locations this year at the Fort Worth campus. Texas Tech University The university will have an early voting location at its Student Recreation Center and an Election Day location at its Student Union Building. Voters can find more details and exceptions for the early voting and Election Day locations at the Lubbock County Elections Office’s website. Texas Woman’s University The Denton County university will be hosting a polling site for early voting. Specific times vary throughout and can be found at the university’s website. The school is hosting an event on Nov. 3 to educate students about voting on campus. University of North Texas System The university’s flagship campus in Denton will house a polling location throughout early voting and on Election Day. More information can be found on Denton County’s website. The UNT-Dallas campus will have a voting location on Election Day from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. The site is located on the first floor of the Founders Hall. University of Texas System UT-Arlington will be hosting an early voting location. More information can be found on the Tarrant County Elections Administration website. UT-Dallas’ campus straddles two counties — Dallas and Collin — so it will have two polling locations on Election Day. Voters from each county can find details on their polling location at the university’s website. The DMN Education Lab deepens the coverage and conversation about urgent education issues critical to the future of North Texas. The DMN Education Lab is a community-funded journalism initiative, with support from The Beck Group, Bobby and Lottye Lyle, Communities Foundation of Texas, The Dallas Foundation, Dallas Regional Chamber, Deedie Rose, Garrett and Cecilia Boone, The Meadows Foundation, The Murrell Foundation, Solutions Journalism Network, Southern Methodist University, Sydney Smith Hicks, Todd A. Williams Family Foundation and the University of Texas at Dallas. The Dallas Morning News retains full editorial control of the Education Lab’s journalism.
Where Can Texas College Students Vote? The Dallas Morning News
Increasing Rising Awareness Regarding Travel Vaccines Is Expected To Boost The Travel Vaccines Market | Get Analytical View From Future Market Insights Inc. Digital Journal
Increasing Rising Awareness Regarding Travel Vaccines Is Expected To Boost The Travel Vaccines Market | Get Analytical View From Future Market Insights Inc. Digital Journal
Increasing Rising Awareness Regarding Travel Vaccines Is Expected To Boost The Travel Vaccines Market | Get Analytical View From Future Market Insights, Inc. – Digital Journal NEWARK, DE / ACCESSWIRE / October 17, 2022 / The travel vaccines market is estimated to reach $ 3,878.94 Mn in 2022. As per the report, sales are forecast to increase at a robust 9.8% CAGR, with the market valuation reaching US$ 6,914.22 Mn by 2032. Vaccination is an extremely efficient way of preventing some infectious diseases. Vaccines are relatively safe, with significant adverse effects being extremely rare. Most of the world’s youngsters are protected from a variety of infectious diseases by the routine immunisation programmes. Previously, millions of people died each year because of various diseases. Vaccination provides travellers with the option of preventing various infectious diseases that kids may come into contact with, when away from home. There are several government bodies which are taking constant efforts in order to prevent the spread of diseases. Vaccinations are made mandatory to travellers before crossing the borders. Moreover, there are several pharmaceutical companies that are innovating as well as inventing new vaccinations for the constantly growing infectious diseases. The players have developed vaccinations that have less dosages to ensure the safety and prevent the side effects caused by the vaccines. Request a Report Sample to Gain Comprehensive [email protected] Combinations of vaccines are also being used to generate immunity against multiple diseases. The growing incidences of infectious diseases and increasing awareness among travellers will boon the travel vaccines sector in the upcoming times “Innovation in existing technology of vaccines and travellers getting more health conscious will prove to be beneficial for the Travel Vaccines Market” Says an FMI analyst. Key Takeaways: In terms of disease type, covid-19 vaccinations will have great demand in upcoming years. By booking channel, the in-person booking segment is anticipated to hold a noteworthy share of nearly ~65%. In terms of age group, demand in the age group 0-14 years and 66-75 years will continue gaining traction through 2032. For any Queries Linked with the Report, Ask an [email protected] Impact of COVID-19 on the Market The tourism sector was damaged due to the regulations of the pandemic caused by covid-19. Travelling was paused throughout the world. This has caused more number of travellers to come out of their homes and explore new places. However, the pandemic also resulted in people getting more conscious about their health. This increase in awareness of travellers has enhanced the travel vaccines market. Who is winning? Leading players in Travel Vaccines market are GlaxoSmithKline plc, Merck & Co., Inc., Sanofi, Novartis AG, Pfizer Inc., Dynavax Technologies, Emergent BioSolutions Inc., Abbott, Bharat Biotech, Moderna, Serum Institute of India, Takeda, Chiron, BioNTech, Astra Zeneka, and GSK Vaccines among others. Get More Valuable Insights Future Market Insights, in its new offering, provides an unbiased analysis of Travel Vaccines market, presenting historical demand data (2017-2021) and forecast statistics for the period from 2022-2032. The study divulges compelling insights on the Travel Vaccines by Diseases Type (Covid-19, Ebola, Influenza, Hepatitis, Others) Booking Channel (Online Booking & In Person Booking) Tourist Type (Domestic & International) Tour Type (Independent Traveller, Package Traveller and Tour Group) Age Group (0-14 Years, 15-25 Years, 26-35 Years, 36-45 Years, 46-55 Years, 56-65 Years, 66-75 Years) & Region – Forecast to 2017 – 2032. Click on the Below Link to Buy this [email protected] Table of Content 1. Executive Summary 1.1. Global Market Outlook 1.1.1. Who Is Travelling? 1.1.2. How Much Do They Spend? 1.1.3. Direct Contribution of Tourism To GDP 1.1.4. Direct Contribution of Tourism To Employment 1.2. Tourism Evolution Analysis 1.3. FMI Analysis and Recommendations 2. Market Introduction 2.1. Total Spending (US$ Mn) and Forecast (2022-2032) 2.2. Number of Travelers (Mn) and Forecast (2022-2032) 2.3. Total Spending Y-o-Y Growth Projections (2022-2032) 2.4. Number of Travelers Y-o-Y Growth Projections 3. Global Tourism Industry Analysis 3.1. Tourism Industry Overview 3.1.1. Travel & Tourism Industry Contribution To Global GDP Business Spending v/s Leisure Spending Domestic v/s Foreign Direct, Indirect, and Induced 3.1.2. Travel Sector Contribution To Global Overall Employment 3.1.3. Travel & Tourism Growth Rate Read More TOC.. Have a Look at Related Research Reports of Travel and Tourism Market Insights Lake Vacations Market Size: Lake Vacation Market by Mounting Scheme, Booking Channel, Tour Type & Region – Forecast 2022 – 2032 Hong Kong Outbound Tourism Market Share: Hong Kong Outbound Tourism Market by Purpose, Booking Channel, Tour Type & Forecast to 2022 – 2032 Germany Outbound Tourism Market Trend: Germany outbound tourism market is estimated to be valued at ~US$ 95,266.7 Mn in 2022 and is projected to reach ~US$ 241,368.5 Mn by 2032. Spa Services Market Demand: Spa Services Market by Product, End User, Service Type, Tour Type & Region – Forecast 2022 – 2032 China Outbound Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, Exhibitions (MICE) Toursim to Europe Market: China Outbound Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, Exhibitions (MICE) Tourism to Europe Market by Application Type, Event type, Booking Channel, Tourist Type, Tour Type, Consumer Orientation & Region – Forecast to 2022 – 2032 Burma Tourism Market Sales: Burma Tourism Market segmented by: demographics, stay type, spend analysis & forecast period Europe’s Golden Generation Travel Market Forecast: Europe’s Golden Generation Travel Market by Tourism Type, Booking Channel, Tourist Type, Tour Type – Forecast to 2022 – 2032 Rotels Market Analysis: The Rotels market is estimated to reach US$ 22 Bn in 2022. As per the report, sales are forecast to increase at a robust 11.6% CAGR, with the market valuation reaching US$ 79.9 Bn by 2032. Dark Tourism Market Type: Dark Tourism Market by Type, Booking Channel, Tourist Type, Tour Type, Age Group & Region – Forecast to 2022 – 2032 Migratory Birds Tourism Market: Migratory Birds Tourism Market By Bird Type, Tour Duration, Age Group & Region – Forecast 2022 – 2032 ABOUT FUTURE MARKET INSIGHTS, INC. Future Market Insights, Inc. is an ESOMAR-certified business consulting & market research firm, a member of the Greater New York Chamber of Commerce and is headquartered in Delaware, USA. A recipient of Clutch Leaders Award 2022 on account of high client score (4.9/5), we have been collaborating with global enterprises in their business transformation journey and helping them deliver on their business ambitions. 80% of the largest Forbes 1000 enterprises are our clients. We serve global clients across all leading & niche market segments across all major industries. Contact: Future Market Insights Inc.  Christiana Corporate, 200 Continental Drive, Suite 401, Newark, Delaware – 19713, USA  T: +1-845-579-5705  For Sales Enquiries: [email protected]   SOURCE: Future Market Insights Inc.  View source version on
Increasing Rising Awareness Regarding Travel Vaccines Is Expected To Boost The Travel Vaccines Market | Get Analytical View From Future Market Insights Inc. Digital Journal
Dominos Seeing Carryout As Lever For Growth Food Business News
Dominos Seeing Carryout As Lever For Growth Food Business News
Domino’s Seeing Carryout As Lever For Growth – Food Business News ANN ARBOR, MICH. — “(Domino’s franchisees) delivered one out of every three pizzas before the pandemic, and they deliver about one out of every three pizzas post,” said Russell Weiner, chief executive officer of Domino’s Pizza, Inc., during an Oct. 13 conference call to discuss third-quarter results. “What is new and what they should be congratulated for is we’ve emerged now as the No. 1 carryout brand,” Mr. Weiner said. “And so, from a total pizza market share standpoint, we’re up 200 basis points versus three years ago, and that’s just an amazing accomplishment.” Carryout same-store sales in the quarter were up almost 20% compared with the third quarter of 2021. Looking at the third quarter of 2019 as a basis, carryout sales increased 35% compared with the third quarter of 2019, the company said. “As you know, while Domino’s started as a pizza delivery company, we began targeting the carryout segment with specific offers in 2011,” Mr. Weiner said. “That effort has paid off as NPD share data shows that we became the No. 1 carryout pizza brand in the US at the end of last year. We continued to grow the carryout business in the third quarter.” Dominos’ net income for the third quarter ended Sept. 11 was $100.5 million, equal to $2.79 on the common stock, down from $120.4 million, or $3.24 per share, in the third quarter of 2021. The decrease was driven primarily by a higher provision for income taxes and lower income from operations. Provision for income taxes increased $16.9 million in the third quarter of 2022 due to a higher effective tax rate, which increased with excess tax benefits from equity-based compensation. Investors showed enthusiasm the day Domino’s results were announced. The Ann Arbor-based company’s stock traded as high as $335.92 on the New York Stock Exchange on Oct. 13, jumping 11% from the previous day’s close of $301.76. Quarterly sales reached $1.07 billion, up 7% from $998 million in the same period of the previous year. Same-store sales in the United States were up 2% from the third quarter of 2021. Same-store sales were up almost 18% when compared with the third quarter of 2019. In the first two quarters of 2022, Domino’s contended with a dearth of delivery drivers. Mr. Weiner said the company saw progress throughout the quarter resulting from its initiatives in this area. While Domino’s only has visibility to its corporate stores, the number of job applications and new hires has increased throughout the year, the company said. “And at the end of the quarter, we were more or less back to 2019 levels as far as applications and new hires per week,” Mr. Weiner said. “Staffing remains a constraint, but my confidence in our ability to solve many of our delivery labor challenges ourselves has grown over the past few quarters. Our delivery service also showed improvement throughout the quarter. While we still have work to do to get back to our high standards for delivery service, I am encouraged by the progress we’ve made so far.” Sandeep Reddy, chief financial officer, said the company continues to examine and evolve its pricing architecture. “During the third quarter, the average price increase that was realized across our US system was 5.4%,” Mr. Reddy said. “We will adjust our carryout mix and match deal from $5.99 to $6.99 on Oct. 17. As a result of this update, we expect the realized pricing to increase to approximately 7% in the fourth quarter.” Domino’s has been retooling efficiencies in its cost structure to ensure revenues consistently grow faster than expenses, Mr. Reddy said. “We saw a sequential improvement in the year-over-year contraction of operating income margin as a percentage of revenues from 180 basis points in Q2 to 160 basis points in Q3. We need to continue this trend.” The company realized a sequential improvement in US same-store sales from a drop of 2.9% in the second quarter to a gain of 2% in the third quarter, mostly driven by a smaller decline in order count. “Excluding the negative impact of foreign currency, global retail sales grew almost 5% for the quarter, resulting in a three-year stack of plus 28% versus Q3 of 2019,” Mr. Weiner said. “We and our franchisees opened over 200 net new stores during the quarter and over 1,100 over the trailing four quarters.”         Subsequent to the end of the third quarter, Domino’s sold 114 company-owned stores in Arizona and Utah to franchisees for $41.1 million and it expects to record a gain on this transaction in the fourth quarter of 2022. The accounting for this transaction was still in process on Oct. 13.
Dominos Seeing Carryout As Lever For Growth Food Business News
Indians Above 40 Are Feeling Younger & Healthier Than Gen Z Millennials Report Business Insider India
Indians Above 40 Are Feeling Younger & Healthier Than Gen Z Millennials Report Business Insider India
Indians Above 40 Are Feeling Younger & Healthier Than Gen Z, Millennials – Report – Business Insider India 40-46% of Indians between 18-40 years are feeling older than their age due to low energy, consistent fatigue and poor immunity. 41% of females feel older than their current age while the number is lesser for men, according to a Quaker-Euromonitor report. Despite differing age perceptions, Indians have started shifting towards healthier living post pandemic. Indians aged over 40 feel younger and healthier than over 40% of their much younger counterparts, research by PepsiCo India’s food brand and London-based market research major Euromonitor International revealed. The report titled ‘ Lifestyle Choices & Ageing Perception of Urban Indians,’ said that 82% of audience (i.e., people aged 41 years and above) felt their own age or younger, while 40% of the audience (i.e., 18-25 years of age) and 46% of the audience (i.e., 26-40 years of age) felt older than their current age. The study said that low energy, consistent fatigue and poor immunity were the reasons for young Indians feeling older than their age. “The data also shows that over 40% of Gen X never skip breakfast, while busy mornings and long workdays affect breakfast patterns of the younger lot, with over 50% of Gen Z and 61% of millennials who tend to skip breakfast,” said Quaker. Additionally, it revealed that 41% of females felt older than their current age while the number was lesser for men, forming only 27% of the survey respondents. Despite the differing age perception of Gen X and young Indians, there has been an overall shift in healthy living post pandemic, the survey showed. Indians more health conscious post pandemic The survey revealed that over 90% of the total respondents including Gen Z and millennials are now taking steps to support healthy ageing post pandemic. This includes increasing their sleeping hours, incorporating any physical activity and eating more wholesome meals, Quaker reported. Further, the study indicates that over 70% respondents have improved their nutrition intake, with 44% consuming vitamins/supplements daily. “Over 90% of respondents incorporate healthy ageing habits in their daily routine. Breakfast being one of the most important meals of the day, the survey revealed that oats and cereals are the preferred choices for people who are working towards incorporating wholesome breakfast in their daily routine,” Sonam Vij, associate director and category lead – Quaker Portfolio, PepsiCo India said. The report was conducted among over 1,000 respondents aged 18 years and above, living across four key metros i.e., Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, and Kolkata. The report was launched in Delhi to mark and National Nutrition Month, followed by a panel discussion in collaboration with Confederation of Indian Industry (CII). SEE ALSO: PVR reports net loss of ₹71.23 crore in Q2, attributes it to Bollywood, Hollywood flops You can travel in these countries with the Indian rupee, but there are limits Edtech decacorn Byju’s raises $250 million from existing investors
Indians Above 40 Are Feeling Younger & Healthier Than Gen Z Millennials Report Business Insider India
What Channel Is Broncos Vs. Chargers On Today? Schedule Time For Monday Night Football In Week 6 Sporting News
What Channel Is Broncos Vs. Chargers On Today? Schedule Time For Monday Night Football In Week 6 Sporting News
What Channel Is Broncos Vs. Chargers On Today? Schedule, Time For ‘Monday Night Football’ In Week 6 – Sporting News The Broncos and Chargers have a lot to live up to — in more ways than one. In Week 5, the Raiders and Chiefs played a stellar game that came down to the last Vegas possession in the fourth, and resulted in the Chiefs just barely eking out a win over their AFC West rivals, 30-29. The Broncos (2-3) and the Chargers (3-2) have an opportunity to live up to the entertainment of that game — but also have an opportunity to live up to their playoff expectations this season. It’s been something of a nightmare start for Russell Wilson and Nathaniel Hackett in Denver: While the team isn’t entirely underwater yet, Hackett’s uninspiring coaching decisions and Wilson’s uninspiring play haven’t done much to put Broncos country at ease so far. The Chargers are benefitting from another great start to the season from Justin Herbert (10 touchdowns to two interceptions), but Brandon Staley is once again seemingly getting in the way of the Chargers’ success. Still, Los Angeles is in prime position to push its division rival further down the standings. MORE: Watch Broncos vs. Chargers on ‘Monday Night Football’ with fuboTV (free trial) Here’s how to catch the AFC West follow-up on Monday night: What channel is Broncos vs. Chargers on today? Game: Broncos at Chargers Date: Monday, Oct. 17 TV channel: ESPN Live stream: ESPN+, fuboTV (U.S.) | DAZN (Canada) Broncos vs. Chargers is the “Monday Night Football” matchup for Week 6, meaning Joe Buck and Troy Aikman will be in the booth and Lisa Salters will report from the sideline. There will be no “Manningcast” featuring Peyton and Eli Manning for this game. MORE: Manningcast schedule for 2022 Those who choose to stream “MNF” have several options. FuboTV carries the ESPN family of networks as well as CBS, Fox, NBC and NFL Network, which means they will be able to stream local games throughout the 2022 season. FuboTV also offers a free trial. ESPN+, the network’s proprietary streaming service, will also carry Broncos vs. Chargers. Viewers in Canada will be able to stream the game via DAZN. What time is Broncos vs. Chargers on today? Date: Monday, Oct. 17 Kickoff: 8:15 p.m. ET (6:15 p.m. MT/5:15 p.m. PT) Kickoff for Monday night is set for 8:15 p.m. ET. That’s the customary start time for “Monday Night Football” games. The Broncos will travel to SoFi Stadium in Los Angeles, meaning the game will start at 5:15 p.m. local time and 6:15 p.m. in Denver.  NFL live stream for Broncos vs. Chargers Broncos vs. Chargers will be simulcast on ESPN and ABC. That means it will be available to stream on the ESPN app, as well as ESPN+. Cord-cutters can watch “Monday Night Football” with fuboTV, which carries ESPN and ABC and also offers a free trial. FuboTV also carries CBS, Fox, NFL Network and NBC, so users can find most locally broadcast NFL games. Other streaming options for Broncos vs. Chargers are as follows: Streaming option Cable subscription needed? Free? Cost Free trial? NFL App Yes Yes — — Yahoo! Sports App Yes Yes — — NFL+ No No $9.99/month Yes DirecTV Stream No No $49.99/month Yes fuboTV No No $69.99/month Yes Hulu Plus Live TV No No $69.99/month Yes Sling TV No No $35/month Yes YouTube TV No No $54.99/month Yes ‘Monday Night Football’ schedule 2022 Start time: 8:15 p.m. ET TV channel: ESPN Live stream: ESPN app, ESPN+, fuboTV ESPN made one of the biggest splashes of the broadcasting offseason when it signed Buck and Aikman to work “Monday Night Football,” pulling them away from Fox. Buck will handle play-by-play, while Aikman will provide color commentary. “Monday Night Football” games can be watched on the ESPN app, through ESPN+ or on fuboTV, which offers a free trial. ESPN+ will also have exclusive coverage of the Oct. 30 matchup in London between the Broncos and Jaguars, which will take place at 9:30 a.m. ET. Week Date Matchup 1 Sept. 12 Seattle Seahawks 17, Denver Broncos 16 2 Sept. 19 Buffalo Bills 41, Tennessee Titans 7 2 Sept. 19 Philadelphia Eagles 24, Minnesota Vikings 7 3 Sept. 26 Dallas Cowboys 23, New York Giants 16 4 Oct. 3 San Francisco 49ers 24, Los Angeles Rams 9 5 Oct. 10 Kansas City Chiefs 30, Las Vegas Raiders 29 6 Oct. 17 Denver Broncos vs. Los Angeles Chargers 7 Oct. 24 Chicago Bears vs. New England Patriots 8 Oct. 31 Cincinnati Bengals vs. Cleveland Browns 9 Nov. 7 Baltimore Ravens vs. New Orleans Saints 10 Nov. 14 Washington Commanders vs. Philadelphia Eagles 11 Nov. 21 San Francisco 49ers vs. Arizona Cardinals (at Mexico City) 12 Nov. 28 Pittsburgh Steelers vs. Indianapolis Colts 13 Dec. 5 New Orleans Saints vs. Tampa Bay Buccaneers 14 Dec. 12 New England Patriots vs. Arizona Cardinals 15 Dec. 19 Los Angeles Rams vs. Green Bay Packers 16 Dec. 26 Los Angeles Chargers vs. Indianapolis Colts 17 Jan. 2 Buffalo Bills vs. Cincinnati Bengals
What Channel Is Broncos Vs. Chargers On Today? Schedule Time For Monday Night Football In Week 6 Sporting News
STYLY Launches METADIMENSIONS Metaverse Project XR Today
STYLY Launches METADIMENSIONS Metaverse Project XR Today
STYLY Launches METADIMENSIONS Metaverse Project – XR Today Last Saturday, Psychic VR Lab debuted its Real Metaverse Project via the firm’s extended reality (XR) content creation and distribution platform STYLY. The new Metaverse experience enables global STYLY XR creators to place geotagged augmented reality (AR) art in a real-world environment. To celebrate the new service, Psychic VR Lab launched METADIMENSIONS on 15 October at Shibuya Scramble in Japan, where visitors can view artistic AR visuals via a smartphone camera. City × AR × NFT Project Starting from Shibuya, Tokyo#METADIMENSIONS#AugmentedReality — METADIMENSIONS (@metadimensions_) October 15, 2022 The project does not require participants to scan a QR code to see the AR content. Instead, the service automatically displays immersive Metaverse content through STYLY geo-tagging tech. According to the firm, tracking technology places AR assets in the real world with greater accuracy when compared to QR codes. STYLY also enables developers to create and place AR assets that reflect the real world, like building placement and overlaying content on billboards. STYLY allows creators to place and overlay multiple XR assets in the same real-world locations. Visitors can switch between XR layers to enjoy a site through various immersive filters. More on METADIMENSIONS The METADIMENSIONS project is a deep partnership with Japanese brands and artists to showcase the platform. The project lets its collaborators turn AR visualisations into NFTs to sell on STYLY’s integrated OpenSea marketplace. The METADIMENSIONS project initially operates with BOSO TOKYO and Web3 firm MAD WORLD HONG KONG to create a unique virtual world showing sci-fi motorcycle gang culture. Users can see the AR visuals via the STYLY smartphone application for iOS and Android. Ryohei Watanabe, the CMO of Psychic VR Lab, added, “We will not replace the real world but rather open the metaverse to all and propose a new lifestyle that combines real and virtual to enhance the experience value of the world itself. With this first event in Shibuya, we will create an unprecedented flow of people in the city and contribute to the development of the city in the future” In the future, the project will also employ content from NEO TOKYO PUNKS and GENERATIVE MASKS. What is STYLY’s Geotagging Tech? Psychic VR Lab uses ARCore from Google and Niantic’s Lightship AR software elopement kit (SDK) to enable its geotagged content. Using Google’s geospatial API, XR content creators can overlay immersive assets in indoor and outdoor spaces. Psychic VR Lab also provides several resources to help developers create geotagged XR content using its XR Cityscape Assets platform. Currently, the service only has data models for six Japanese cities Tokyo, Sapporo, Nagoya, Osaka, Kyoto, and Fukuoka. STYLY first introduced its XR urban content creation tools in December last year. The service uses accurate GPS data to place XR visuals on top of real-world urban environments.
STYLY Launches METADIMENSIONS Metaverse Project XR Today
Amazfit Falcon Goes Official With Titanium Design Dual-Band GPS And 20ATM Water Resistance Comments
Amazfit Falcon Goes Official With Titanium Design Dual-Band GPS And 20ATM Water Resistance Comments
Amazfit Falcon Goes Official With Titanium Design, Dual-Band GPS, And 20ATM Water Resistance – Comments – ? Anonymous 7kK 43 minutes ago Shall this be compatible with ios or androidphones? Reply ? Anonymous 7kK 2 hours ago Shall this be compatible with ios or androidphones? Reply R Rupam nath gNT 3 hours ago Very good product…. Reply A Anonym Lc1 4 hours ago Unless this crap already supports Visa/Mastercard/Amex/GPay NFC payments and can finally run user apps like a proper smartwatch, it is just a very expensive glorified Mi Band in watch format. Reply ? Anonymous Xqa 11 hours ago KungYii1994, 16 Oct 2022Amazfit suck because overprice low quality material gt3 gt4 still use aluminum and normal glas… moreStill much better than the “girly looking” pixel watch Reply ? Anonymous fr% 23 hours ago fix those inaccurate sensors first! Reply K KungYii1994 ibe 16 Oct 2022 Amazfit suck because overprice low quality material gt3 gt4 still use aluminum and normal glass. Now falcon use goos quality price get x2. Better off buy huawei gt3 pro instead Reply A Anonymous U@G 16 Oct 2022 HeykelHD, 15 Oct 2022This sport watch is DOA (dead on arrival). It’s just a sport watch and not a smart watch … moreThis was exactly my point after seeing the price Reply ? Anonymous 7vY 16 Oct 2022 A new competitor for the Apple Watch Ultra Reply ? Anonymous 0UU 16 Oct 2022 blue, 15 Oct 2022But Garmin is two generations ahead in terms of training planning and evaluation.behind garmind sell only brand not wqtch Reply ? Anonymous 0UU 16 Oct 2022 blue, 15 Oct 2022But I know a lot about sports. Really don’t care about childish toys from user meh Reply b blue 0CN 15 Oct 2022 Anonymous, 15 Oct 2022You don’t know anything about watchBut I know a lot about sports. Really don’t care about childish toys from Amazfit. Reply p prasad 7k4 15 Oct 2022 thatsbway too pricey….. Reply P Peter pGs 15 Oct 2022 This is the first really well made smartwatch ever, sapphire, titanium and even 20 ATM water resistance. I collected many years Breitling, Omega, Tag Heuer etc. and this is the first watch that can keep up with these in terms of looks and materials (o.k., only exception new Garmin Marq 2 Aviator but 2550 Euros!!!). There are always features it doesn´t / can´t (because of the water resistance) have, but this watch is made for people who want a premium feeling and not plastic. Have now a T-Rex 2 and very satisfied, only the plastic look is not really noble. And the features are well enough by far for normal people, from Garmin etc. 90% of people don’t use/need the perhaps one or other better features of them. The entertainment value of the dials from Amazfit alone is fantastic. And now with a high-quality feeling, I can´t wait… Reply A Anonymous XSs 15 Oct 2022 blue, 15 Oct 2022If you look at it as only a watch… useless for training. No one beats Garmin.You don’t know anything about watch Reply V VNGEL XBA 15 Oct 2022 Before it reach Africa, all the tech features will disappear. Lots of gadgets doesn’t function as advertised in African countries, why ? Reply A Anonymous uI7 15 Oct 2022 blue, 15 Oct 2022If you look at it as only a watch… useless for training. No one beats Garmin.Ok Reply b blue 0CN 15 Oct 2022 Anonymous , 15 Oct 2022For the specs and the price it’s not badIf you look at it as only a watch… useless for training. No one beats Garmin. Reply b blue 0CN 15 Oct 2022 Anonymous, 15 Oct 2022WOW the price is on par with Garmin watch..But Garmin is two generations ahead in terms of training planning and evaluation. Reply B BBart n7e 15 Oct 2022 Screen size … 1.28″ …. ??? … Reply
Amazfit Falcon Goes Official With Titanium Design Dual-Band GPS And 20ATM Water Resistance Comments
Shark Tank Superstar Believes Crypto Bull Market Will Start After This One Event Cryptonews
Shark Tank Superstar Believes Crypto Bull Market Will Start After This One Event Cryptonews
Shark Tank Superstar Believes Crypto Bull Market Will Start After This One Event – Cryptonews Kevin O’Leary. Source: a video screenshot, Kevin O’Leary / YouTube Famous Canadian businessman and television personality Kevin O’Leary, aka Mr. Wonderful, argues that once a specific stablecoin bill is passed and “institutions smell policy, then you’ve got a real move up,” and that’s when bitcoin (BTC) breaks out of the $19,000-$22,000 trading range. The Shark Tank star appeared on the Crypto Banter YouTube channel on the October 14 episode, where he suggested a reason to “start going long bitcoin,” and that reason is connected to the policy in the United States. He went on to discuss the Stablecoin Transparency Act, which he says has a chance of getting passed by the US Congress “very quickly” after November 8, the date of the midterm elections. As reported, the push for stablecoin regulation follows the massive collapse of Terra, which is a protocol that powered its algorithmic stablecoin UST.  While it doesn’t concern bitcoin directly, O’Leary argued, the “tone of the regulation” is relevant, adding: “This Act is very simple in nature, which is why it may pass. It’s being supported by both parties, and the reason that’s the case is that it makes, effectively, the US dollar the default payment system worldwide – which everybody could get behind.” The USD-backed stablecoin issuers would be able to get a license in the US if they are willing to go through the accompanying “scrutiny.” O’Leary argued that, “Even though it has nothing to do with bitcoin, that will be the first regulation passed by US regulators, and I would argue you want to be long bitcoin going into that outcome.” He said that there would be “a lot of interest in institutional capital coming into” stablecoins, such as USD coin (USDC). The coin’s issuer, Circle, O’Leary noted, got millions in investment already. Back in April, it said that it entered into an agreement for a $400M funding round with investments from BlackRock, Inc., Fidelity Management and Research, Marshall Wace LLP, and Fin Capital. It also announced a $9bn valuation in February this year, up from the $4.5 billion seen in July 2021. The Shark Tank star concluded that, “So, end of the day, regulations come, bitcoin goes up. […] “If institutions smell policy, then you’ve got a real move up, and that’s when you break out of this $19,000-$22,000 trading range against the US dollar. I think it goes right through that very quickly.” When it comes to the upcoming elections, should there be gridlock between the House and the Senate, it would result in “nothing done in Washington”, including “no more spending bills” – which is good for equity markets but “indifferent” for bitcoin and crypto in general, O’Leary argued. The reason is that the bills floating around that do concern crypto are all bipartisan, he said – both the Democrats and the Republicans support some form of crypto regulation. Hence, which party controls which chamber becomes less relevant, he suggested. The regulations are coming. At 10 UTC on Monday morning, BTC was trading at USD 19,342, down 0.5% in a day and up 1.5% in a week. It was down 2% in a month and 68% in a year.   You can watch the discussion here: ____
Shark Tank Superstar Believes Crypto Bull Market Will Start After This One Event Cryptonews
The U.S. Has Never Had A Lesbian Governor. These Two Women Could Change That. NBC News
The U.S. Has Never Had A Lesbian Governor. These Two Women Could Change That. NBC News
The U.S. Has Never Had A Lesbian Governor. These Two Women Could Change That. – NBC News Gubernatorial candidates Maura Healey and Tina Kotek are no strangers to political firsts. In 2009, Healey, who is now the Massachusetts attorney general, led the nation’s first successful challenge to the Defense of Marriage Act, a 1996 law that prohibited federal recognition of same-sex marriages. And in 2014 she broke barriers again, becoming the nation’s first out lesbian elected state attorney general. Nearly 3,000 miles west, Kotek became the country’s first out lesbian speaker of a state House of Representatives in 2013. She made history again by becoming Oregon’s longest-serving House speaker, before stepping down in January to run for governor. This coming Election Day, these lesbian trailblazers could shatter glass ceilings once more, simultaneously becoming the first out lesbians ever elected governor in the United States. “If I can be someone who represents and also gives others the belief that they can be anything they want to be and do anything they want to do, regardless of race, gender, identity, religion, that’s where I want to be,” Healy, 51, told NBC News. “That’s something I take seriously, and I think that’s what other LGBTQ+ leaders do as well — recognizing that we’re not just in a vacuum.” To achieve that, Healey, a Democrat, will have to get past Republican Geoff Diehl, a former state representative endorsed by former President Donald Trump. If Healy wins — which she’s projected to do by a wide margin — she’ll also become her state’s first elected female governor. For Kotek, who is also a Democrat, the odds are less promising. She not only faces Republican Christine Drazan, the former minority leader of the Oregon House, but also a third-party candidate, Betsy Johnson, who recent polling suggests is dividing Democratic voters.  If either Healy or Kotek succeeds, they will follow two other out LGBTQ Democrats who have been elected to lead their states: Oregon Gov. Kate Brown, who is bisexual and became the first openly LGBTQ person to be elected governor in 2015, and Colorado Gov. Jared Polis, who became the first openly gay man to be elected governor in 2018. Former New Jersey Gov. Jim McGreevey was not out when he was elected to office in 2001, though he did come out as gay during his 2004 resignation speech. “We’ve come a long way,” Lisa Turner, executive director of LPAC, a political action committee dedicated to electing lesbians and other queer women to political office, said of how far Healey and Kotek have come. “It validates the amount of work and effort that LGBTQ women have been putting into the community, into equality fights, into the electoral process.” Sean Meloy, vice president of political programs at the political action committee LGBTQ Victory Fund, which has endorsed both Kotek and Healey, said seeing more LGBTQ candidates run formidable campaigns for governorships “shows that this is not a one-and-done kind of occurrence.” “It shows that we are indeed part of the American political experience and that we need people to continue to come out of the closet and step forward and serve their communities,” Meloy said. “That inspiration is key to making sure that we are equitably represented in government.” Healey was born in Maryland but said she was born “over” Massachusetts: Her longtime Bay State family placed soil from the New England state underneath Healey’s delivery bed before her birth. As a child, Healey grew up as the oldest of five siblings in an old farm house in Hampton Falls, New Hampshire.  She first planted her seeds in Massachusetts when she attended Harvard College, where she captained the women’s basketball team. After playing professional basketball in Austria for several years, she returned to Massachusetts to attend Northeastern University School of Law.  Several years after graduating, Healey began her life in public service working for the office she would one day lead, the Massachusetts attorney general’s office. During that time, she had the opportunity to work with someone she described as one of her lesbian role models: American lawyer and civil rights advocate Mary Bonauto, who is best known for arguing on behalf of same-sex couples in the 2015 Supreme Court case, Obergefell v. Hodges, which legalized same-sex marriage across the U.S. When asked about her time working with Healey, Bonauto said her former colleague “has a great deal of human empathy and a great sense of humor.” “As a lawyer, and now with years of serving as the top lawyer for Massachusetts, I’ve appreciated her efforts in the state and nationally to ensure federal courts and the Congress are well-informed with all of the arguments in policy and legal contests. As I saw with DOMA, she works incredibly hard, listens, collaborates and in the end, gets things done,” Bonauto said, using the acronym for the Defense of Marriage Act. Kotek was born and raised in York, Pennsylvania, and made her way west in 1987 to attend the University of Oregon, where she earned a bachelor’s degree in religious studies. She then went to the University of Washington to pursue a master’s degree in comparative religion and international studies. The Oregon Democrat, who is Roman Catholic, said in a previous interview with NBC News that while many religious institutions have rejected LGBTQ people, religious teachings — at least the way she interprets them — have always played an important role in her life. “I think God has said, ‘People are who they are. I’ve made them that way. Let’s support and celebrate people in their authentic selves,’” she said. “That’s what I believe in, and I think that’s what a lot of people believe. I know a lot of Oregon voters believe that.” As she learned about different religions as a student, Kotek had another spiritual awakening of a different sort: She came out as a lesbian. Like her learnings about religion, Kotek said her coming out experience equally shaped her success and political style. “When you’re coming out, you have to build a resilience of dealing with people who treat you differently for who you are, and that has made me a stronger person,” Kotek said. “It’s also made me open to saying, ‘Look, I want to understand where you’re coming from, and let’s have a conversation.’”  “I’ll talk to anybody,” she said. “Because at the end of the day, we’re all human beings.” If elected governor, the candidates said they intend to use their bully pulpits to fight back against the historic number of anti-LGBTQ bills circulating in state legislatures throughout the country and the seemingly pervasive threats of violence the community has been subjected to this year.  This past summer, some of those threats were pointedly directed at the LGBTQ community in Massachusetts’ state capital. A Boston affordable housing project for LGBTQ seniors was vandalized with homophobic and threatening graffiti in July, and in August, Boston’s Children’s Hospital made national headlines when it received a bomb threat for providing gender-affirming care to transgender youths.  “What we’re seeing is really sad, and it’s unacceptable. And unfortunately, it’s a reflection of the hate and vision that’s out there and tearing this country apart,” Healey said. “In Massachusetts, we’re going to stand up to threats and intimidation — I’ve done that as attorney general, and I will do that as governor.” She added, “My message to the LGBTQ community here is that I want people to know that they are valued and loved, and we will work hard to protect their rights,” she added. Follow NBC Out on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram
The U.S. Has Never Had A Lesbian Governor. These Two Women Could Change That. NBC News
Flipkart EDAO Launches Virtual Shopping Experience In Metaverse: Know More India TV News
Flipkart EDAO Launches Virtual Shopping Experience In Metaverse: Know More India TV News
Flipkart, EDAO Launches Virtual Shopping Experience In Metaverse: Know More – India TV News Image Source : FLIPVERSE Flipverse Flipkart, a homegrown e-commerce platform has announced that it has partnered with Polygon-incubated organisation eDAO to launch Flipverse, which is a metaverse space where consumers can visit and discover products in a photorealistic virtual destination and shop accordingly from Flipkart App. ALSO READ: Google Diwali 2022: This is how you can light up your home page Created by using eDAO’s pioneering Web3 tech stack, the company said that Flipverse will offer an interactive, gamified and immersive shopping experience to consumers in a digital world by giving them access to their favourite brands, Supercoins and digital collectables. ALSO READ: Best Diwali gifting options for gadget lovers In an official statement, Naren Ravula, VP and Head, Product Strategy and Deployment, at Flipkart Labs, said, “The launch of Flipverse will continue to have an impact on innovative industries like e-commerce and enhance the customer experience while delivering a gamified and immersive shopping experience, especially in light of the adoption of the metaverse and web3 platforms by multiple brands in India.” He further added, “By providing customers with access to their preferred brands, offers, SuperCoins, and digital collectables, we are aiming to improve their shopping experiences in a virtual and immersive setting.”  The objective of the launch is to ‘flip’ the shopping narrative, allowing consumers to get closer to their favourite brands in a metaverse where the communication runs two ways. Flipverse will be available on Flipkart’s newly launched platform, FireDrops, which can be accessed from the e-commerce platform’s app. It will enable a multiverse of brands to create unique product launches, discovery and inspiring experiences to attract and engage users. At the same time, it will give brands the ability to generate and create their metaverse-ready digital twin in the virtual world, the company said. Inputs from IANS Latest Technology News
Flipkart EDAO Launches Virtual Shopping Experience In Metaverse: Know More India TV News
Valorant Gamings New Beta Access Know How To Get SportsUnfold
Valorant Gamings New Beta Access Know How To Get SportsUnfold
Valorant Gaming’s New Beta Access Know How To Get – SportsUnfold credit-Talkesport Valorant portable is good to go to be the versatile gaming sensation after PUBG. The long-lasting versatile game is still in the advanced stage however not be excessively well before chao gives the beta out to gamers for testing. Porting computer games to versatile has shown huge outcomes before, PUBG is one of its most ridiculously glaring instances. Valorant is probably the most played multiplayer FPS now and the portable game would be a moment hit in the event that the designers can downgrade it for such gadgets without containing inter-activity. Revolt declared way back that they will be dropping Valorant for versatile anyway whether they will twofold down on an esports scene for the equivalent is yet to be figured. The declaration sent shockwaves in the portable gaming local area as fans are anxious to figure out how the designers will cut down such muddled mechanics to a perfect screen. HOW TO GET THE VALORANT BETA ACCESS ? Presently, the Valorant Versatile beta actually stays in the Welcome Just beta stage yet Mob is purportedly chipping away at a Welcome Framework that will see the beta get under the control of an ever-increasing number of players. It is very muddled when it drops yet a few spilled recordings propose that it has been delivered in a controlled climate. The spilled video recommends that the game is functioning admirably on cell phones and that the greater part of the functionalities from the PC rendition of it have been held. Nonetheless, we need to trust that more data will put out a decision on that one. Summit Legends, PUBG, and Fortnite, every of them was gigantic victories when sent off for versatile and Valorant has every one of the elements for it too. Assuming all works out positively, we can see another goliath enter the portable gaming space. Many thanks to you for perusing, For more selective esports and gaming content. if it’s not too much trouble, follow us on Google News.
Valorant Gamings New Beta Access Know How To Get SportsUnfold
Cotter Yellville-Summit Fall In District Semifinals Baxter Bulletin
Cotter Yellville-Summit Fall In District Semifinals Baxter Bulletin
Cotter, Yellville-Summit Fall In District Semifinals – Baxter Bulletin Neal Denton/The Baxter Bulletin Posted 10/16/22 QUITMAN — The tournament host Quitman team hit Cotter with a 9-0 run in the second set to pull away and end the Junior Lady Warriors’ season Saturday in the 2A-North District …
Cotter Yellville-Summit Fall In District Semifinals Baxter Bulletin
Florida Off The Beaten Track TravelMole
Florida Off The Beaten Track TravelMole
Florida Off The Beaten Track – TravelMole by Graham McKenzie Florida, especially if you are willing to explore off the beaten track, is definitely the vacation gift that keeps on giving. A few furlongs from Orlando ls Ocala/Marion County, which is home to some world leading attractions. Natural geological phenomena, crystal clear waters and, apologies to Kentucky, the epicentre of America’s equine sport. First up for me was the World Equestrian Centre which has its own private airfield, rooms with comfortable sleeping arrangements, individual showers, hot drinks and food on demand. And this is just and exclusively for our equine friends. Horseplay here in Ocala is a different class of stable and the occupants are treated, quite rightly, as very important visitors. Humans are however not left without a comfort blanket of luxury for in the hotel next door the opulence and attention to detail is of the highest order. Many of the rooms have views over the modern showground where the pampered horse guests compete. Food wise, we enjoyed a splendid five course meal from the aptly named Stirrups restaurant whilst seated on the concourse of the arena. No competitions were in progress at the time. Not being one to look a gift horse in the mouth the next morning I took the opportunity to go riding – for the first time ever! I wasn’t about to embark on a three-day event but at the nearby Canyons Zip Line and Adventure Park my trusty steed ‘Bear’ was about to take me trekking across the miniature scarp and vale topography. I liked to think that my newly acquired horsemanship skills guided me up and down the hillocks, but I suspect ‘Bear’ could have done it with his eyes closed.  I arrived back at the ranch unharmed, self-satisfied and delighted. Others in the group went the aerial route with some eye watering zip lines across deep lakes. Great fun! Well, you can take a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink. To not drink in the beauty of the aqua based attractions in Ocala/Marion County you would have to be an ass. These are more examples of the fantastic natural assets produced by the giant Floridian Aquifer system. Every so often you will come across crystal clear waters at a very comfy temperature which not only attract human recreation but also all manner of wildlife including birds, manatees, fish and otters. Rainbow River allowed me to complete another first by kayaking down and then back up the river over a three-hour period. All the help, safety, kit and support are at hand in what is an easily accessible public facility. Also open to the public is a unique look at the beauty and underwater scenery of Silver Springs State Park. Glass bottom boat rides, which have been in operation for many decades allow a fabulous look at how hot water springs have created and eroded the geology to create a wonderland that is truly remarkable. Such is the splendour of the park that visitors from long ago have been coming to enjoy the waters with artefacts’ on display from Native Americans to a rowboat brought by Spanish settlers plus abandoned props from old Hollywood productions. With all of this comes many choices of bars, restaurants and live music. Ocala has an historic downtown area centred around the colourfully lit town square which could easily take you back to the late 1950’s. The streets surrounding the square offer a variety of independent shops as well as food and drink, most of which are supplied from local sources. You would be stretched to find a better example of small-town America than Ocala. Just forty minutes from Orlando, it’s worth the trip. Related News Stories :   Portes du Soleil:     Members of the press     Know your airline alliances     TravelMole’s list of Sustainable Tourism Organisations / Companies     Cruise Line listing     The Multiples
Florida Off The Beaten Track TravelMole
How To Win In India? AltGs Wharton-INSEAD Wall Street Alumni Have 10000000000000 Answers Fortune India
How To Win In India? AltGs Wharton-INSEAD Wall Street Alumni Have 10000000000000 Answers Fortune India
How To Win In India? AltG’s Wharton-INSEAD Wall Street Alumni Have 10,000,000,000,000 Answers – Fortune India Taponeel Mukherjee and Poornima Vardhan have delivered outsized returns that have outperformed benchmarks by capitalising on the biggest opportunity of the 21st Century: India’s Consumer Market! Earlier this year, a familiar name flashed on Taponeel Mukherjee’s mobile screen. It was one of the traders at a mega-hedge fund that Taponeel used to trade billions of dollars of Swaps and Basis with at Citi Tokyo. His friend wanted to put a big position on a healthcare investment opportunity they were evaluating in India. Known for his speed, precision and expertise, Taponeel immediately called Poornima, who was in a meeting with a Canadian pension fund at the time. She quickly wrapped up her meeting at Delhi’s iconic Imperial Hotel and headed to the office. Over the next 24 hours, Taponeel and Poornima analysed the position with their unique Investor-Operator lens and advised the hedge fund. Millions and millions of  dollars moved at the click of a button to take the position. A few months later, the million and millions of dollars were more than doubled. The play: While there is much discussion about the opportunity in the Indian consumer market, AltG’s Poornima Vardhan and Taponeel Mukherjee know these are still early days. According to them, the Indian consumer market is the single most significant investment opportunity of the 21st Century. Taponeel Mukherjee compares this to how everyone underestimated the market size for Google search back in 2000. He quips, “When you have a bird’s-eye view of the industry from a strategic, financial and operator lens, you see the future that others can’t see”. Poornima Vardhan chips in “The growth the Indian consumer markets are about to witness, and the opportunity it presents is greater than the combined opportunity that the Chinese Consumer Internet Boom, Belle Epoque, Wirtschaftswunder, and The Italian Economic Miracle presented.” However, winning in India is a different matter altogether. Investing in India needs an India-centric approach – Understanding the opportunity from a financial, operational and strategic perspective, grasping the exact future of the business as a minority shareholder and, most importantly, understanding the levers that drive growth as a controlling shareholder.  And this is where AltG – Poornima and Taponeel’s firm are unmatched. No one else in the world can understand the Indian consumer market from a financial, strategic and operational perspective as AltG does. Taponeel says, “We’re bringing together a decade of bulge bracket investment banking experience at UBS and Citi, marrying that with over a decade of operational understanding of businesses and connecting the dots with strategy”. Vardhan adds, “Our intellectual capital is unparalleled, how many teams in this world have the extensive experience of having done multi-billion dollar M&A deal structuring, traded Trillions of Yen derivatives, built retail distribution across tens of thousands of retail points in India, run mega-scale factories and have lived and worked across 7 countries and 3 continents.” For industry insiders, Poornima is known as the “Indian B2C whisperer”.   With over 75000+ hours of research, Poornima and Taponeel have taken their extensive and unparalleled experience and built AltG’s Proprietary Exponential SucceX or The APEX Formula – to systematically analyse and evaluate investment ideas to maximise returns for their clients. Poornima adds, “The reason clients choose AltG is we’re the only firm with 3 key traits: The extensive nationwide reach to understand any consumer opportunity in India, the knowledge to understand every moving part of a business, and in-depth financial understanding of the opportunity to evaluate with both precision and speed”. The Network, Knowledge and Investor- Operator Approach makes AltG stand out. Taponeel Mukherjee adds, “The biggest mistake investors make investing in India is assuming systems and processes that work elsewhere will work here. They’re not wrong; they’re egregiously wrong”. Taponeel Mukherjee and Poornima Vardhan’s APEX Formula is the “Je Ne Sais Quoi” one needs to gain a systemic advantage in the Indian Investment Landscape. For this reason, their intelligence is trusted by top hedge funds, Japanese corporate houses, Canadian Pension funds, top European Asset Managers and hundreds of global private equity funds. India is at the beginning of an epoch that will drive economic growth and prosperity that will define the 21st Century. Taponeel says,” We’re at the beginning of a growth phase where India will be a USD 50 Trillion economy by 2050. If you’re a GP and aren’t investing in India, the question 10 years from now isn’t going to be whether you’re going to have some hard questions to answer to your LPs, but that you may not raise your next fund.”  As India’s GDP is inching its way to the $10 Trillion mark, The Indian consumer market will be the single biggest driver. This is the greatest investment opportunity of the 21st Century, and Poornima and Taponeel have the pole position.  Website Backlink: Articles under ‘Fortune India Exchange’ are either advertorials or advertisements. Fortune India’s edit team or journalists are not involved in writing or producing these pieces. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube & Instagram to never miss an update from Fortune India. To buy a copy, visit Amazon.
How To Win In India? AltGs Wharton-INSEAD Wall Street Alumni Have 10000000000000 Answers Fortune India
Who Is Sarah Ann Macklin? Prince Harry Had Affair With Model While Dating Meghan Markle Book Claims MEAWW
Who Is Sarah Ann Macklin? Prince Harry Had Affair With Model While Dating Meghan Markle Book Claims MEAWW
Who Is Sarah Ann Macklin? Prince Harry Had Affair With Model While Dating Meghan Markle, Book Claims – MEAWW Sarah Ann Macklin, a model and a nutritionist, is also an influencer who frequently shares tips for a healthy lifestyle Prince Harry went on a date with model Sarah Ann Macklin after he met Meghan Markle (Instagram @sarahannmacklin/ Kirsty O’Connor – WPA Pool/Getty Images) LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM: Prince Harry reportedly had an affair with model Sarah Ann Macklin while dating his current wife, Meghan Markle. Angela Levin, who wrote ‘Harry: A Biography of a Prince’, revealed that Harry and Macklin began talking after meeting at a private party. ADVERTISEMENT The short-lived romance took place just after Harry met Meghan, whom he married four years ago in St George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle, on 19 May 2018. Levin has written in her book, “During the very early stages of his relationship with Meghan, Harry was thought to have gone on dates with Burberry model Sarah Ann Macklin.” ADVERTISEMENT RELATED STORIES ‘They’ve got a bit of an attitude’: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s Montecito neighbors still cool to couple Prince Harry may shelve $39M memoir as he is ‘desperate’ for invitation to King Charles’ coronation ADVERTISEMENT The author said, “They met at a private party, he took her number and bombarded her with texts. But it turned out to be just a fling. A friend said: ‘They go on but are quite different. She is very clean-living and barely drinks, and in that respect they were on a different wavelength. Harry was a bit noncommittal.'” ADVERTISEMENT Macklin pursues a career as a model and a nutritionist. She is also an influencer, and frequently shares tips for a healthy lifestyle on social media. Meanwhile, Levin added, “There has been some confusion too about whether or not Meghan had at the time broken up with her boyfriend of two years, celebrity chef Cory Vitiello.” However, despite having bumps in their relationship, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are stronger than ever, with Meghan admitting recently that Harry saved her by finding her a therapist. ADVERTISEMENT Bringing mental health into focus through her recent ‘Archetypes’ podcast, Meghan shared one incident when her husband “saved her life.” The Duchess of Sussex told her listeners on Tuesday, October 11, that she was at her worst state, “At my worst point … my husband had found a referral for me to call. And I called this woman.” The ‘Suit’ star pointed out, “I think it’s [important] for all of us to be really honest about what it is that you need and to not be afraid to make peace with that, to ask for it.” ADVERTISEMENT Meghan shared the time her husband had come across people who couldn’t address their mental health issues and it was simply “ignored.” “My husband works a lot with the military community as a veteran, and [he often hears about] invisible injuries,” Markle shared. “If you suffer from post-traumatic stress, it’s the thing that you can’t see. And if you can’t see it, it is just … brushed under the carpet.” ADVERTISEMENT
Who Is Sarah Ann Macklin? Prince Harry Had Affair With Model While Dating Meghan Markle Book Claims MEAWW
Todays Birthday | News Sports Jobs The Steubenville Herald-Star
Todays Birthday | News Sports Jobs The Steubenville Herald-Star
Today’s Birthday | News, Sports, Jobs – The Steubenville Herald-Star Frank Wells, Mingo Junction. Today’s breaking news and more in your inbox Jefferson County Sheriff Surprise: A Richmond resident reported someone dumping along his property on Township … Frank Wells, Mingo Junction. Weirton Police Brandi Jo Fiber, 36, 3801 Grant St., Weirton, fraudulent use of a credit card, Sept. 15, arrested … Trinity Medical Center West Madison Berardinelli and Jared Joynson of Brilliant, a boy, Aug. 26. Jessica … Oct. 16 Jeanne Barker, Steubenville. Karen Lash, Pataskala. Karen John, Wheeling. Weirton Police Arrested: Ethan D. Turnbull, 22, 1009 Gilchrist St., Brilliant, fugitive from justice, Wednesday. …
Todays Birthday | News Sports Jobs The Steubenville Herald-Star
Ajman Police Launch Request For Sponsorship Using Metaverse By CoinEdition
Ajman Police Launch Request For Sponsorship Using Metaverse By CoinEdition
Ajman Police Launch ‘Request For Sponsorship’ Using Metaverse By CoinEdition – Please try another search Cryptocurrency 30 minutes ago (Oct 17, 2022 05:00AM ET) Ajman Police Launch ‘Request for Sponsorship’ Using Metaverse Ajman Police becomes the first police agency to provide its services in the metaverse. The new platform was unveiled during the Gitex Global 2022. Medcare Facilities & Medical Centres become the first medical facility in the metaverse. The Ajman Police General Command launched the ‘Request for Sponsorship’ service, which is a new smart service using the metaverse technology. The new platform, which was unveiled during the Gitex Global 2022 event that took place in Dubai’s World Trade Centre, will enable users to interact with police officers using avatars in the metaverse. A tweet from the Ajman Police Authority confirmed the news: شرطة عجمان أول جهة شرطية تقدم خدماتها للمتعاملين عبر تقنية ميتافيرس — ‏ajmanpoliceghq (@ajmanpoliceghq) October 16, 2022 The initiative by Ajman Police makes it the first ever police agency to provide its services to customers through metaverse technology. Meanwhile, on the second day of Gitex Global 2022, the Dubai Police General Command announced the release of the new edition of its smart application, which comprises 70 services created utilizing recent programming languages, methodologies, and artificial intelligence. The Dubai Police’s smart app supports seven languages, namely — Arabic, English, Russian, German, Chinese, French, and Spanish. Furthermore, Aster DM Healthcare’s Medcare Facilities & Medical Centres has become the first medical facility in the UAE to be present in the metaverse by planning a full-scale rollout of their hospitals on Web 3.0. The CEO of Medcare Hospitals and Medical Centers, Dr. Shanila Laiju, said: With this, we will deliver actual healthcare services by incorporating the delivery of real-time consultations through our team of over 400 medical experts. We expect in the long-run, traditional “telemedicine” services to be replaced by a need for metaverse interactions, allowing our patients to receive a more tangible and collaborative service. Reportedly, Medcare partnered with BIOmetaverse, developed by DNAverse and Polygon Studios, and announced its virtual existence by going live on October 11. The project is in line with Dubai‘s far sight to become the world’s metaverse hub with the government’s metaverse strategy, announced this July. The post Ajman Police Launch ‘Request for Sponsorship’ Using Metaverse appeared first on Coin Edition. See original on CoinEdition Related Articles
Ajman Police Launch Request For Sponsorship Using Metaverse By CoinEdition
When Design Is Best And Performance Is Cool Why Wont You Grab HP ProBook 445 G8 The Tech Outlook
When Design Is Best And Performance Is Cool Why Wont You Grab HP ProBook 445 G8 The Tech Outlook
When Design Is Best And Performance Is Cool Why Won’t You Grab HP ProBook 445 G8 – The Tech Outlook HP ProBook 445 G8 Notebook ProBook with premium design, commercial security grade, and fast processing is finally available. So neither you will have to worry about the design nor about its functioning that won’t let you down at any point in time. It has got a high brightness feature that ensures the increase of brightness by an 87percent screen-to-body ratio. If we talk about the keyboard it has got a fast responsive keyboard. Apart from it, its multilayered security system will keep your commercial and personal data safe from any potential malware. You would be used it for a prolonged duration without worrying about the battery because of its awesome battery experience. The performance of this Probook comes from 120,000 hours of the HP Total Test Process and MIL-STD 810H testing. Its rubber dome keyboard won’t hurt you even after long hours of work.  It stays protected with HP Sure Start Gen6, the self-healing BIOS that automatically recover itself from attacks or corruption. One of the coolest features of this Probook is its privacy camera feature that blocks the lens of your camera. The superfast connectivity of this phone also will take care of your fast network connection so that you can work wherever, whenever you want. So overall its unique and awesome features won’t let you down and will be easy to carry. So either now you lose it or just grab this.
When Design Is Best And Performance Is Cool Why Wont You Grab HP ProBook 445 G8 The Tech Outlook
Hong Kong To Clarify Crypto Position During FinTech Week Cryptonews
Hong Kong To Clarify Crypto Position During FinTech Week Cryptonews
Hong Kong To Clarify Crypto Position During FinTech Week – Cryptonews Source: the Hong Kong Monetary Authority The authorities of China’s Hong Kong Special Administrative Region are expected to present a policy statement on the development of the city’s digital assets market at the forthcoming Hong Kong Fintech Week event.  “The policy statement will make our policy stance on virtual assets clear to the global markets. It will also demonstrate our commitment and determination to explore financial innovations together with the global virtual-assets community,” Hong Kong Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury Christoper Hui Ching-yu told local paper China Daily. The conference is scheduled to be held between October 31 and November 1, hosting a number of debates between local government officials, executives, and industry observers, as indicated by the event’s agenda.  The conference is expected to accommodate more than 500 representatives of financial institutions from across the world, and more than 200 speakers from China and overseas, according to Hui.  The latest announcement comes as cryptocurrency investors are increasingly worried about Hong Kong’s regulatory ambiguity on crypto. The city’s lawmakers are advancing plans to require licensing for crypto trading platforms through an amendment to Hong Kong’s anti-money laundering legislation. Such a change would require companies to offer such services exclusively to professional investors with a portfolio of at least HK$8 million (US$1 million). Should it go through, the decision could discourage numerous crypto investors from carrying out their business in Hong Kong.
Hong Kong To Clarify Crypto Position During FinTech Week Cryptonews
Pakistan Summons US Envoy Over Biden most Dangerous Nation Remark Macau Business
Pakistan Summons US Envoy Over Biden most Dangerous Nation Remark Macau Business
Pakistan Summons US Envoy Over Biden ‘most Dangerous Nation’ Remark – Macau Business Pakistan on Saturday summoned the US ambassador for an explanation after President Joe Biden described the South Asian country as “one of the most dangerous nations in the world” and questioned its nuclear weapons safety protocols. Biden made the apparently off-the-cuff remark late Thursday while talking about United States foreign policy during a private Democratic Party fundraiser in California, but the White House later published a transcript of his comments, which sparked outrage in Pakistan. Washington’s relations with Pakistan have soured since last year, when the US ended a two-decade war in Afghanistan. Pakistan provided crucial logistical access, but US officials believe Islamabad’s powerful military and intelligence apparatus also aided the Taliban, who swept back to power as foreign troops pulled out. Biden was speaking about his frequent interactions with Chinese leader Xi Jinping, when he said: “Did anybody think we’d be in a situation where China is trying to figure out its role relative to Russia and relative to India and relative to Pakistan? “This is a guy who understands what he wants but has an enormous, enormous array of problems. How do we handle that? How do we handle that relative to what’s going on in Russia?  “And what I think is maybe one of the most dangerous nations in the world: Pakistan. Nuclear weapons without any cohesion.” Hours after the transcript of his address was posted, Pakistan summoned the US ambassador Donald Blome to the foreign office in Islamabad. – Room to manoeuvre – “I have discussed it with the prime minister, and we have summoned the ambassador of the United States… for an official demarche,” Pakistani Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari said during a press conference in Karachi. “I am surprised by the remarks of President Biden. I believe this is exactly the sort of misunderstanding that is created when there is lack of an engagement.” Later, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif tweeted that Pakistan was a “responsible nuclear state”. “We are proud that our nuclear assets have the best safeguards… We take these safety measures with the utmost seriousness. Let no one have any doubts,” he said. The foreign minister also appeared to offer Washington some room to manoeuvre diplomatically away from Biden’s remarks. “It was not an official function, it was not an address to the nation or an address to the parliament,” he said. “We should allow them an opportunity to explain this position. I don’t believe that this should negatively impact the relations between Pakistan and the United States.” The US is wary of Pakistan’s close partnership with China, as Beijing pushes ahead with a $54 billion “economic corridor” that will build infrastructure and give Beijing an outlet to the Indian Ocean. Washington has repeatedly said China will reap most of the benefits, leaving Pakistan with unsustainable debt. The warnings by the US — which considers China its preeminent global competitor — have repeatedly been brushed aside by Pakistan. Pakistan this week abstained from a United Nations General Assembly vote to condemn Russia’s annexation of parts of Ukraine, despite a major US diplomatic push to seek clearer condemnation of Moscow. by Zain Zaman JANJUA
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RECOM Technologies LION HJT PV Module Series With Power Output Over 700Wp & Life Expectancy Over 30 Years USA English USA English PR Newswire
RECOM Technologies LION HJT PV Module Series With Power Output Over 700Wp & Life Expectancy Over 30 Years USA English USA English PR Newswire
RECOM Technologies LION HJT PV Module Series With Power Output Over 700Wp & Life Expectancy Over 30 Years USA – English – USA – English – PR Newswire New HJT LION 390 Wp module available in European warehouses LANNION, France, Oct. 17, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — RECOM Technologies, α leading renewable energy company and the only European Bloomberg Tier 1 PV module manufacturer, launches the new LION 390Wp Bifacial HJT Mono Crystalline Double Glass Module. Allowing more energy to be harvested, due to the Heterojunction technology (HJT), the LION 390Wp promises great performance in small and large-scale ground or rooftop solar applications. RECOM Technologies LION HJT PV Module Series with power output over 700Wp & life expectancy over 30 years Lion series modules with power output over 700Wp are based on Heterojunction (HJT) technology. Heterojunction (HJT) photovoltaic module is a ground breaking technology as it guarantees high performance and low degradation of the PV module, substantially improving the results and the yield in the time. Heterojunction solar cells combine two different technologies into one cell: a mono thin crystalline silicon wafer surrounded by ultra-thin amorphous silicon layers. This allows an increase in the efficiency of the panels and more energy to be harvested easily when compared to conventional silicon solar panels.  With bifaciality factor up to 90% (compared to 70% industry standard modules), Lion modules gain up to 20% more energy yield, in low-light conditions, in the morning an evening hours and with cloudy skies. Owing to N-type technology the power losses are considerably decreased and there are No PID & No LID effects delivering lowest LCOE. RECOM Technologies Lion series range is available from 375Wp and goes above 700Wp.   Product Specifications Bifacial HJT Mono Crystalline Double Glass Module 30 Years Product Warranty & Output Warranty Low Temperature Coefficient -0,24%/Celsius 91,25% performance output after 30 years 10-35% Power Generation Gain Module efficiency over 22,5% High Bifaciality / High Energy Yield / Low Degradation No LID & PID RECOM’s power plants are certified to ISO 9001 and 14001 standards and Lion series is fully certified to IEC61215 & 61730 standards. Lion series is also certified to withstand extreme wind Testing [2400 Pascal] and snow loads [5400 Pascal). RECOM supports fast and reliable deliveries ensuring product availability at European warehouses. For more information on RECOM’s solar solutions, please visit For sales and technical inquiries please send email to [email protected]. About us RECOM Technologies is a France based renewable energy company with notable presence in the global solar industry. RECOM is a module, cell, inverters, hybrid storage systems, batteries and electrical vehicle chargers (EV) manufacturer, an innovative company integrating R&D, manufacturing and distribution. RECOM is a leading and the only Bloomberg Tier 1 PV module manufacturer in Europe with above 1,1GW annual production capacity and with sales of over 2GW solar modules in 95 countries. Photo – Logo – Media Contact: Email: [email protected] Telephone: +33255030861 SOURCE RECOM Technologies
RECOM Technologies LION HJT PV Module Series With Power Output Over 700Wp & Life Expectancy Over 30 Years USA English USA English PR Newswire
Panthers Drop Fifth Straight Game With Loss At Dodge County Americus Times-Recorder | Americus Times-Recorder Americus Times-Recorder
Panthers Drop Fifth Straight Game With Loss At Dodge County Americus Times-Recorder | Americus Times-Recorder Americus Times-Recorder
Panthers Drop Fifth Straight Game With Loss At Dodge County – Americus Times-Recorder | Americus Times-Recorder – Americus Times-Recorder Published 12:09 am Monday, October 17, 2022 From Staff Reports EASTMAN, GA – Having dropped four straight contests since their 26-21 victory over Westover back on August 26, the Sumter County Panthers (SC) were desperately hoping to put a halt to their four-game losing streak when they made the trip over to Eastman, GA on Friday, October 14 to take on Dodge County in another GHSA Region 1-AA contest, but unfortunately for SC, they struggled offensively and could not stop the Indians’ offense for much of the night. As a result, the Panthers fell to DC 35-14 and have now dropped five straight games. The loss drops SC to 1-6 overall on the season and 0-3 in the Region 1-AA standings. DC improves to 3-5 overall and 2-2 in the Region 1-AA standings. The Panthers received the ball to start the game and they would later have a chance to take the lead with 4:08 to go in the first quarter when Jose Diaz attempted a field goal, but Diaz’s 27-yard attempt was blocked by DC’s Lamarie Mitchell. Then with 8:56 to go before halftime, the Indians took a 7-0 lead when quarterback Duke Johnson scored on a quarterback keeper from five yards out. The extra point by Jorge Jackson was good and DC led 7-0 with 8:56 to go in the first half. A little more than three minutes later, DC added to its lead when running back Denton Gordon broke through the Panthers’ defensive line and scored a 45-yard rushing touchdown. The extra point by Jackson was good and the Panthers trailed 14-0. Sumter County Junior RB Ja’Kory Wise carries the rock for the Panthers against Dodge County. Photo by Kristy Callier While the SC offense struggled, the Panthers’ special teams tried to do what they could to keep SC in the game. With 2:58 to go before halftime, the Indians decided to attempt a 28-yard field goal, but Corderian Leverett blocked Jackson’s FG attempt to keep the Panthers’ deficit at 14. This brought life and hope to the SC offense. With 54.4 seconds to go before halftime, quarterback Cameron Evans led the Panthers on a scoring drive that was finished off by a 13-yard touchdown pass from Evans to Brandon Pope. The extra point by Diaz was good and the Panthers were back in the game, trailing 14-7. However, the Indians responded with a quick scoring drive that resulted in a 15-yard touchdown pass from Johnson to Keegan Williams with 25 seconds left before the half. On their last possession before halftime, the Panthers tried to score on a trick play when Evans dumped the ball off to Omari Woodard, who then attempted a pass intended for Pope, but the pass was intercepted by Keegan Williams. Just like that, the positive momentum that came from Leverett’s blocked field goal and the touchdown pass from Evans to Pope was snuffed out and the Panthers would have to regroup at halftime, as they trailed DC 21-7. In the second half, the Indians took over and pulled away. With 10:21 to go in the third quarter, Johnson threw a 58-yard touchdown pass to J.J. Dean. The extra point by Jackson was good and the Panthers trailed 28-7. Sumter County Senior Linebacker Karounga Keita tries to make a tackle against Dodge County. Photo by Kristy Callier Then with 1:26 to go in the third, Johnson connected with Williams again for a 17-yard touchdown pass. Jackson’s extra point was good and the Panthers found themselves in a deep hole, trailing 35-7. SC tried to keep hope alive when Evans connected again with Pope on a 39-yard touchdown pass with 2:47 to go in the game, but it was too little, too late as the Indians would go on to win 35-14. The Panthers will try once again to end their losing streak when they host Fitzgerald on Friday, October 21. Kickoff is scheduled for 7:30 p.m.
Panthers Drop Fifth Straight Game With Loss At Dodge County Americus Times-Recorder | Americus Times-Recorder Americus Times-Recorder
Afterpay-Backed Touch Ventures Appoints WhiteGREY As Lead Agency For Planpay | LBBOnline Little Black Book LBBonline
Afterpay-Backed Touch Ventures Appoints WhiteGREY As Lead Agency For Planpay | LBBOnline Little Black Book LBBonline
Afterpay-Backed Touch Ventures Appoints WhiteGREY As Lead Agency For Planpay | LBBOnline – Little Black Book – LBBonline Creative technology agency, whiteGREY today announces it has been appointed by Paytech brand Planpay as its creative and media agency of record. Planpay is part of the Afterpay-backed ASX-listed Touch Ventures Ltd portfolio.  whiteGREY is charged with carving clear space in the market for Planpay and fuelling international growth by highlighting the brand proposition. whiteGREY’s remit includes all strategy, creative and planning for the innovative Paytech platform, initially launching in the travel sector with rapid expansion to follow. Lee Simpson, CEO of whiteGREY, said: “Planpay is an ambitious and innovative business, not shy of backing bold thinking. We can’t wait to work with the team to realise the brand’s potential on the local and global stage.” Gary Burrows, CEO Planpay, added: “whiteGREY has extensive expertise within the brand experience space, alongside an impressive understanding of our sector. The agency’s expertise and full-service offering makes the team the perfect partner for us as we revitalise the lay-by model globally.”  Planpay unlocks a world of travel experiences by splitting future purchases into flexible instalments, allowing customers to use their own money rather than credit facilities. Whether it’s a weekend getaway, a family vacation or even a life changing bucket list experience, Planpay makes it all possible.  Work commences immediately.
Afterpay-Backed Touch Ventures Appoints WhiteGREY As Lead Agency For Planpay | LBBOnline Little Black Book LBBonline
Welsh Firms To Boost US Export Links | Wales Business News Insider Media
Welsh Firms To Boost US Export Links | Wales Business News Insider Media
Welsh Firms To Boost US Export Links | Wales Business News – Insider Media Image: Shutterstock Seven Welsh businesses will visit the US this week to boost trade and export links. The firms, with experience ranging from engineering, patient care and grassroots sport, will head to North Caroline and South Carolina where they will meet with companies and potential new customers and partners. The trip forms part of the Welsh Government’s Export Action Plan which aims to support businesses to grow in Wales and sell internationally. The US accounts for 15.7 per cent, or £2.9bn, of Wales’ total export market for goods – making it its largest market. Across the last year, the value of Welsh goods exports to the US increased by 69.6 per cent. The mission is part of a series of activities being brought forward by the Welsh Government in the run up to the FIFA World Cup in Qatar, in which Wales’ first match is against the USA The delegation will include the Football Association of Wales (FAW) Trust which will be looking to meet partners in coaching education for its online learning packages. Wales’ economy minister Vaughan Gething said: “The USA is an important market for Wales and I’m pleased the Welsh Government can support this delegation of Welsh business talent on our first ever trade visit to the Carolinas. “This is an excellent opportunity for our businesses to explore the market and build connections with international partners. As part of this, I am keen that we capitalise on opportunities in the run up to the FIFA World Cup, which has the potential to raise the profile of Wales in key markets, like the USA. “The mission, which is part of a wider trade mission programme delivered by the Welsh Government shows our determination to back Welsh business to grow in Wales, and to sell to the world. It underpins our clear ambition to grow Welsh export as we deliver on our Export Action Plan.” Head of business development at FAW Nick Davidson said: “The FAW are delighted to be part of the Welsh Government USA Trade Mission to North Carolina and South Carolina. “Putting Wales on the world stage during a World Cup year is a shared objective and a great opportunity for business and sport to create powerful partnerships.”
Welsh Firms To Boost US Export Links | Wales Business News Insider Media
Sleep: How Does Poor Sleep Affect Your Long-Term Health? NDTV Doctor
Sleep: How Does Poor Sleep Affect Your Long-Term Health? NDTV Doctor
Sleep: How Does Poor Sleep Affect Your Long-Term Health? – NDTV Doctor In this article, we discuss the long-term effects of a lack of proper sleep.   By: Manya Singh  Updated: Oct 17, 2022 12:26 IST 3-Min Read Lack of proper sleep lowers immunity and makes us prone to infections Sleep helps our body reset, gain energy and get rest. We still don’t fully understand why our bodies require sleep after decades of research. We are aware that not getting the prescribed 8 hours of sleep each night might have a detrimental effect on our health. To perform at its best, your body needs sleep just as it does oxygen and food. Your body repairs itself and rebalances its chemicals as you sleep. Your brain creates new connections between ideas and aids in memory retention. Your brain and body’s processes won’t operate correctly if you don’t get enough sleep. Furthermore, it may significantly reduce your standard of living. In this article, we discuss the long-term effects of a lack of proper sleep. Here are some ways in which lack of sleep affects the body in the long run: 1. Mood disorders When people don’t get enough sleep they get irritated, but chronic sleep loss has also been related to clinical depression and a general lack of enthusiasm. In contrast, persons with depression frequently have erratic sleeping patterns. The hormone melatonin controls both sleep patterns and mood management. In fact, persons with depression and sleeplessness frequently have lower melatonin levels than healthy individuals. 2. Chronic cardiovascular diseases Lack of sleep increases the risk of severe cardiovascular conditions like stroke and heart attacks. The reason for this, according to medical professionals and academics, is that sleep deprivation may disturb brain regions that regulate the circulatory system or result in inflammation that increases the risk of blood clot development. 3. Poor brain functioning Mental abilities can significantly deteriorate when the brain is unable to relax sufficiently over a prolonged period of time. Our capacity to solve problems, control our emotions, and make decisions are all impacted by sleep deprivation. People who lack sleep also struggle with their balance, reflexes, and motor skills; as a result, they are far more prone to get an injury. One of the main causes of auto accidents is drowsiness. 4. Obesity Persistent sleep issues might lead to fast weight gain. Cortisol, a stress hormone, is produced in greater proportions when people don’t get enough sleep, and the ensuing worry, stress, and frustration can lead to emotional eating and bad dietary practices. Another hormone known as ghrelin, which is made in the stomach and has been linked to chronic sleep deprivation, can actually make individuals feel more hungry. 5. Compromised immunity Our immune systems work best when we get enough sleep, just like the rest of our bodies. Long-term sleep deprivation has a similar effect to chronic stress. It can lower your immune system’s response and make you more susceptible to infections, including the common cold and flu. 6. High blood pressure A high rate of hypertension has been associated with getting fewer than 5 to 6 hours of sleep per night. Lack of sleep may exacerbate the negative consequences of stress on the body. As sleep assists our bodies to control the chemicals that create stress. Chronic sleep loss has been linked to elevated blood pressure, a faster heartbeat, and inflammation. Your heart is unnecessarily strained by all of this. Now that you understand how poor sleep can be detrimental to your health., make efforts to ensure you get enough sleep daily. If you are having trouble sleeping, speak to a professional. They can help you navigate how you can sleep better. As poor sleep may cause even more severe issues in the body. Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information. DoctorNDTV is the one stop site for all your health needs providing the most credible health information, health news and tips with expert advice on healthy living, diet plans, informative videos etc. You can get the most relevant and accurate info you need about health problems like diabetes, cancer, pregnancy, HIV and AIDS, weight loss and many other lifestyle diseases. We have a panel of over 350 experts who help us develop content by giving their valuable inputs and bringing to us the latest in the world of healthcare.
Sleep: How Does Poor Sleep Affect Your Long-Term Health? NDTV Doctor