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Staying Healthy In A Schizoid World UCA News
Staying Healthy In A Schizoid World UCA News
Staying Healthy In A Schizoid World – UCA News The ancient Romans put it well: “A healthy mind in a healthy body” (mens sana in corpore sano). This adage accurately sums up the traditional system of education. In this context, academic studies were blended with sports and athletics, as well as with public expression in the arts, like elocution, music, painting and theater. Thus, the human person grew intellectually, physically and emotionally. But modern education, increasingly competitive and focused largely on financial gain, tends to forget this. One reason why the decline of mental health, not just in adults but in adolescents as well, has become one of society’s gravest concerns today. Oct. 10 is World Mental Health Day, a day chosen to increase awareness and education about health issues. What is mental health? What we call “mental health” is perhaps better described as “emotional well-being,” that is, it’s not so much a deterioration of the brain as an atrophy of the heart, of feelings, of relationships. The World Health Organization (WHO) describes mental health as the state of someone who “functions at a satisfactory level of emotional and behavioral adjustment.” Or to put it more descriptively, mental health is “subjective well-being, perceived self-efficacy, autonomy, competence, inter-generational dependence and self-actualization of one’s intellectual and emotional potential, among others.” Mental health issues arise because of a variety of reasons: stress, depression, loneliness, anxiety, deaths in the family, mood disorders and various other mental illnesses. Feelings of deprivation, of financial loss, major health issues, moving to a new place, retirement and several such stressful events can leave a person vulnerable to depression. Many of these are lifestyle ailments, that is, they are caused by the irreversible change of social behavior patterns of modern living. Modern life, whatever benefits it has brought some of us, is also fast-paced, hectic and stressful. It values success, especially financial success, as its main goal. It is also more individualistic and disdains relationships with family and kin, in spite of knowing that it is our relatives who provide the emotional buffer in life’s various tragedies. No wonder the growing incidence of mental illness, or emotional breakdown, expresses itself in depression and violent paranoia. Therapy, counseling, or medication can help overcome these illnesses, but because of the social stigma associated with mental breakdown — “becoming mad” — many patients decline to visit a doctor. With no professional help, such patients often move towards taking extreme steps, like suicide.          Mental health in India According to a WHO report, India is the most depressed country in the world. The report says that between 1990 and 2017, one in seven people in India suffered mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety and other severe conditions. India also has a very low number of health professionals to deal with mental health issues. These challenges require the government’s as well as citizens’ immediate attention. As per WHO estimates, nearly 50 million Indians suffer from depression. “That is, an increase of more than 18 percent in cases of depression as compared with the last decade, and account for over two-thirds of global suicides in low- and middle-income countries like ours,” says Mahesh Jayaraman, co-founder of the health platform While there are numerous ways to deal with depression, most often people resort to chemical antidepressants and, in some severe cases, electroconvulsive therapy. Alternative strategies Are there safer, alternative strategies to cope with a mental disability? This World Mental Health Day, here are four scientific ways to deal with depression. Eat a balanced diet, rich in high-quality fats: A balanced and nutritious diet helps promote good health and works effectively on the body to fight depression. While good fats are known to enhance mental calm, trans fats and saturated fats are bad and can adversely affect brain health. Conduct thyroid function tests: Abnormal thyroid hormone levels can result in mood swings, anxiety, irritability, fatigue, insomnia and depression. If you are detected with hypothyroidism and depression, then dietary supplements that support thyroid function can come to your rescue. As thyroid function improves, depression goes away naturally. Consume adequate B vitamins: Often, low levels of vitamin B12 and other B vitamins can trigger depression. These vitamins play an important role in producing brain chemicals that affect mood and other brain functions. Practice yoga and meditation: Yoga and meditation are among the most effective ways to fight depression and its symptoms. Yoga and meditation have demonstrated therapeutic effectiveness on many patients dealing with depression, mental and emotional problems. The famous psychologist Carl G. Jung in his classic study Modern Man in Search of a Soul observed that the loss of religion in modern life was responsible for many of its ailments. He declared that finding a “spiritual vision for oneself” was the first step to recovery. Religion, as we know, is a two-edged sword. Many societies across the globe promote a fundamentalist kind of religion, replete with codes and rituals, and suspicious of everything modern. What Jung implied was rather “spirituality,” an orientation of the human spirit to all that is true, good and beautiful, particularly a reverence for life in all its forms in nature. Such spiritual persons then have discovered that the key to healthy living lies in relationships — with others, with oneself, and with that Divine Power beyond us — and that our total well-being consists in bringing these relationships to fruition. *The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official editorial position of UCA News.
Staying Healthy In A Schizoid World UCA News
Sporting News Pegs Boston Celtics Al Horford As NBAs Ninth-Best Power Forward For 2022-23 Celtics Wire
Sporting News Pegs Boston Celtics Al Horford As NBAs Ninth-Best Power Forward For 2022-23 Celtics Wire
Sporting News Pegs Boston Celtics’ Al Horford As NBA’s Ninth-Best Power Forward For 2022-23 – Celtics Wire As we inch closer to the 2022-23 regular season, the annual exercise of ranking everything that isn’t nailed down continues in the NBA media as is the custom ahead of Opening Night, and starting Boston Celtics power forward Al Horford can’t escape the assessment of Sporting News’ Stephen Noh in his latest positional rankings for the 4 around the league. But Horford might not want to anyway given Noh sees the Florida product as the ninth-best swingman in the Association, checking ahead of names on the come-up like Scottie Barnes of the Toronto Raptors and Evan Mobley of the Cleveland Cavaliers. “Horford looked like he might be close to done a few years ago, but he revitalized his career at age 35 with the Celtics,” writes the S/N analyst. “He’s an extremely high-feel defender, and he guards stars like Antetokounmpo as well as anyone else in the league.” Rep. Ayanna Pressley on Jaylen Brown’s leadership in Boston and beyond — The Celtics Wire (@TheCelticsWire) October 9, 2022 “Horford has also become a good 3-point shooter in the back half of his career,” adds Noh. “He hit an absurd 48% of his 3-pointers in the 2022 NBA Playoffs and has canned 36% of his 3-point attempts for his career.” Listen to the “Celtics Lab” podcast on: Apple Podcasts: Spotify:
Sporting News Pegs Boston Celtics Al Horford As NBAs Ninth-Best Power Forward For 2022-23 Celtics Wire
Inside Zuckerbergs Metaverse Struggles | Technology News The Indian Express
Inside Zuckerbergs Metaverse Struggles | Technology News The Indian Express
Inside Zuckerberg’s Metaverse Struggles | Technology News – The Indian Express Last October, when Mark Zuckerberg, the chief executive of Facebook, announced that the company would change its name to Meta and become a “metaverse company,” he sketched a vision of a utopian future many years off in which billions of people would inhabit immersive digital environments for hours on end, working, socializing and playing games inside virtual and augmented worlds. In the year since, Meta has spent billions of dollars and assigned thousands of employees to make Zuckerberg’s dream feasible. But Meta’s metaverse efforts have had a rocky start. The company’s flagship virtual-reality game, Horizon Worlds, remains buggy and unpopular, leading Meta to put in place a “quality lockdown” for the rest of the year while it retools the app. Some Meta employees have complained about frequent strategy shifts that seem tied to Zuckerberg’s whims rather than a cohesive plan. And Meta executives have butted heads over the company’s metaverse strategy, with one senior leader complaining that the amount of money the company had spent on unproven projects made him “sick to my stomach.” The company’s struggle to reshape the business was described in interviews with more than a dozen current and former Meta employees and internal communications obtained by The New York Times. The people spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak about internal matters. On Tuesday, Meta is expected to unveil a new VR headset at a developer conference, along with other new metaverse features. The stakes are high for the company, which is racing to transform itself to make up for declines in other parts of its business. TikTok is siphoning younger users away from Facebook and Instagram, Meta’s two big moneymakers, and Apple made privacy changes to its mobile operating system that have cost Meta billions of dollars in advertising revenue. The company’s stock price has tumbled nearly 60% in the past year — a reflection not just of broader market turbulence, but of some investors’ skepticism that the metaverse will be highly lucrative anytime soon. In late September, the company announced that it would freeze most hiring, and Zuckerberg has warned employees that layoffs may be coming. “The pressures Meta’s business is facing in 2022 are acute, significant and not metaverse-related,” said Matthew Ball, an investor and metaverse expert whose advice Zuckerberg has sought. “And there is a risk that almost everything Mark has outlined about the metaverse is right, except the timing is farther out than he imagined.” In a statement, Andy Stone, a Meta spokesperson, said the company believed it was still on the right path. “Being a cynic about new and innovative technology is easy,” Stone said. “Actually building it is a lot harder — but that’s what we’re doing because we believe the metaverse is the future of computing.” Zuckerberg successfully overhauled his company a decade ago, getting it to focus on how its products worked on smartphones instead of desktops. He signaled a similar shift last year, saying that investing in the metaverse would allow Meta to make the leap from one technological era to the next. There are some signs that Meta’s bet has put it ahead of competitors. The company’s consumer VR headset, the Quest 2, is the most popular VR headset on the market with more than 15 million sold, according to outside estimates. Its Oculus VR app — which has since been rebranded Meta Quest — has been installed more than 21 million times on iOS and Android devices, according to an estimate by Sensor Tower, an app analytics firm. But Meta’s future success depends on the company’s ability to bring virtual and augmented reality tools to far more people. Meta said in February that its Horizon Worlds game had grown to roughly 300,000 monthly active users — an increase from a few months earlier, but minuscule in comparison with Facebook’s more than 2.9 billion monthly active users. The company declined to provide more up-to-date figures for Horizon Worlds. Adding to Meta’s woes is that U.S. regulators appear determined to prevent the company from acquiring its way to success, as it did by buying Instagram and WhatsApp. In July, the Federal Trade Commission sued Meta to block it from acquiring Within, the maker of a popular VR fitness app. Meta is fighting the agency’s lawsuit, which it has called “wrong on the facts and the law.” Zuckerberg, determined to recast his public image after years in the limelight for unpopular decisions about political speech on Facebook, has surprised some employees by making himself the innovator face of the metaverse push. Demonstrations and mock-ups of Meta’s latest metaverse technologies feature footage of Zuckerberg performing VR versions of his hobbies, including fencing and a surfing-like watersport called hydrofoiling. The CEO recently went on Joe Rogan’s podcast, where he told the popular comedian that building an immersive metaverse was his “holy grail.” His involvement has backfired at times. In August, Zuckerberg posted a screenshot of his Horizon Worlds avatar on his Facebook page, along with an announcement that the app was expanding into France and Spain. But the avatar’s flat, cartoonish look was roundly mocked. (One commenter compared it to “a 2002 Nintendo GameCube release.”) After that response, Zuckerberg and other executives directed employees to give priority to improving the appearance of avatars, according to two employees. Stone, the Facebook spokesperson, characterized Zuckerberg’s reaction to the avatar backlash as “frustrated,” but did not provide additional details. A new version of Zuckerberg’s digital appearance was fast-tracked, the two employees said, along with updates to other Horizon Worlds avatars that had been in the works. Four days after Zuckerberg’s original post, he shared that upgraded digital version of himself, conceding that his first avatar was “pretty basic” while the “graphics in Horizon are capable of much more.” One Meta graphic artist claimed in a LinkedIn post, which has since been deleted, that he and his team had designed roughly 40 versions of Zuckerberg’s face over a four-week period before a final version was approved. Zuckerberg’s zeal for the metaverse has been met with skepticism by some Meta employees. This year, he urged teams to hold meetings inside Meta’s Horizon Workrooms app, which allows users to gather in virtual conference rooms. But many employees didn’t own VR headsets or hadn’t set them up yet, and had to scramble to buy and register devices before managers caught on, according to one person with knowledge of the events. In a May poll of 1,000 Meta employees conducted by Blind, an anonymous professional social network, only 58% said they understood the company’s metaverse strategy. Employees have also grumbled about the high turnover and frequent shuffling of employees as Zuckerberg’s priorities change. Inside Meta, two employees said, some workers now jokingly refer to key metaverse projects as MMH, for “make Mark happy.” In September, Vishal Shah, the vice president in charge of Meta’s metaverse division, wrote on an internal message board that he was disappointed in how few Meta employees were using Horizon Worlds, according to a post obtained by The Times. In his post, which was first reported by The Verge, Shah said that managers would begin tracking workers’ use of Horizon Worlds, and said that testing their own technology was essential. “Why don’t we love the product we’ve built so much that we use it all the time?” Shah asked. “The simple truth is, if we don’t love it, how can we expect our users to love it?” Shah, who declined to comment to The Times, also said in his post that Horizon would undergo a “quality lockdown” for the rest of the year to “raise the overall craft and delight of our product.” As Meta has struggled to grow its metaverse, some at the company have suggested unconventional ideas for bringing in new users. This summer, three Meta employees proposed marketing VR headsets to Americans who received student debt relief from the Biden administration, believing it could boost sales of headsets by 20%, according to an internal post viewed by The Times. “This is an opportunity for Meta Quest growth, as there is evidence that past Federal Stimulus spurred growth,” the analysis read. It does not appear that the company acted on the advice. One prominent insider who has objected to Zuckerberg’s approach to the metaverse is John Carmack, a well-known game developer and former chief technology officer of Oculus, the VR company Facebook acquired for roughly $2 billion in 2014. He continues to work part time at Meta as an adviser. In a podcast interview in August, Carmack said the scale of Meta’s metaverse bet — last year, it reported a $10 billion loss in the division housing its AR and VR units — made him “sick to my stomach thinking about that much money being spent.” He added that Meta’s development of the metaverse has been hampered by big-company bureaucracy and concerns about issues such as diversity and privacy. Carmack has also spoken out on Workplace, Meta’s internal message board. In posts obtained by The Times, Carmack, who is speaking at the developer conference Tuesday, criticized features of the company’s VR headsets, calling the need to run software updates before using them “extremely bad for user enjoyment.” Carmack did not respond to a request for comment. Carmack’s criticism has put him at odds with executives such as Andrew Bosworth, Meta’s chief technology officer, who oversaw VR efforts for years and is a close ally of Zuckerberg’s. Carmack, according to four employees who have worked with him, has urged the company to think about the metaverse primarily ...
Inside Zuckerbergs Metaverse Struggles | Technology News The Indian Express
Can Vape Carts Go Bad?And If So Why Do They Expire? The Island Now
Can Vape Carts Go Bad?And If So Why Do They Expire? The Island Now
Can Vape Carts Go Bad?And If So, Why Do They Expire? – The Island Now As they say, nothing good lasts forever, and marijuana is no exception. Every flower enthusiast knows time begins to run out when they take that good weed bud back to the house from the drug store.  Even keeping it dark and airtight can only slow the passage of time. Your bud is rapidly losing its flavor and strength with each day. The issue of duration and strength, though, is not just relevant to marijuana users.  Many users of vape or oil cartridges have pulled a dubious-looking cartridge from the back of a drawer and questioned whether to attach it to the battery and give it a go. Do vaporizer cartridges ever expire as a result? What could go wrong if you still smoke it when they do?If you’ve ever wondered if you should smoke out of an old cartridge or force it into retirement, we’re here to help you decide. Understanding Vape Carts Let’s first discuss what is inside the vape cartridge before discussing whether or not vape cartridges go bad.  About one gram of cannabis concentrate, an oil-based strain of the cannabis plant, is present inside the glass or plastic cylinder. Along with other terpenes and cannabinoids isolated from the herb, this oil has a high concentration of THC. A steel plate at the bottom of the cylinder vaporizes the oil breathed via the lips. A charger on one side of the vape pen heats the surface. You don’t have to be concerned about some problems that one runs into with marijuana over a period since the oil includes THC concentrate instead of plant debris. Terpenoids won’t dissipate, trichomes won’t flake off the foliage, and they won’t lose strength as it dries up. This does not imply that vape refills are indestructible, though. Over age, vape cartridges might degrade. How Does THC In Vape Cartridges Change Over Time? Complicated networks of phospholipid bilayers and molecules with weaker connections make up oil. While CBD vape oil may stay potent for longer than a gram of marijuana, it will eventually decay like any other oil or concentrate. Those chemical connections will dissolve, particularly given how frequently the battery’s plate heats the oil. Identical to how THC molecules constantly degrade into CBN, regardless of their shape. How fast this THC decomposes in your vape cartridge depends on a few things, but heat is the most important. The degradation of both the oil and the THC will occur more quickly due to long exposure to greater temperatures. Moreover, it may seem contradictory for something whose function is to be heated.  This heat may originate from a hot day, a steamy automobile interior, or even body heat trapped inside a pocket. Direct Light exposure, particularly direct sunlight, is another important element that causes a vape cartridge to degrade.  The light will break those flimsy hydrogen atoms, whether marijuana is a bud, a consumable, or an extract, converting the psychotropic THC to the less-psychoactive (but still useful) CBN. How To Tell If A Vape Cartridge Has Gone Bad? On average, smoking an old THC cartridge, like smoking an old joint, may not pose any severe health risks to you.Although, we still won’t advise you to go with it due to several reasons. You might cough more, feel drowsy or headachey, and your vape cartridge won’t be as powerful, effective, or flavorful if it has gone wrong. Bearing all of this in mind, there are a few indicators to look for to ensure a vape cartridge is fresh before you try smoking it if it is of unknown age. The thickness and purity of the cartridge should be compared to when you originally purchased it. The oil should remain a consistent hue of amber to light yellow. It shouldn’t be too difficult for you to see into it as well. Your vape pen has gone wrong and must be thrown away if the liquid is discolored or has become brown.  The press won’t be worthwhile if the oil within has been sluggish or hardened in any other manner. Get rid of any hazy liquid or crystals developing from the sides.Even though the oil doesn’t appear to have altered, the instant you remove it, you’ll know if it has passed its expiration date. Because the oil is degrading, the vapor will taste harsh or sour, or you’ll sneeze a lot more.  The potency will also have significantly decreased. In conclusion, if the oil cartridge has become black, back off. Keeping A Vape Cart Fresh If you recently purchased a new cartridge, specifically if you spent a lot of money on a high-quality one, you should preserve it in good condition until the very last drop. There are a few easy techniques to lengthen the shelf life of your vape cartridge. The amount of care you take to store your vape cartridge will determine how long it retains its potency, just as with flowers.  The great news is that since it’s a concentration, your cartridge will keep its quality close to the same for much longer than the flower.  Your vape cartridge could last up to one year without significantly changing strength if you take the appropriate precautions and use high-quality materials. When not in use, remove the vape cartridge’s screws from the batteries to prevent it from becoming faulty. There will be some power loss and very slight warming as soon as the metal plate is in touch with the battery, which over time, will harm the oil and cannabinoids.  Along with maintaining your cartridge upright while it’s unbolted, this aids in preventing leakage and damage. If you frequently take your cartridges in your pocket, putting them in a tiny waterproof case is advisable because the human body also operates at temperatures over 70 degrees. Maintain your cartridges away from bright light, particularly the sun. When THC molecules are broken down by excessive light, the oil cartridge might become black or brown and lose strength and flavor. Additional heat from the sun will, as already said, hasten the deterioration of your vape cartridge. Although a container is ideal for keeping your cartridges, any cold, dry cabinet or proper storage space will suffice.  A ledge would be the most undesirable place to put them. Your oil cartridge will quickly go bad as a result of this. Getting The Freshest Vape Experience Another option is to get a cannabis oil needle for refilling cartridges if you frequently carry your carts in your vehicle or wallet and would like to preserve them.  These can be purchased at several dispensaries and let you keep the actual oil until you require it in a cold, dry location. You may always have a new supply of hash oil syringe that is strong by just filling your cartridge with the quantity you need for the upcoming few days. In conclusion, vape kits do degrade over time. Nevertheless, if you store your cartridges cold and in the darkness, they should retain their efficacy for anywhere between six and a year. They’ll start to lose a few of their effectiveness after that. The oil should remain in good condition to vape without sacrificing flavors if maintained properly. So place them in cool and dark places. Types of Vape Cartridges The industry is filled with several varieties of vape carts. Each one has a special type of cannabis extract. You, therefore, get different flavors and active ingredients. Here are some of the best vape cart types: Prefilled Sometimes described as a “consumable dab pen” or a “cannabis oil vape.” As the name implies, you buy a cartridge that has your preferred flavor present in it.  You discard the old tank and acquire a new one when the oil runs out. This cart is intended for cannabis oils with strong THC or CBD content. Refillable Once the cannabis extracts are finished, you replenish the cart. You may fill the 510-thread unfilled cart tank that goes with it with your chosen product. You may personalize your cannabis experience with the help of this affordable cart. Disposable These adaptable delta-8 disposable vape pens are broader, primed, and prepacked for vaping. Similar to the emotions dash pen, it generally has a single cycle and is not suggested for refilling. When the isolate is finished, throw it away for disposal. What Are The Benefits Of Vape Carts? Convenience Search no further than a vape cartridge pen if you’re looking for simplicity. All gadgets are transportable, but the vape pen is the most so. Usually, it can be put straight in your pocket. Furthermore, the gadget is small enough that no one will notice you carrying it. To use a vape cartridge pen, connect it to your charger, and you can begin creating those voluminous clouds. Some gadgets have a cool push-button setup. Some pens don’t need knobs and start responding when you begin breathing in. Consistent Quality You could experience varying levels of quality with each tongue hit while using certain vape mods. If you use a pre-filled vape pen, you should never be concerned about it. Nearly all cartridges are either prefilled with a certain quantity of nicotine or not. You can discover a taste and intensity that meets all of your requirements based on your preferences.  E-liquids for modern vapes come in a wide variety of tastes. Each time you load a fresh cartridge, you may continue to enjoy the same taste after finding a flavor you like. Availability The last ten years have seen a rise in the popularity of vaping goods. You can discover a huge selection of vape cartridges both online and offline. Most reliable sellers will provide thorough product descriptions, including information on flavors, chemicals, and nicotine concentration. When buying cannabis vape cartridges on the internet, please seek actual consumer reviews. What Are Some Of The Downsides Of Vape Carts? While malfunctioning vape cartridges are rare, they do occasionally occur. Sometimes when the device’s electrical properties problems cause the cartridge to malfunction.  After repe...
Can Vape Carts Go Bad?And If So Why Do They Expire? The Island Now
Ethereum Sees Biggest Network Growth Day In 2022 Number Of Addresses Hits All-Time High Cryptonews
Ethereum Sees Biggest Network Growth Day In 2022 Number Of Addresses Hits All-Time High Cryptonews
Ethereum Sees Biggest Network Growth Day In 2022 – Number Of Addresses Hits All-Time High – Cryptonews Source: Unsplash The Ethereum network has seen its biggest one-day growth so far in 2022, with the total number of wallet addresses on the network hitting a fresh all-time high over the weekend. The growth indicates that the real-world utility of the network is rising. Per data from the crypto analytics firm Santiment, a surge in new addresses created on Ethereum was seen on Saturday, when as many as 135,780 brand new wallet addresses popped up on the network. The firm noted in a tweet published this weekend that the increase was 11.1% larger than what was seen on January 3, which marked the second biggest day for network growth this year. As explained by Santiment, the network growth means that the utility of the network is rising, which it said “commonly foreshadow potential asset breakouts.” The unusually strong network growth was also pointed out by others on Twitter, with one Twitter user predicting that “big moves” are coming: The large growth seen over the weekend also meant that the cumulative number of wallet addresses on Ethereum reached a new all-time high. As of Sunday, a total of 207.4m unique addresses existed on the network, data from Etherscan showed. Source: Etherscan Growth in Ethereum’s utility – and ultimately the ETH price – is something the Ethereum community has wished for following the highly anticipated transition to proof-of-stake (PoS) on September 15, known as the Merge. Among other things, the Merge is expected to bring huge improvements in terms of energy efficiency, with the Ethereum Foundation famously pointing to a potential reduction in the network’s energy use of 99.95%. As previously reported by, it is widely believed that this could also lead to large capital inflows from ESG-conscious investors. So far, however, the price has not reacted in the way the community had wished for, with ETH still trading almost 17% lower than it did at the time of the Merge. As of 11:10 UTC on Monday, ETH traded at $1,311. The price is down 0.9% for the past 24 hours, but up 1.1% for the past 7 days.
Ethereum Sees Biggest Network Growth Day In 2022 Number Of Addresses Hits All-Time High Cryptonews
Strive Launches U.S. Semiconductor ETF (SHOC) Ahead Of Potential China-Taiwan Annexation
Strive Launches U.S. Semiconductor ETF (SHOC) Ahead Of Potential China-Taiwan Annexation
Strive Launches U.S. Semiconductor ETF (SHOC) Ahead Of Potential China-Taiwan Annexation – COLUMBUS, Ohio–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Strive Asset Management (“Strive”) launches its third index fund today, the Strive U.S. Semiconductor ETF (NYSE: SHOC, expense ratio: 0.40%), offering investors the opportunity to gain broad exposure to the U.S. semiconductor sector amid escalating geopolitical risk in Taiwan, the nation responsible for manufacturing 60% of the world’s foundry semiconductors. Semiconductors are the essential computing hardware for mobile phones, computers, cars, and even refrigerators. Global Semiconductor demand is estimated to grow over 80% by 2030.1 Strive’s ETF launch comes at a time of unprecedented cross-Straits tension. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) appears very likely to select Xi Jinping for a third term as China’s leader, breaking the historical two-term chain of succession and making President Xi the longest-serving Chinese ruler since Mao Zedong. Strive believes this increases the risk that China will attempt to annex Taiwan in the near future, exacerbating global semiconductor supply shortages and increasing the risk of economic calamity in the U.S. and other countries. Strive anticipates that U.S. semiconductor stocks could potentially outperform the market if China were to annex Taiwan. Through SHOC, Strive mandates U.S. semiconductor companies to prepare for this scenario by increasing domestic production capabilities, providing long-term opportunity and potential growth in the industry. At launch, only 12% of the plant, property, and equipment (PPE) of the companies in the Strive U.S. Semiconductor ETF are exposed to China/Taiwan risk. Vivek Ramaswamy, Strive’s executive chairman and co-founder said, “Our global economy is dependent on access to Taiwanese-produced semiconductors, which may effectively go to zero if China escalates its political and military tactics against Taiwan. We think that U.S. semiconductor stocks offer a potential hedge against this risk, especially if U.S. semiconductor companies prepare themselves to fill the supply vacuum created by a potential blockade or invasion of Taiwan. We plan to deliver that message as a shareholder to these companies, unapologetically and without regard to Chinese business interests: unlike many of our larger competitors, Strive does not and will not operate an asset management business in China.” About SHOC: The Strive U.S. Semiconductor ETF (SHOC) seeks to track the total return performance, before fees and expenses, of the Solactive United States Semiconductor 30 Capped Index (the “Index”) composed of U.S.-listed equities in the semiconductor sector. The benchmark does not pursue any environmental, social, governance (ESG) objectives. Investors can learn more at About Strive Asset Management: Strive is an Ohio-based asset management firm whose mission is to restore the voices of everyday citizens in the American economy by leading companies to focus on excellence over politics. Strive will compete directly with the world’s largest asset managers by launching funds that advance “Excellence Capitalism” in boardrooms across corporate America. The company was co-founded by Vivek Ramaswamy and Anson Frericks in 2022. Learn more at IMPORTANT INFORMATION Investors should consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses carefully before investing. For a prospectus or summary prospectus with this and other information about the Fund, please call 855-427-7360 or visit our website at Read the prospectus or summary prospectus carefully before investing. Investing involves risk, including possible loss of principal. Semiconductor Sector Risk. The semiconductor sector is highly cyclical and periodically experiences significant economic downturns characterized by diminished product demand, resulting in production overcapacity and excess inventory, which can result in rapid erosion of product selling prices. Technology Sector Risk. The Fund will have exposure to companies operating in the technology sector. Technology companies, including information technology companies, may have limited product lines, financial resources and/or personnel. New Fund Risk. The Fund is a recently organized management investment company with limited operating history. As a result, prospective investors have a limited track record or history on which to base their investment decision. There can be no assurance that the Fund will grow to or maintain an economically viable size. Geopolitical/Natural Disaster Risks. The Fund’s investments are subject to geopolitical and natural disaster risks, such as war, terrorism, trade disputes, political or economic dysfunction within some nations, public health crises and related geopolitical events, as well as environmental disasters, epidemics and/or pandemics, which may add to instability in world economies and volatility in markets. The impact may be short-term or may last for extended periods. Non-Diversification Risk. Because the Fund is non-diversified, it may be more sensitive to economic, business, political, or other changes affecting individual issuers or investments than a diversified fund, which may result in greater fluctuation in the value of the Fund’s Shares and greater risk of loss. Passive Investment Risk. The Fund is not actively managed, and the Sub-Adviser will not sell any investments due to current or projected underperformance of the securities. Strive Asset Management, LLC is the sub-adviser for the Fund, and has been given the responsibility to vote proxies related to the securities held by the Fund, pursuant to its Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures (Proxy Policy). Information about the delegation of voting responsibility and Strive’s Proxy Policy can be found in the Fund’s Statement of Additional Information, here. Solactive AG (“Solactive“) is the licensor of The Solactive United States Semiconductors 30 Capped Index (the “Index”). The financial instruments that are based on the Index are not sponsored, endorsed, promoted or sold by Solactive in any way and Solactive makes no express or implied representation, guarantee or assurance with regard to: (a) the advisability in investing in the financial instruments; (b) the quality, accuracy and/or completeness of the Index; and/or (c) the results obtained or to be obtained by any person or entity from the use of the Index. Solactive reserves the right to change the methods of calculation or publication with respect to the Index. Solactive shall not be liable for any damages suffered or incurred as a result of the use (or inability to use) of the Index. Holdings are subject to change. SHOC’s current holdings can be found here. The Strive ETFs are distributed by Quasar Distributors, LLC. _________________________ 1 “The Semiconductor Decade: A Trillion-Dollar Industry”, McKinsey 2022
Strive Launches U.S. Semiconductor ETF (SHOC) Ahead Of Potential China-Taiwan Annexation
OneConnect Unveils OneConnect Smart Technology In The UAE USA English USA English PR Newswire
OneConnect Unveils OneConnect Smart Technology In The UAE USA English USA English PR Newswire
OneConnect Unveils OneConnect Smart Technology In The UAE USA – English – USA – English – PR Newswire , /PRNewswire/ — OneConnect Financial Technology Co., Ltd (“OneConnect” or the “Company”, Stock Code: 6638.HK), a leading Technology-as-a-Service (“TaaS”) provider, today unveiled OneConnect Smart Technology (ME) Limited in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) at the Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM), the leading international financial centre of the capital of the UAE. From left to right: Wai Lum Kwok – Senior Executive Director (Authorisation & Fintech) ADGM, Tan Bin Ru – CEO (Southeast Asia) OneConnect Financial Technology & Vishal Dalal – CEO (North America, Europe & Asia) Pismo Earlier, OneConnect announced that it will help develop the ADGM SME Financing Platform, an integrated digital finance marketplace that will transform the financing services landscape for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the UAE. The intelligent marketplace aims to advance financial inclusion, enhance transparency, alleviate cost of finance operations for SMEs and improve the overall customer experience for SMEs and their funding partners. The ADGM SME Financing Platform will be an open and inclusive digital finance platform that improves SMEs’ access to financing. As a marketplace connecting various key stakeholders such as SMEs, multi-lenders and data sources from government agencies, and supported by a robust loan origination process which enables seamless transfer of data, the platform will enable better, faster and more risk-appropriate financing decisions to be made. The entire loan application process is made agile and simplified through the use of digital tools such as e-contracts and e-signatures. Ms Tan Bin Ru, CEO (Southeast Asia) of OneConnect Financial Technology, officiated the opening ceremony and said: “OneConnect Smart Technology further expands our footprint in the Middle East. We are excited to bring our expertise in developing digital financial solutions for SMEs within the UAE and eventually to the Middle East and North Africa (MENA).” Dhaher bin Dhaher Al Muhairi, CEO of ADGM Registration Authority said, “SMEs are a key contributor to economic growth and are deserving of an open and transparent marketplace for financial products,” He added, “With the new platform, SMEs will find more convenient, affordable and effective financing solutions that will further improve the competitiveness and diversification of the UAE economy and transform the financing landscape in the MENA region.” In 2021, OneConnect had worked with ADGM to launch the Digital Lab, UAE’s first Open API platform that allows financial institutions and FinTech innovators to collaborate and build the next generation of digital financial services. “With two successful cooperation initiatives with AGDM and the newly-opened OneConnect Smart Technology office in Abu Dhabi, we are confident of contributing to the digital transformation of the finance sector within the MENA region,” said Annie Ong, Chief Revenue Officer of OneConnect Financial Technology. Despite challenges caused by the ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic, OneConnect has been successful in securing new partnerships building a strong relationship with ADGM. Through a comprehensive suite of technologies, a unique “Finance+Technology” business model and a customer-oriented approach, OneConnect will continue to explore future opportunities within the MENA region following the adoption of a cutting-edge platform by the leading financial centre and common law jurisdiction within the region. During the event, OneConnect introduced the End to End Digital Banking Solutions Suite, OneCosmo, the result of the joint product offerings of a partnership between OneConnect and Pismo, a cloud-native core processing platform from Brazil, to the business counterparts in the UAE. As of August 31, the technological solutions on OneCosmo platform has been utilised by more than 50 million new accounts, registering more than 2 billion transactions with a total transaction value exceeding US$109 billion. SOURCE OneConnect
OneConnect Unveils OneConnect Smart Technology In The UAE USA English USA English PR Newswire
Cowboys-Rams Takeaways: Micah Parsons Dorance Armstrong Lead Dallas To Victory Denton Record Chronicle
Cowboys-Rams Takeaways: Micah Parsons Dorance Armstrong Lead Dallas To Victory Denton Record Chronicle
Cowboys-Rams Takeaways: Micah Parsons, Dorance Armstrong Lead Dallas To Victory – Denton Record Chronicle Best of the Blotter Every Wednesday morning, get the week’s top crime stories in Denton from the Blotter in your inbox. Breaking News Get the latest, most up-to-date news alerts when you sign up to receive our Breaking News newsletter.  e-Edition Notifier Receive a daily notification that the DR-C e-Edition is available. Sign up now. High School Season Pass Stay up to date with all of the sports news coming out of Denton-area high schools.  Mean Green Spotlight Get exclusive, in-depth coverage of the University of North Texas athletics teams in this weekly newsletter. Promotions and Offers Would you like to receive information from our advertisers or DR-C offers? Sign up now. Wake Up with the DR-C Every morning, get a link to our newly redesigned e-Edition and the top Denton headlines you need to start your day. Your Money, Your Home In the DR-C’s newest newsletter, get exclusive coverage about business in Denton County, with a focus on the housing market.
Cowboys-Rams Takeaways: Micah Parsons Dorance Armstrong Lead Dallas To Victory Denton Record Chronicle
Selina Announces The Opening Of Its Second Property In Tulum Mexico. The Bakersfield Californian
Selina Announces The Opening Of Its Second Property In Tulum Mexico. The Bakersfield Californian
Selina Announces The Opening Of Its Second Property In Tulum, Mexico. – The Bakersfield Californian NEW YORK–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Oct 10, 2022– Selina, the fast-growing lifestyle and experiential hospitality company targeting millennial and Gen Z travelers, announced it officially opened its newest location in downtown Tulum last week on October 3rd. The hotel — the second for the brand in the Tulum area — is perfect for today’s digital nomad and the modern traveler. Selina Tulum Downtown offers guests alternative ways to stay, play and work by combining beautifully designed accommodations with coworking, recreation, wellness, and unique local experiences. This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: Selina Tulum Downtown (Photo: Business Wire) This new Quintana Roo getaway provides digital nomads with an ideal option to live a unique lifestyle in the center of one of Mexico’s top beach destinations. Perfect for travelers looking for a quick vacation or a new home base for remote working, the hotel offers a collection of private room options allowing guests to personalize their stay based on their budget. Unlike its counterpart in Tulum’s resort area, this new space is defined as an experience focused on personal, physical, and mental well-being and exploring and appreciating the area’s rich culture. Selina Tulum Downtown marks the 12th Selina hotel in Mexico. The hotel will offer an onsite coworking facility, bookstore, gym, pool, spa, rooftop bar, and restaurant, opening in phases in the following months. It will also have the classic Selina hotel activities such as yoga, dance classes, surfing, and tours, as well as a shuttle service to and from Selina Tulum with its well-known beach club. About Selina Selina is one of the world’s largest lifestyle and experiential hospitality company built to address the needs and desires of millennial and Gen Z travelers, blending beautifully designed accommodation with coworking, recreation, wellness, and local experiences. Custom-built for today’s nomadic traveler, Selina provides guests with a global infrastructure to seamlessly travel, work and play. Founded in 2014, each Selina property is designed in partnership with local artists, creators, and tastemakers, breathing new life into existing buildings in interesting locations around the world – from urban cities to remote beaches and jungles. Selina’s portfolio includes over +150 open or secured properties across 25 countries and 6 continents. On December 2, 2021, Selina entered into a definitive merger agreement with BOA Acquisition Corp. (NYSE: BOAS), the closing of which, which is subject to customary conditions, will result in Selina becoming a publicly listed company. For further information on Selina, visit or check out @selina on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook. To explore Selina’s real estate partnership opportunities, please contact View source version on CONTACT: ICR for Selina KEYWORD: MEXICO UNITED STATES CENTRAL AMERICA NORTH AMERICA NEW YORK INDUSTRY KEYWORD: OTHER TRAVEL COMMERCIAL BUILDING & REAL ESTATE VACATION LODGING CONSTRUCTION & PROPERTY DESTINATIONS TRAVEL SOURCE: Selina Copyright Business Wire 2022. PUB: 10/10/2022 04:00 AM/DISC: 10/10/2022 04:02 AM Copyright Business Wire 2022.
Selina Announces The Opening Of Its Second Property In Tulum Mexico. The Bakersfield Californian
Bank Of England Bolsters Plan To Calm Market Turmoil
Bank Of England Bolsters Plan To Calm Market Turmoil
Bank Of England Bolsters Plan To Calm Market Turmoil – Image source, Getty Images By Nick Edser Business reporter The Bank of England has announced new measures aimed at ensuring an “orderly end” to its emergency bond buying scheme, which it brought in when some pension funds were at risk of collapse. The Bank says that it will now buy up to £10bn of government bonds on Monday, double the previous limit of £5bn. So far the Bank has bought only around £5bn bonds under the £65bn programme. The scheme was introduced after the government’s mini-budget sparked turmoil on financial markets. The Bank reaffirmed that the scheme would finish at the end of this week on 14 October. With the deadline for the Bank’s emergency bond-buying programme fast approaching, there have been worries that the turmoil that had been seen in financial markets would return once the scheme ends. However, Russ Mould, investment director at AJ Bell, said the Bank was taking the approach of “talking loudly and carrying a big stick”, in its attempt to calm worries. He also said the Bank’s package of measures aimed to show the pension funds that “we’ve got your back”. The mini-budget – which was announced on 23 September – pledged £45bn of tax cuts as part of a plan to boost economic growth, but the level of government borrowing required shocked investors who questioned the sustainability of the public finances. In the aftermath of the statement, the pound hit a record low and investors demanded a much higher return for investing in government bonds, causing some to drop sharply in value. Certain types of funds in the pension industry, which invest in bonds, were forced to start selling, sparking fears of a fresh market downturn. Financial stability fear When the Bank stepped in last month, it said its decision to buy government bonds was driven by concern over “a material risk to UK financial stability.” The government borrows money to fund its spending plans by selling bonds, or “gilts”, to investors such as pension funds and big banks on international markets. But a collapse in the price of those bonds in the aftermath of the mini-budget was forcing some funds to rush to sell bonds further forcing down the price. If that process had continued, there was a risk that those pension funds could have got to a position where they could not pay their debts. In its latest statement, the Bank said there had been “substantial progress” in addressing the financial problems facing these funds, which had faced the prospect of having to make forced sales of £50bn of bonds. The Bank has not bought as many government bonds as it had allowed for under the £65bn programme, and will make available all the unused capacity this week. It has also announced further assistance for pension funds to help improve their financial position. Before the mini-budget, the yield on government borrowing over a 30-year period stood at about 3.7%. The yield is effectively the interest rate. After the mini-budget it jumped to 5.1% until the Bank’s intervention pushed the rate back down. However, in recent days it has crept back up again to around 4.4%.
Bank Of England Bolsters Plan To Calm Market Turmoil
Birthday Girl Rakul Preet Singh Is A Healthy Foodie Slurrp
Birthday Girl Rakul Preet Singh Is A Healthy Foodie Slurrp
Birthday Girl Rakul Preet Singh Is A Healthy Foodie – Slurrp Rakul is a self-confessed foodie who manages to eat her favourite foods while staying fit and healthy at the same time Thank God actress Rakul Preet Singh turns 32 today and there is no better wat to celebrate the day than talk about the ultimate love of her life – food. Rakul is a self-confessed foodie who manages to eat all of her favourite foods while staying fit and healthy at the same time. But that does not mean birthday girl Rakul compromises on her health. She is extremely cautious about feeding the correct things to her body. But she believes in having everything in moderation and not depriving the body of anything. Listening to what her body wants is the key to her healthy living. Home-cooked meal supremacy For Rakul, ghar ka khaana reigns supreme. She even packs her lunch from home when she is busy shooting and does not like to compromise on this aspect of her lifestyle at all. The actress believes that if you eat home-cooked meals, you are in control of your macros and that is extremely important for good health. Corn and millets for life  The birthday girl swears by the advantages of having millets and corn. She has gone on record to say how much she absolutely loves corn because of its high dietary fibre content. And millets, according to the actress helps to keep the body lean and fit. Street-food lover  Rakul Preet is a huge street food fan, with her favourite dish being chaat. She is often seen flaunting delicious pictures of chaat that she is having on her social media. Recently, she shared mouth-watering pictures of a sweet potato and pomegranate chaat that she was relishing. Rice is nice Rakul likes rice dishes like biryani For the Marjaavaan actress, rice is an extremely important part of her diet is any dish made up of rice and she completely debunks the notion that rice is a strict no-no when it comes to a healthy diet. From biryani to chicken rice to curd rice – Rakul’s meals are incomplete without a serving of this staple. Sharing is caring  The actress is not just a foodie who posts beautiful food pictures on the gram, she sometimes shares recipes of her tasty and healthy dishes too. Very recently, she shared the entire recipe for her healthy bhel bowl and it is the perfect snacking option for health-conscious foodies. The actress indeed ticks every box of being a certified foodie. She maintains her fitness and does not compromise on her taste too. We wish the birthday girl many happy returns of the day and hope that she continues being the healthy foodie we all aspire to be.  Dsdsds Thank God actress Rakul Preet Singh turns 32 today and there is no better wat to celebrate the day than talk about the ultimate love of her life – food. Rakul is a self-confessed foodie who manages to eat all of her favourite foods while staying fit and healthy at the same time. But that does not mean birthday girl Rakul compromises on her health. She is extremely cautious about feeding the correct things to her body. But she believes in having everything in moderation and not depriving the body of anything. Listening to what her body wants is the key to her healthy living. Home-cooked meal supremacy For Rakul, ghar ka khaana reigns supreme. She even packs her lunch from home when she is busy shooting and does not like to compromise on this aspect of her lifestyle at all. The actress believes that if you eat home-cooked meals, you are in control of your macros and that is extremely important for good health. Corn and millets for life  The birthday girl swears by the advantages of having millets and corn. She has gone on record to say how much she absolutely loves corn because of its high dietary fibre content. And millets, according to the actress helps to keep the body lean and fit. Street-food lover  Rakul Preet is a huge street food fan, with her favourite dish being chaat. She is often seen flaunting delicious pictures of chaat that she is having on her social media. Recently, she shared mouth-watering pictures of a sweet potato and pomegranate chaat that she was relishing. Rice is nice Rakul likes rice dishes like biryani For the Marjaavaan actress, rice is an extremely important part of her diet is any dish made up of rice and she completely debunks the notion that rice is a strict no-no when it comes to a healthy diet. From biryani to chicken rice to curd rice – Rakul’s meals are incomplete without a serving of this staple. Sharing is caring  The actress is not just a foodie who posts beautiful food pictures on the gram, she sometimes shares recipes of her tasty and healthy dishes too. Very recently, she shared the entire recipe for her healthy bhel bowl and it is the perfect snacking option for health-conscious foodies. The actress indeed ticks every box of being a certified foodie. She maintains her fitness and does not compromise on her taste too. We wish the birthday girl many happy returns of the day and hope that she continues being the healthy foodie we all aspire to be.
Birthday Girl Rakul Preet Singh Is A Healthy Foodie Slurrp
The Return Of Blanc The Transformation Of Verstappen CR700: The Sports News Set For Monday October 10 2022 US Sports US Sports
The Return Of Blanc The Transformation Of Verstappen CR700: The Sports News Set For Monday October 10 2022 US Sports US Sports
The Return Of Blanc, The Transformation Of Verstappen, CR700: The Sports News Set For Monday, October 10, 2022 – US Sports – US Sports – What you may have missed between last night and this morning 1. Football – Ligue 1: Lens falls in the derby So the series had to end in a derby. Undefeated since the start of the season, Lens ended up falling against Lille (1-0), on a penalty converted by Jonathan David. The Artésiens fell on a sensational Lucas Chevalier in the Lille goal to allow LOSC to sign a victory that the Mastiffs hope will be founding. They go back to 7th place in the standings. The Lensois remain at the foot of the podium. Omnisport PSG, Djokovic, Paris-Tours, Euro 2024: The set of the day YESTERDAY AT 06:08 2. Rugby – Top 14: The LOU is replacing It was, however, off to a good start. But thanks to an excellent second half, the LOU overthrew Bordeaux in the closing match of the 6th day, with three tries, including two in the last ten minutes of the match (36-21). A success that allows the Lyonnais to get back to 6th place in the standings before a delicate trip to the champions, Montpellier, next weekend. UBB remains struggling in 12th place. 3. Football – Premier League: A 700th goal and Ronaldo revives United Again, he didn’t start. But it was Cristiano Ronaldo who revived Manchester United after the humiliation suffered in the derby against City last week (6-3). Entered during the first period after the injury of Anthony Martial, CR7 offered the victory to the Red Devils against Everton on a bright pass from his former teammate at Real Madrid, Casemiro (1-2). A historic goal, since it is the 700th in club for the Portuguese star. MU is 5th in the standings. We have also selected for you Golf – Shriners Children’s Open : The South Korean Kim Joo-hyung won, becoming at 20 the second youngest player in history to win more than one title on the American PGA Tour. Football – Serie A : Samuel Umtiti played again, for the first time since December 2021. He even signed an assist, but his Lecce team lost to Roma (2-1). To see, read and listen to on Eurosport We start with tennis with the 90th career coronation of Novak Djokovic on Sunday in Astana. The Serb has just won his second title in a row and seems set for a good end to the season. But he is not the only one in the spotlight in our Game, Set and Maths issue, where it is also a question of the remarkable entry of the American Taylor Fritz into the Top 10. A square of aces up his sleeve: the Djoker has the game to surprise you again We continue with F1 and the coronation of Max Verstappen, world champion for the second consecutive time on Sunday in Japan. The Red Bull driver has completed an almost perfect season. She especially illustrated the change in dimension of the Dutchman, who turned into a real boss of the paddock. A look back at the five Grands Prix that illustrated this transformation. READ: These five Grands Prix that showed the new Verstappen stature We finish with judo. This Monday could smile at the Tricolores on the Worlds of Tashkent with in particular the entries in the running of Marie-Eve Gahié, European champion in title, and Margaux Pinot in the -70kg. To follow live on Eurosport, this morning for the qualifications, and this afternoon (2 p.m.) for the finals. By the way, do you know why the judo belt is black? The answer here. The question of the day: will Laurent Blanc put OL right side up? It’s the great return of the President! Lyon formalized Sunday evening the arrival of Laurent Blanc to succeed Peter Bosz, sacked from his post as coach. The passage of the Dutch technician on the Gones bench will therefore have been a failure. Will the French be able to revive a club in great difficulty after five matches without a win in the league? That’s the big question. Because the 1998 world champion has not trained in Europe since leaving PSG six years ago. Its beginnings will be particularly observed. And as a wink of fate, they will take place next weekend against Rennes, the team led by a certain Bruno Genesio that the Lyonnais know so well… Omnisport Gasly at Alpine, Bosz on the hot seat, 40-5, Alaf: the set of the day 08/10/2022 At 06:00 Omnisport Wembanyama without mercy, Bosz without excuse, Paris without trembling: the set of the day 07/10/2022 At 04:40
The Return Of Blanc The Transformation Of Verstappen CR700: The Sports News Set For Monday October 10 2022 US Sports US Sports
Author Amish And Marketing Agency Think WhyNot Use Metaverse And AR In Book Marketing BestMediaInfo
Author Amish And Marketing Agency Think WhyNot Use Metaverse And AR In Book Marketing BestMediaInfo
Author Amish And Marketing Agency Think WhyNot Use Metaverse And AR In Book Marketing – BestMediaInfo The author’s latest book, ‘War of Lanka’ (4th book of the Ram Chandra series), was launched recently Elevating the book reading experience coupled with the ever-evolving technology, author Amish has recently launched his fourth book in the Ram Chandra series, ‘War of Lanka’, published by HarperCollins. Amish has taken the marketing of books to newer heights, right from using cinematic trailers, to producing a music album, and offering customised merchandise to engaging with his readers through apps. The author, in partnership with Think WhyNot – the marketing communications agency, is bringing a new vision to book marketing through his strategy. The two collaborated again for Amish’s fourth book in the Ram Chandra series to give a virtual treat to his readers through Augmented Reality.  Creating excitement for the release of ‘War Of Lanka’, Think WhyNot has leveraged the latest development in the tech space – the Metaverse – to engage fans with the latest story in the Amishverse. The agency has planned an Augmented Reality campaign on Instagram, with four new filters that provide an immersive experience to the users unlike any other. Going beyond the pages of the book, these filters will bring the characters to virtual life in the online medium, pose a gaming challenge to the users, and even let them participate in the ‘War of Lanka’. To top it all off, there will also be an AR coupled with AI contest where players have a chance at winning personalised gifts from the author himself. Amish said, “Writing a book is a solitary job. And one that I enjoy. But equally so, I genuinely enjoy the marketing work to promote books. I have been blessed to have fantastic partners who have helped market my books in truly innovative ways. These are, in no small measure, contributory factors in the success of my books. I have worked with Think WhyNot for many years now. They are among the best marketing agencies in the country. They did some truly path-breaking work for my earlier books, from trailers in cinemas to music albums! But this new marketing idea, based on the Metaverse and Augmented Reality, is among the most exciting marketing campaigns that I have been a part of. Can’t thank Sangram’s team enough!” Sangram Surve, CEO and MD, Think WhyNot, stated, “Working with Amish has always meant innovation for us. We were a part of his Shiva Trilogy, which is the fastest selling book series in Indian publishing history. And now, we are supporting the Ram Chandra Series, the 2nd fastest selling book series in Indian publishing history. For the War of Lanka, we are leveraging innovations in the Metaverse space, with Augmented Reality and Artificial Intelligence. We have been actively working with Meta on their Metaverse projects and have brought some of the learnings and inspirations into this campaign. Content by Amish is already Metaverse-ready, and we hope that over time more immersive Metaverse rollouts are on the cards.” Amish’s previous books include The Immortals Of Meluha and The Secret Of The Nagas where he used cinematic trailers to market his book and for The Oath Of The Vayuputras, he produced a music album in collaboration with Times Music. His Ram Chandra series includes Ram- Scion Of Ikshvaku, Sita-Warrior Of Mithila, and Raavan-Enemy Of Aryavarta, which have been promoted through trailers, apps, and innovative events with drum circles.
Author Amish And Marketing Agency Think WhyNot Use Metaverse And AR In Book Marketing BestMediaInfo
Four Gadgets And Appliances That Can Help You Save Money By Not Turning On The Heating Yet The Sun
Four Gadgets And Appliances That Can Help You Save Money By Not Turning On The Heating Yet The Sun
Four Gadgets And Appliances That Can Help You Save Money By Not Turning On The Heating Yet… – The Sun If you click on a link in this article, we may earn affiliate revenue IT may be tempting to turn on the heating as the temperature drops, but there are plenty of ways to stay warm without. In fact, gadgets and appliances such as electric blankets may save you cash as energy bills soar. 5 There are ways to stay warm without turning on the heating just yet On October 1, the average household bill rose from £1,971 a year to £2,500 under the government’s energy price guarantee. The support caps the cost per unit households pay, so your actual bill could be more or less than £2,500. How much you pay will depend on how much energy you use. If you’re struggling to go without heating, we’ve rounded up the items to reach for first, assuming you’ve already layered up. It could come in handy as reducing the thermostat by just one degree can save you £100 a year on your bill. Before you buy any, make sure to factor in the cost of the items. You should always shop around in case you can find a better deal elsewhere. You’ll also need to factor in any delivery costs if you order online. 1. Hot water bottles – from £3.50 5 These hot water bottles are available at The Range for just £3.50 eachCredit: The Range Hot water bottles are pretty self-explanatory, but for those who are unfamiliar, you simply fill the rubber bottle with warm water and hold it. Plenty of retailers sell them, and you don’t need to spend a lot either. For example, The Range is selling a double-ribbed version for just £3.49, while Dunelm charges £6 for one with a fleece cover. It’s not advisable to put boiling water into a hot water bottle, as this can corrode the rubber and cause leaks. However, you can put nearly boiling water in there – so simply fill the kettle up and leave it to cool slightly before transferring the liquid. As of October, it costs 9p to run your kettle for five minutes. If you do that once a day for your hot water bottle, for the four coldest months of the year, that’s just 81.9p in total. 2. Electric blankets – from £22 5 You may want to consider warming up your bed before you get into it with an electric blanketCredit: Dunelm If a hot water bottle doesn’t cut it, you may want to consider snapping up an electric blanket instead. Most people use them under their sheets to heat their bed before they get in it. Dunelm is selling one version starting at £22 for a single, while Studio charges £28 for a Silentnight version. Based on the new price cap on October 1, it now typically costs 24p to run an electric blanket for one hour a day for seven days. If you use it for an hour per night for the coldest four months of the year, that’s 91 nights and a total cost of £3.13. 3. Other heated wearables – from £6 5 Amazon is selling reusable hand warmers for just £6 per two-packCredit: Amazon There is plenty of other wearable tech to help you stay warm this winter. For example, you can get an oversized heated hoodie for £27 at the Onlinehomeshop, or for £29.99 on Amazon. If you struggle with blood circulation in your hands or feet, Boots is selling USB-powered foot warmers for £20, while Amazon shoppers can get two reusable hand warmers for £5.99. Using reusable hand warmers will cost you less than 1p per hour to run, according to MoneySavingExpert. 4. Heaters – from £23 5 An electric heater can help you heat up individual roomsCredit: Screwfix Last but not least, you may want to consider buying an electric heater. An electric heater is a plug-in device that works as electricity is passed through a resistor and converted into heat. You can get fairly cheap options, such as one at Screwfix for just £22.99 or a two-in-one cooler and heater for £32.99 at Currys. However, it’s important to note that these will typically cost you more – both to buy and the running costs – than the above gadgets. Based on the energy price cap from October 1, an electric heater will typically cost £1.08 to run per hour. If you leave it on for four hours a day, every day of the week, that’s £30.24 a week. Of course, this is the maximum you would pay per kilowatt of energy, and you’re unlikely to use an electric heater all throughout the year.
Four Gadgets And Appliances That Can Help You Save Money By Not Turning On The Heating Yet The Sun
North Korea Funding Weapons Programs With Vast Cache Of Stolen Crypto Cryptonews
North Korea Funding Weapons Programs With Vast Cache Of Stolen Crypto Cryptonews
North Korea ‘Funding Weapons Programs’ With Vast Cache Of ‘Stolen Crypto’ – Cryptonews Source: Creativa Images/Adobe International investigators claim that North Korea stole “hundreds of millions of dollars worth of cryptoassets” to pay for its nuclear weapons programs” – while a row has broken out in South Korean political circles over politicians’ alleged ties to the crypto developer Virgil Griffith. The development comes as Pyongyang claimed that recent missile launches were a “simulation” for nuclear attacks on South Korea. The North is set to conduct its first nuclear weapons test for five years in the coming days, per South Korean-United States intelligence reports. And all this – Seoul and Washington say – is being funded, at least in a large part, by stolen crypto. Per Yonhap, the UN Security Council’s North Korea Sanctions Committee has blamed North Korean hacking groups such as Lazarus for both the Ronin Bridge and the Harmony hacks. The committee claimed that the hacks had been directly authorized by Pyongyang’s General Bureau of Reconnaissance. The committee added that North Korean hackers, including Lazarus members, had “used social engineering hacking methods” to infiltrate systems and had preyed on individuals in a bid to force a way in behind the bridges’ defenses. The committee further claimed that the BlueNoroff hacking group – blamed by Western powers for the 2016 attack on Bangladesh’s Central Bank – had now been repurposed by the General Bureau of Reconnaissance to focus solely on stealing crypto. And the committee claimed that while it could not be certain if BlueNoroff had, like Lazarus, “succeeded in generating illegal revenue for North Korea,” it claimed that it was likely that “these types of operations” were “likely to continue” in the future. North Korea’s ‘Stolen’ Crypto Sparks Political Discord Per Digital Today, the issue of the North and its alleged cryptoasset-related operations is in danger of creating an ugly political spat between the Democratic Party – the largest party in the National Assembly – and the People’s Power Party, which has control over the executive. A Democrat MP has claimed that the Justice Minister Han Dong-hoon visited the United States District Prosecutor’s Office for the Southern District of New York in July this year to investigate possible links between Democrats and the Ethereum developer Virgil Griffith. The developer was jailed for five years for attempting to help Pyongyang evade sanctions using cryptoassets. Some Democrats claim that People’s Power Party officials are trying to engineer a connection between Lee Jae-myung, the Democratic Party Chairman, and Griffith. Per court documents, Griffith appears to have had a contact in South Korea. Politicians have claimed that this contact may have been linked somehow to Lee and Park Won-soon – a leading Democratic Party member and the former Mayor of Seoul. Park committed suicide on June 9, 2020. Allegedly, documents indicate that both Lee and Park were “very interested in creating an Ethereum server research center in North Korea.” Han did not address the accusation directly when questioned on the matter, stating it was “right to cooperate with the United States” on crypto-related matters, but claimed he was not at liberty to “reveal specific details” on the nature of his visit to the United States.
North Korea Funding Weapons Programs With Vast Cache Of Stolen Crypto Cryptonews
As U.S. Midterms Near Anxiety Rises In Kyiv Over Pro-Putin Republicans The Washington Post
As U.S. Midterms Near Anxiety Rises In Kyiv Over Pro-Putin Republicans The Washington Post
As U.S. Midterms Near, Anxiety Rises In Kyiv Over Pro-Putin Republicans – The Washington Post KYIV, Ukraine — As American officials pore over maps tracking developments in Ukraine’s counteroffensive against Russia, their Ukrainian counterparts are monitoring a different kind of contest back in the United States: the upcoming midterm congressional elections. In Kyiv, Ukrainians voice hope, and some apprehension, that next month’s legislative polls won’t undercut the staggering flow of U.S. weapons and security aid that Washington has authorized since the start of President Vladimir Putin’s Feb 24. invasion. And they warn that a softening of Republican sentiment has the potential to sap a recent surge in battlefield momentum. Uncertainty about future American support is intensifying as pollsters predict that Republicans will retake control of the House of Representatives. Some Republican lawmakers and candidates have expressed displeasure with giant aid sums, citing competing security concerns about China, domestic priorities, and the need for greater oversight. Daria Kaleniuk, an anti-corruption activist who led a delegation of female Ukrainian fighters to Washington last month, noted that nearly all House Republicans had voted against a stopgap funding bill that included $12 billion for Ukraine. “So it means that we are getting into this danger waters of making Ukraine a partisan issue, and support for Ukraine a partisan issue,” Kaleniuk said. Fears, however tentative, that American support could falter, are creating a sense of added pressure in Kyiv. A senior Ukrainian official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to speak candidly, said that Ukraine’s near-total dependency on foreign military and economic aid meant that its military must quickly recapture as much Russian-controlled territory as possible before any potential softening of Western support. “The U.S. midterms are one of the factors that have us concerned about the winter,” the official said. “Russia will gain an advantage with the new Congress and with Europeans as they blackmail them on energy policy. That’s why the current offensive is so important.” Other Ukrainian officials said they remained confident that U.S. assistance would continue. Oleksander Zavytnevych, who heads the national security and defense committee of Ukraine’s parliament, the Verkhovna Rada, said U.S. public support for Ukraine in the war remained strong nationwide despite the reluctance of some Republicans, and so he was not worried that U.S. help would drop off. “Which politician does not support the opinion of his voter?” Zavytnevych said. “After all, the support provided by the United States is a certain strategic course” for America’s own security. President Biden, in a call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky this week, repeated his pledge that Washington would support Ukraine “as long as it takes,” suggesting a long-term campaign to supply arms needed to push Russian troops back from occupied cities and towns, and prevent Putin’s illegal annexation of four Ukrainian provinces from being carried out on the ground. Since February, the Biden administration has sent Ukraine more than $17 billion of military aid, including missile systems and drones. The White House has frequently faced calls from lawmakers in both parties for faster and greater assistance, which, combined with ongoing appeals from Kyiv, helped yield an expanding supply of heavier, longer-range weaponry for the fight. But as American consumers grapple with inflation and a slowing economy, polls indicate that fewer Republicans believe the United States has a responsibility to protect Ukraine. An August poll by Morning Consult showed that U.S. concern about the war has declined more quickly among Republicans than among Democrats. For Ukrainians, the moment echoes the toxic political dispute over the Trump administration’s withholding of military aid to Ukraine, which culminated in the then-president’s 2019 impeachment. This time, Ukrainians are determined to stay out of the partisan crossfire. “It’s not our business to discuss or to help somebody” in American politics, said Vasily Chaly, who served as Ukrainian ambassador in Washington from 2015 to 2019. “Our business is to keep a strong relationship with American people.” Chaly recalled the intense debate over providing arms to Ukraine, then locked in a war with Russian-backed separatists in the eastern Donbas region, during his tenure in Washington. The sale of small arms began in 2015 and 2016 under the Obama administration. In 2017, the Trump administration authorized the provision of Javelin antitank missiles. Since its start, largely bipartisan U.S. backing has defied the prevailing animosity in Congress. Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and Sen. James M. Inhofe (R-Okla.), the senior Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee are among the Republican leaders on Capitol Hill who have championed military aid to Ukraine. But other Republicans, including Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Missouri) and Roger Williams (R-Tx.), have expressed reluctance. Influential conservative pundits such as Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, meanwhile, have questioned where money for Ukraine is going and warned of ‘mission creep’ in U.S. support. That has led even some Republicans to fret about the staying power of American support for Ukraine. “I hope the safety and security aspect will win out,” said one Republican congressional aide. “But I think there is a question mark.” While Chaly is among the Ukrainians pushing for sophisticated equipment including tanks and fighter jets, he said he empathized with some U.S. lawmakers’ focus on domestic issues. “Every country should pay for health, for education, for the internal programs, for jobs — it’s absolutely understandable,” he said. “But if you do not secure your country and your people, you can’t think about development.” Ukrainians also fear that Russia will use the election to chip away at the bipartisan support, potentially using strategies like those the U.S. government determined to be Russian interference in the 2016 election. Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko suggested Russian media narratives and disinformation could be swaying American lawmakers to Ukraine’s detriment. “Of course I worry that some politicians don’t receive the right information,” Klitschko said. “Russians use the media so strong against the world.” The Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) last month posted, then deleted, a tweet that echoed Kremlin language and called for a halt to “gift-giving to Ukraine.” It later issued a statement reaffirming its stance on U.S. assistance. “We must oppose Putin, but American taxpayers should not be shouldering the vast majority of the cost,” it said. Republican officials cautioned that the recent spending vote did not necessarily indicate a big reduction of support, noting that Ukraine aid was just one of the items the bill financed. They also said Republican support may be buoyed by Ukraine’s military gains or Russian atrocities and nuclear threats. Oleksandr Kornienko, deputy speaker of the Rada, noted that Putin devoted much of a speech last week on his annexations to a long list of Russian grievances against the U.S. and the West, signaling his larger ambitions and animosity. “But the war is happening in Ukraine, in the territory of Ukraine. Our people are dying,” Kornienko said. “Therefore, it is in the interest of the civilized world to continue helping Ukraine defeat Putin on Ukrainian territory … so that it does not spill over into Europe and other countries of the world.” As U.S. assistance adds up, lawmakers of each party are calling for more robust oversight in hopes of averting the waste and diversion that characterized much of the enormous U.S. aid sums provided to Iraq and Afghanistan. Ukraine is working to intensify accountability efforts, standing up a new parliamentary oversight body and organizing visits to weapons depots, according to Zavytnevych. So far, he said, there have been no substantiated complaints about diversion or misuse of foreign arms. While they recognize what America’s election results may bring, Ukrainians continue to make the case for the global cost of inaction. “What we can do as Ukrainians is just keep explaining to the world properly what Russians are doing,” said Kaleniuk, who heads an anti-corruption group. “If [we] are properly armed, we are able to win, and this war has to be won faster. Otherwise, it will cost too much for American people.” John Hudson in Washington contributed to this report. War in Ukraine: What you need to know The latest: Russian President Vladimir Putin signed decrees Friday to annex four occupied regions of Ukraine, following staged referendums that were widely denounced as illegal. Follow our live updates here. The response: The Biden administration on Friday announced a new round of sanctions on Russia, in response to the annexations, targeting government officials and family members, Russian and Belarusian military officials and defense procurement networks. President Volodymyr Zelensky also said Friday that Ukraine is applying for “accelerated ascension” into NATO, in an apparent answer to the annexations. In Russia: Putin declared a military mobilization on Sept. 21 to call up as many as 300,000 reservists in a dramatic bid to reverse setbacks in his war on Ukraine. The announcement led to an exodus of more than 180,000 people, mostly men who were subject to service, and renewed protests and other acts of defiance against the war. The fight: Ukraine mounted a successful counteroffensive that forced a major Russian retreat in the northeastern Kharkiv region in early September, as troops fled cities and villages they had occupied since the early days of the war and abandon...
As U.S. Midterms Near Anxiety Rises In Kyiv Over Pro-Putin Republicans The Washington Post
Chinese Regulator Gives Greenlight To Fund Targeting Korean Chipmakers U.S. News & World Report
Chinese Regulator Gives Greenlight To Fund Targeting Korean Chipmakers U.S. News & World Report
Chinese Regulator Gives Greenlight To Fund Targeting Korean Chipmakers – U.S. News & World Report SHANGHAI (Reuters) – China’s securities regulator has given the greenlight to the country’s first mutual fund targeting top Chinese and South Korean chipmakers, an official at Huatai-PineBridge Fund Management Co said, amid an escalating Sino-U.S. tech war. The China Securities Regulatory Commission’s approval comes amid heightened geopolitical tensions between the world’s two largest economies. The Biden administration published a sweeping set of export controls on Friday, seeking to hobble China’s chip industry. Huatai-PineBridge made the application for regulatory approval on Aug. 9. The exchange-traded fund (ETF) will invest in top Korean semiconductor firms including Samsung Electronics Co and SK Hynix Inc, as well as Chinese chipmaking giants such as Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp and Montage Technology Co. “The Chinese and Korean semiconductor industries are expected to be closely integrated,” creating synergies, Huatai-PineBridge said in prepared marketing material for the ETF, whose launch date has not yet been determined. The fund will also benefit from China’s accelerated pace towards tech self-sufficiency amid U.S. sanctions, according to the marketing material, which mentioned the U.S. blacklisting of China’s Huawei Technologies Co Ltd, and the recently enacted CHIPS and Science Act. In 2021, South Korea was China’s second-biggest exporting country in equipments, including chipmaking tools, and Chinese exports to South Korea have also been rising, the fund manager said. South Korea said on Saturday there would be no significant disruption to equipment supply for Samsung and SK Hynix’s existing chip production in China from the U.S. move. The new U.S. export controls are an abuse of trade measures, China’s foreign ministry spokesperson Mao Ning said on Saturday. The newly approved ETF will track the CSI KRX China-Korea Semiconductor Index. The index was launched as part of a broader cooperation agreement signed last year between the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Korean Exchange (KRX) to promote cross-border investment between the two markets. (Reporting by Samuel Shen and Brenda Goh; Editing by Ana Nicolaci da Costa) Copyright 2022 Thomson Reuters.
Chinese Regulator Gives Greenlight To Fund Targeting Korean Chipmakers U.S. News & World Report
Andrea Headley | | Denton Record Chronicle
Andrea Headley | | Denton Record Chronicle
Andrea Headley | | – Denton Record Chronicle Best of the Blotter Every Wednesday morning, get the week’s top crime stories in Denton from the Blotter in your inbox. Breaking News Get the latest, most up-to-date news alerts when you sign up to receive our Breaking News newsletter.  e-Edition Notifier Receive a daily notification that the DR-C e-Edition is available. Sign up now. High School Season Pass Stay up to date with all of the sports news coming out of Denton-area high schools.  Mean Green Spotlight Get exclusive, in-depth coverage of the University of North Texas athletics teams in this weekly newsletter. Promotions and Offers Would you like to receive information from our advertisers or DR-C offers? Sign up now. Wake Up with the DR-C Every morning, get a link to our newly redesigned e-Edition and the top Denton headlines you need to start your day. Your Money, Your Home In the DR-C’s newest newsletter, get exclusive coverage about business in Denton County, with a focus on the housing market.
Andrea Headley | | Denton Record Chronicle
Spain Is The Only European Country Keeping Covid Entry Rules Travel Tomorrow
Spain Is The Only European Country Keeping Covid Entry Rules Travel Tomorrow
Spain Is The Only European Country Keeping Covid Entry Rules – Travel Tomorrow Most European Union/European Economic Area countries have lifted their special entry rules and measures for summer 2022, allowing arrivals from almost any country without restrictions from July of this year onwards, after the Covid-19 epidemiological situation improved in many parts of the world. Spain, however, maintains some of these measures. Effective from the 2nd of June, Spain removed all Covid-related restrictions for travelers coming from the EU or Schengen area. As of that date, proof of vacation, recovery, or negative test are no longer required. In its decision, Spain’s Ministry of Health noted that the majority of Member States have already taken a similar decision. On the other hand, the Spanish Ministry of Health established that all travelers from third countries (including the UK and US) must show a vaccination certificate -provided that the holder has completed primary vaccination within the last nine months or has received a booster vaccination- upon arrival in Spain. According to Euronews, health checks are being conducted at Spanish airports and ports to ensure passengers follow the rules. They are currently expected to remain valid until at least 15 November. Masks are no longer mandatory in public spaces including bars, cafes, cinemas and museums. Masks are still required on airplanes, buses, trains, metros and taxis. On ferries also if a 1.5-m distance can’t be maintained indoors. Travelers who do not possess a certificate equivalent to that of the EU must complete the Health Control Form. Exceptions are minors under 12 years of age and passengers in international transit. According to Euronews, UK citizens who have been vaccinated are able to travel to Spain, as long as they can prove they are not infected with virus. Unvaccinated UK citizens no longer need to fill out the Health Control Form, but they must show proof of recent recovery or a negative test. One of the three following certificates is required: A negative test certificate – either a PCR taken within 72 hours of departure or an antigen test taken within 24 hours A vaccination certificate Certificate of recovery at least 11 days after testing positive (valid for six months) Authorities will accept the NHS Covid Pass as proof of vaccination. It can be shown on a mobile device or in paper.
Spain Is The Only European Country Keeping Covid Entry Rules Travel Tomorrow
SC To Hear Satyendar Jains Plea Tomorrow On Transfer Of Money Laundering Case Hindustan Times
SC To Hear Satyendar Jains Plea Tomorrow On Transfer Of Money Laundering Case Hindustan Times
SC To Hear Satyendar Jain’s Plea Tomorrow On Transfer Of Money Laundering Case – Hindustan Times Live Updated on Oct 10, 2022 11:01 AM IST Breaking news October 10, 2022, live updates: Get latest news, breaking news, latest updates, live news, top headlines, breaking business news and top news of the hour. Get latest news, breaking news, latest updates, live news, top headlines, breaking business news and top news of the hour. Welcome to updates platform where you can find breaking news from India and across the world. Find fast updates about the latest news as it breaks. Follow all the updates here: Oct 10, 2022 10:47 AM IST ED moves Supreme Court against the grant of bail to Anil Deshmukh ED moves Supreme Court against the grant of bail to NCP leader Anil Deshmukh in a money laundering case. Oct 10, 2022 10:40 AM IST SC agrees to hear Satyendar Jain’s plea tomorrow Supreme Court agrees to hear tomorrow AAP minister Satyendar Jain’s plea against the transfer of a money laundering case against him to a new trial judge. On October 1, Delhi HC had affirmed the decision to move the case to a new trial judge on ED’s request. Oct 10, 2022 10:06 AM IST PM Modi condoles Mulayam Singh Yadav’s death PM Modi condoles Mulayam Singh Yadav’s death , remembers him as ‘key soldier of democracy during Emergency’. “Mulayam Singh Yadav Ji distinguished himself in UP and national politics. He was a key soldier for democracy during the Emergency. As Defence Minister, he worked for a stronger India. His Parliamentary interventions were insightful and emphasised on furthering national interest,” he wrote. Oct 10, 2022 09:43 AM IST Mulayam Singh Yadav passes away at 82 Samajwadi Party patriarch Mulayam Singh Yadav dies at 82 due to mutiple organ failure. Oct 10, 2022 09:13 AM IST India records 2,424 new Covid infections in 24 hours 2,424 new Covid infections in 24 hours in India, active caseload stands at 28,079. Oct 10, 2022 08:22 AM IST PM Modi to inaugurate various development programs in Bharuch and Jamnagar Prime Minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate and lay the foundation stone of various development programs in Bharuch and Jamnagar today. In Ahmedabad, PM Modi will inaugurate Modi Shaikshanik Sankul. Oct 10, 2022 08:08 AM IST Suvendu Adhikari writes to Amit shah over Mominpur violence LoP West Bengal Suvendu Adhikari writes to Union Home Minister Amit Shah requesting “urgent deployment of Central forces in the wake of Mominpur violence and ransacking of Ekbalpur police station to contain law & order situation”. Oct 10, 2022 08:01 AM IST ‘Re-shaping Indo-Pacific region is in interest of both countries,’ says Austrialian Foreign Minister in a dialogue with India’s EAM Australian Foreign Affairs Minister Penny Wong stated that it is in the interests of both countries to work on reshaping the Indo-Pacific region during a joint press conference with India’s External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar. Oct 10, 2022 07:07 AM IST 2 more rescued after building collapses in Delhi’s Lahori Gate Two more persons were taken out of the debris after a two-storey building which was in a “dilapidated condition” collapsed near Delhi’s Lahori Gate on Sunday evening. Oct 10, 2022 06:36 AM IST North Korea says recent missile tests were ‘tactical nuclear’ drills North Korea’s recent missile tests were “tactical nuclear” drills personally overseen by leader Kim Jong Un, state media said Monday, adding the launches were a response to US-led joint military exercises in the region. Subscribe to our best newsletters Mulayam Singh Yadav’s death ‘irreparable loss’, says Yogi; 3-day mourning in UP Published on Oct 10, 2022 10:52 AM IST The office of Samajwadi Party president Akhilesh Yadav, his son, announced that the last rites will be held at Saifai, Mulayam Singh Yadav’s ancestral village in Uttar Pradesh. File photo of Uttar Pradesh chief minister Yogi Adityanath and Samajwadi Party patriarch Mulayam Singh Yadav Pradhan Mantri National Apprenticeship Melas to be held today Published on Oct 10, 2022 09:52 AM IST The skill development and entrepreneurship ministry is organising the melas at 280 locations across the country Morning brief: Big move by Railways to prevent accidents Updated on Oct 10, 2022 09:05 AM IST Here are today’s top news, analysis, and opinion. Know all about the latest news and other news updates from Hindustan Times. Rainfall to continue in northwest India Published on Oct 10, 2022 08:36 AM IST IMD said a western disturbance was affecting the Western Himalayan region while a cyclonic circulation was over northeast Rajasthan and the neighbourhood Autopsy of ‘man-eating’ tiger killed in Bihar’s West Champaran conducted Published on Oct 10, 2022 08:25 AM IST A team of sharpshooters and police shot dead the tiger in Bihar’s West Champaran district hours after it allegedly mauled a woman and her son near the Valmiki Tiger Reserve (VTR) SC to hear Satyendar Jain’s plea tomorrow on transfer of money laundering case Updated on Oct 10, 2022 10:51 AM IST Breaking news October 10, 2022, live updates: Get latest news, breaking news, latest updates, live news, top headlines, breaking business news and top news of the hour. BJP leadership gets in a huddle to counter anti-incumbency in MP Published on Oct 10, 2022 05:58 AM IST A section of leaders in the party is also wary of a hardline narrative playing out in the state, which has the potential to upset its outreach among these communities, said a party functionary aware of the details. Story Saved New Delhi 0C Monday, October 10, 2022
SC To Hear Satyendar Jains Plea Tomorrow On Transfer Of Money Laundering Case Hindustan Times
Why The jaw-Dropping Poverty Health Gap Is About To Get Worse The Telegraph
Why The jaw-Dropping Poverty Health Gap Is About To Get Worse The Telegraph
Why The ‘jaw-Dropping’ Poverty Health Gap Is About To Get Worse – The Telegraph Prof Sir Michael Marmot, a globally lauded public health expert for the past half-century, chooses his words with precision – to avoid, he tells me, straying from the scientific evidence into politics. “It is important to stop at the limit of your expertise.” Yet, while he is unabashed in his praise of the NHS (“a brilliant system”), he believes that right now “it is in desperate, desperate straits”. Passionate words for one who generally prefers to avoid them, but justified, he would say, when 6.8 million are currently on NHS waiting lists and a survey last week (by Engage Britain) revealed that one in 10 of us goes private because of the delays in treatment or lack of access to them. And this is all before we go into a winter where fuel poverty and a cost of living crisis will reportedly see families forced to choose heating or eating. In a report published at the start of this month, coauthored with a respiratory consultant, Sir Michael cautioned that unheated homes will cause a wave of disease in young lungs, as well as damaging brain development in a way that could amount to “a significant humanitarian crisis”. That, too, was a chilling warning. We are meeting in a noisy café in a north London park where he often brings his grandchildren. With Liz Truss and her ally Thérèse Coffey still finding their feet as Prime Minister and Health Secretary, could the NHS crisis Sir Michael is describing be a make-or-break issue? “I’m not the person to ask,” the 77-year-old replies, falling back to his insistence on evidence. There is the faintest twinge of an Australian accent detectable in his calm, measured, slightly husky voice. His family moved from London to Down Under when he was a small child. He completed a good part of his education there before returning to the UK to begin his illustrious career. What he is keener to dwell on is his belief that the fate of the NHS is intricately bound up with the subject that he has made his own in a series of influential reports that bear his surname over the past 20 years: the relationship between health inequality and social injustice. “No one at present has got a clear answer as to what proportion of health inequalities between different social groups are due to lack of access to high-quality health care in the NHS,” he reports, “but there is a suggestion that it may be 20 per cent.” In other words, the failings of the NHS in its current depleted form may be particularly failing the bottom fifth of the population who already suffer the worst health outcomes of any group in the population, with life expectancies of 17 years less than those in the top percentage.  The causes are complex, he explains, but often arise because of the socio-economic circumstances in which those at the foot of the ladder live their lives, compared to those with more money and time to spend on essentials such as food and accommodation. Other alarming signs include the number of people with sufficient resources now choosing to pay for an appointment with a private GP because they have given up hope of ever seeing someone in person at their NHS surgery. “I really am fearful of what is happening,” says the man who in 2010 published a landmark government-commissioned review “Fair Society: Healthy Lives” that set six priorities (“The Marmot Six”). They included goals for early child development, education and working conditions for the reduction of health inequalities between rich and poor in this country.  “I believe that if one person opts out of the public health system, that affects everybody,” he says. “There are consequences when you abandon universality. Take the Finnish education system. There is no private education so everyone has a stake in having a public education system that is as good as it can be. In one of my reports, I wrote that just as an education system for the poor is a poor education system, so too a health system for the poor is a poor health system.” Prof Marmot trained as a doctor in Sydney. “I qualified and did various houseman posts. I was working in chest medicine when I saw the light about prevention.” As a junior doctor, he has said, he learnt “most of the things doctors treat could be seen as failed prevention. If you did not smoke, you would not get lung cancer. If you ate a healthy diet, you avoid a third of cancers”. It is a lesson he still follows in his private life. “I have a healthy diet, mostly vegetables and fish, but I am not ideological and eat some meat. My only vice is doing the sudoku in The New York Times on a daily basis.” It is in the public domain, however, that his early switch from treatment to prevention has had the most significant impact on the rest of us. He has chaired World Health Organisation commissions and served as president of the British Medical Association (2010-11) and the World Medical Association (2015-16).  In all these roles – including now as director of University College London’s Institute of Health Equity – he has explored the link between social injustice and poor health outcomes. Way back in 1978 he published his first paper on the “social gradient” in health.  “It showed that the lower the grade of employment, the lower the life expectancy,” he says. “People near the top have shorter life expectancy than those at the very top, and that runs all the way from top to bottom. People in the middle have about eight-and-a-half years shorter healthy life expectancy than those at the top.” How to close the gap has been the focus of his work. “Some people say, ‘there is nothing wrong with inequality, all societies have inequalities because the world rewards hard work’. My reply is: ‘Let’s get the set of social arrangements in place such that whole groups of people are not suffering ill health through no fault of their own.’” It is not always a demand that has won favour with the succession of health secretaries and public health ministers he has worked closely with since 1997 up to 2019. “Then it stopped,” he explains. “No minister has approached me since then.” In the days when he was a regular in Whitehall, he reports cabinet ministers telling him: “Oh, the poor have got nobody to blame but themselves. They don’t know how to eat properly. They don’t know how to cook. I could eat perfectly well on 50p a day.” His response to such remarks is best summed up, he says, by evidence quoted in a 2020 follow-up “progress report” he did on his original 2010 findings. “They came from the Food Foundation and showed that, for people to follow the healthy eating guidance from the NHS, those in the bottom 10 per cent of household income would have to spend 74 per cent of their income on food, and that’s before rent and heating. So don’t blame people’s ignorance. Blame their poverty.” If No 10 called him for advice on tackling the 60 per cent of the population who are, according to some estimates, facing fuel poverty and all the negative health consequences that will follow, what would he tell them to do? “Put equity of health and well-being at the heart of all policy,” he replies without hesitation. “I wouldn’t want to prioritise a particular level of taxation. That’s a downstream discussion, it seems to me.” When it comes to government financial support to protect the health and well-being of society during the current crisis, would he use universal measures such as the price freeze that has been announced, or something more targeted for those at the lower end of his social gradient? “Well, if we take the 60 per cent facing fuel poverty, we don’t necessarily want to give support to the top 40 per cent. Means-testing is a very important debate. On one side, why give benefits to people who don’t need them? On the other – and I look at all this from the impact-on-health point of view, not ideology – given the social gradient, if you target only the worst off, you risk missing those above the threshold. The argument is for more universality.” In the midst of what some are already describing as the worst crisis since the Second World War, why prioritise health and well-being rather than, say, growing the economy? “Because it builds a better society. Health equity has stopped improving here. For 100 years, life expectancy was going up by about one extra year every four years. In 2010-11 the curve flattened. Health inequalities increased and, for the poorest people, it has gone down by a year, a year and half in the north west of England. In a rich, civilised country, that is jaw-dropping.” The pandemic, he believes, was not a case of “all in it together” but instead exposed those underlying inequalities in society. “It amplified them. We saw that the social gradient in Covid deaths looked very similar to the social gradient in all mortality, but slightly steeper.” Now the economic crisis threatens to do the same. Yet he remains hopeful. He was recently in Luton, which has just become a “Marmot Town”, which means the local authority and other agencies have adopted the “Marmot Six” principles. Coventry, Greater Manchester, Cheshire, Merseyside, Lancashire, Cumbria and Gateshead have already done something similar. “The more who share my hope, the greater chance we have of improvement.”
Why The jaw-Dropping Poverty Health Gap Is About To Get Worse The Telegraph
Womens Wave March In Marietta | News Sports Jobs Marietta Times
Womens Wave March In Marietta | News Sports Jobs Marietta Times
Women’s Wave March In Marietta | News, Sports, Jobs – Marietta Times Local News Oct 10, 2022 Maria Rutherford Staff Reporter Alicia Mazariego, left, and Misha Vickstrom of Marietta participate in the Women’s Wave March in Marietta Sunday. (Photo by Maria Rutherford) Women and men joined together on Saturday afternoon by the fountain on Front Street in Marietta for a local tie-in to a national event aimed at electing women and pro-choice candidates and protecting women’s rights. The Women’s Wave March in Marietta coincided with its national counterpart in Washington, D.C. The local effort was organized by Marietta residents Jeanne Wilson and Betsy Cook, both members of the local Democratic Party. “The community needs to know the importance of our votes, regarding elected officials, and we want to educate them on how to vote for the right candidates,” Wilson said. “The community support that we have received today tells us that the residents here are aware of the threats to women’s rights, and that assures us that we have the numbers to fight to protect our rights, and stop the government from controlling even the most basic of things, such as contraceptives and abortions,” Cook said. “Why do the stipulations of these new laws only really apply to women?” Annelle Edwards, of Marietta, dressed as a character from the Hulu series, “The Handmaid’s Tale.” Annelle Edwards, of Marietta, dressed as a character from the series “The Handmaid’s Tale” Saturday at the Women’s Wave March in Marietta. (Photo by Maria Rutherford) “We will not be silenced, nor shamed, nor fear anyone in our efforts to take back our rights as women,” she said. Misha Vickstrom and friend, Alicia Mazariego, both of Marietta, said they want to ensure future generations do not suffer threats to basic human rights that women are experiencing around the globe. “I have a daughter,” Vickstrom said. “I want her to live in a world where she doesn’t have to worry about being controlled, where she can think for herself.” “I am raising two boys, but they will know what it’s like for women in the world now and be a part of the movement that changes everything for the better,” Mazariego said. People gather around the fountain on Front Street in Marietta Saturday as , October 8th, to rally for women’s rights and bring awareness to the community. (Photo by Maria Rutherford) Today’s breaking news and more in your inbox
Womens Wave March In Marietta | News Sports Jobs Marietta Times
Metas Flagship Metaverse App Is Too Buggy And Employees Are Barely Using It Says Exec In Charge BusinessGhana
Metas Flagship Metaverse App Is Too Buggy And Employees Are Barely Using It Says Exec In Charge BusinessGhana
Meta’s Flagship Metaverse App Is Too Buggy And Employees Are Barely Using It, Says Exec In Charge – BusinessGhana Meta’s flagship metaverse app is too buggy and employees are barely using it, says exec in charge  BusinessGhana
Metas Flagship Metaverse App Is Too Buggy And Employees Are Barely Using It Says Exec In Charge BusinessGhana
KSRs Takeaways From Kentucky MBB Pro Day KSR
KSRs Takeaways From Kentucky MBB Pro Day KSR
KSR’s Takeaways From Kentucky MBB Pro Day – KSR John Calipari opened Kentucky’s annual Pro Day event with a clear statement. “Daimion, go jump,” the UK head coach yelled in sophomore forward Daimion Collins’ direction. “Watch this,” he told the scouts from all 30 NBA teams in attendance lining the Joe Craft Center sideline. Collins ran up to the basket, leaped and smacked the top of the backboard with ease. Pogo stick, superhuman stuff. He was later credited with a team-high max vertical of 46.5 inches. Scouts came for a show, and Calipari wanted to give them one right from the jump — literally. It was the start of a Pro Day that put Kentucky’s length, athleticism and skill on full display in the two-plus-hour event that included physical testing, individual work and scrimmaging in front of several dozen scouts — multiple for every team. Familiar faces included Chuck Hayes (Houston Rockets), Tony Delk (Dallas Mavericks), Tayshaun Prince (Memphis Grizzlies) and Brandon Weems (Cleveland Cavaliers), all in NBA roles scouting their former school’s best talent. And there was plenty of it from top to bottom. Let’s start with the one holdout, CJ Fredrick, who turned his ankle Saturday and was unable to participate with such a quick turnaround. “Unbelievable year and a half to get to this point, down to 8% body fat. Confident,” Calipari said of the sharpshooting guard. He added that Fredrick wants to participate in the team’s scrimmage on Monday and could if he really wanted to, but the UK head coach is holding him out for precautionary reasons. No reason to rush back just for the sake of participating, but it was made very clear that it’s nothing serious and he will not miss any real time leading up to the season. The event started with some stretching and testing, namely the vertical leap. Collins, as expected, was the star of the show. Jacob Toppin (45 inches), Kareem Watkins (43 inches) Cason Wallace (42 inches), Adou Thiero (41 inches) and Chris Livingston (40 inches) weren’t far behind. Thiero cupped the top of the measuring stick twice and needed the bar to be raised on both jumps, scary to think about considering he’s 6-foot-6 and growing — he told KSR this summer he could eventually hit the 6-10 mark. As for Collins and Toppin, the entire gym stopped in its tracks to marvel at each leap, truly must-see athletes. Freaky alien stuff from the forward duo. From there, full-court layups to get warmed up, followed by full-court 2-on-1 and 2-on-2. Cason Wallace was a standout defensively, jumping the passing line for a steal while trying to slow down a 2-on-1 in transition. Jacob Toppin knocked down a filthy hesitation pull-up jumper in the full-court 2-on-2s and followed it up with an alley-oop slam where his head was clear above the rim. It was also our first viewing of Ugonna Kingsley Onyenso in a competitive setting, where he ran the floor well and was fluid in his movements. The 6-foot-11 center also showed off a smooth shooting stroke both in the 2-on-1 and 2-on-2 period before really ramping things up in the individual shooting drills that followed. It’s a fundamentally sound shot that falls at a high rate in catch-and-shoot situations. That would continue in the five-on-five scrimmages a bit later. Chris Livingston also did some good things on both ends, namely a swatted ball into the Joe Craft Facility wall on a failed alley-oop lob attempt. His defensive versatility is intriguing. That rolled into a brief 4-on-4 period, one that saw a primary ball-handler bring the ball up the floor into live action. Sahvir Wheeler, Cason Wallace, Antonio Reeves and Chris Livingston split reps as the lead guard in this drill. Then, the good stuff: 5-on-5 live scrimmages — the longest period of the day, split in two with a shooting drill serving as a makeshift halftime. The lineups were split into two core groups: Sahvir Wheeler, Antonio Reeves, Jacob Toppin, Lance Ware and Ugonna Onyenso Cason Wallace, Adou Thiero, Chris Livingston, Daimion Collins and Oscar Tshiebwe Wallace got things rolling with a pretty lob to Tshiebwe for a soft finish inside in front of Onyenso., followed by a catch-and-shoot mid-range jumper for Tshiebwe. Like a free safety waiting to pounce on a deep ball, Wallace then snatched back-to-back passes for steals, one leading to a breakaway dunk. Tshiebwe then caught Onyenso on an and-one putback lay-in, followed by a response on the other end from Onyenso: a pivot pull-up from the right elbow right in Tshiebwe’s face. It was a sequence that showed the value they bring to the table for each other, brute strength and physicality for Tshiebwe and length for Onyenso. The players need one another, a wildly crucial tool for their development. The deep balls started flying with Jacob Toppin and Sahvir Wheeler knocking down back-to-back 3-point baskets from the left wing, followed by Adou Thiero responding on the other end with a three from the right wing. Then came the silly stuff from Daimion Collins, who grabbed a ball from mid-air — think it was a lob, but maybe a shot? — with his Inspector Gadget arms for the block/steal, followed by a putback dunk on the other end. A few possessions later, he drilled a pull-up hesitation mid-range jumper, a fairly ridiculous sequence that led me to write “Daimion Collins is a clear first-round pick” in my notes. Another thing to keep in mind? Eight made free throws for Collins on eight attempts. He drew fouls and converted. Blown whistle, Calipari steps in on the other end of the floor. It came after a pass from Antonio Reeves, swinging it on the perimeter. “You’ve scored 1,500 points in your career. Shoot the ball,” he shouted. The Illinois State transfer’s hesitancy to launch the rock transitioned into an iso dribble straight out of an BallIsLife mixtape to set up a stepback corner three that fell just short. He followed it up with a catch-and-shoot three from the right wing. To put it simply, Reeves has got a lot of s*** to his game, a deep bag of tricks he’ll steadily unpack throughout his debut season. Oh, how about more Oscar vs. Ugo action? The center duo followed it up with another mini run of their own, trading off mid-range jumpers showing off their face-up games. Tshiebwe then went straight through Onyenso’s chest and scored over his outstretched arms that combine for a 7-foot-4 wingspan. The veteran drew a foul on the freshman shortly after, who scored on a fancy up-and-under through contact for his first inside bucket of the day shortly after. Again, absolutely incredible for his development having a player like Tshiebwe to learn from on and off the floor. It’s not every day you get a Consensus National Player of the Year to serve as your teacher, mentor and development coach. A few positional notes to slide in, as well: Cason Wallace spent the entire 5-on-5 session as the lead point guard against Sahvir Wheeler, a head-to-head battle. Elsewhere, Chris Livingston spent significant time working as a fourth guard in a small-ball four role, a position he played at Oak Hill running the dribble-drive. He has true two-through-four positional versatility, and that was shown yet again in the live periods in front of NBA scouts. We also got the public debut of the Helmet Award, with players who dunk on their teammates earning the honor of placing a UK Football helmet on the heads of their poor poster victims. Today’s award recipients? Cason Wallace on a dunk on Jacob Toppin and Lance Ware on a dunk on Lance Ware. Chris Livingston also punched one near Toppin that was voted a non-poster, but still deserving of praise. Two helmet awards today at UK Pro Day: — Cason Wallace dunk on Jacob Toppin — Lance Ware dunk on Daimion Collins Chris Livingston also punched one near Toppin that was voted a non-poster — but still filthy — Jack Pilgrim (@JackPilgrimKSR) October 9, 2022 As a cool-down before part two of the scrimmage, Calipari conducted his go-to 5-minute shooting drill. Jacob Toppin was a top standout, hitting 58 in the right corner. Ugonna Onyenso also separated himself as a mid-range jump shooter, knocking down 15-footers from the baseline with ease. Antonio Reeves was also a clear standout from the left wing, while Sahvir Wheeler also impressed on the right wing. Then to close out the evening, a live 5-on-5 period featuring a jump ball, referees and a kept score — the whole nine yards. This time, a complete play-by-play breakdown with a few notes sprinkled in here and there: Steal for Onyenso on Wallace Tshiebwe make from 16 feet, top of the key Toppin baseline floater, fouled Missed first free throw, made second free throw Thiero missed three from the left wing Ware miss from the right elbow Wheeler miss from the right wing Collins miss from the left wing Reeves made three from the right wing Livingston made three from the left wing Tshiebwe drive left baseline, fouled on the floor Ware jump hook missed from the left baseline Collins putback dunk off his own miss “Good stuff happens when you throw it to Daimion,” Calipari told the team right after. Ware drives baseline, smooth spin and score Reeves miss left corner three Collins pull-up jumper from 16 feet at the top of the key Ware miss inside Livingston breakaway transition slam Toppin miss left wing Wallace floater blocked by Wheeler Wheeler airball on a left-baseline floater Collins picked off by Wheeler Toppin turnover leads to Thiero breakaway lay-up attempt, close goaltend by Toppin Collins block on Ware Onyenso rebound, fouled on putback attempt. Missed free throw, made second Double-clutch pull-up from Collins, but fouled Makes both free throws Reeves stepback jumper left elbow. Silky move to create space, better finish Wheeler miss from the right wing, Antonio miss from the left wing and Toppin miss baseline fadeaway Collins miss...
KSRs Takeaways From Kentucky MBB Pro Day KSR
Crypto Corner: The Sports Slice | Bitcoinist
Crypto Corner: The Sports Slice | Bitcoinist
Crypto Corner: The Sports Slice | – Bitcoinist We’re back with The Sports Slice to take a bite into all things sports and crypto. Some of the latest headlines over the past week include the upcoming launch of LaLiga’s new NFT platform, a college quarterback’s new NFT NIL deal, and a crypto jersey patch deal cut unexpectedly short. Let’s dive into all of the past week’s crypto and sports activity. The Sports Slice New Zealand Rugby Buys World Of Women Galaxy NFTs New Zealand’s commercial arm of rugby and national team representative New Zealand Rugby made a hefty purchase of 33 World Of Women Galaxy NFTs this past week; the move is the team’s first NFT purchase, courtesy of some assistance with MoonPay – who is not an official declared partner of the team. Fans on the team’s official Reddit outlet were unenthused. LaLiga’s Digital Collectible’s First Platform Drop Is Slated For Later This Month ‘LaLiga Golazos,’ the long-awaited NFT product courtesy of Dapper Labs and the powerhouse soccer league, is set to debut in coming weeks. October 27th is slated as release day (paired with it’s initial first drop), and will feature some of the league’s biggest moments since 2005. The platform is expected to mirror the experience seen in Dapper’s other products, Top Shot and NFL All Day. A College Quarterback’s $1M NFT NIL Deal Texas quarterback Quinn Ewers is approaching $4M in NIL deals, courtesy of a new $1M NFT NIL deal established this past week with Metabilia. Over half the U.S. states have now established some sort of formalized NIL policy as universities look to find new avenues to recruit athletes, and athletes look at new avenues of compensation. Ewers and Metabilia will launch a collaborative NFT project that will require a subscription fee to access drops and signed memorabilia. NIL territory is still very young for new platforms and projects to explore, and crypto and web3 firms haven’t shied away from doing so thus far. Dapper Labs (FLOW) is set to release it's latest product courtesy of a league-wide deal with European soccer monster, LaLiga. | Source: FLOW-USD on Athlete-Backed & Avalanche-Powered ‘MynaSwap’ Raises $6M NFL stars including Kyler Murray and Odell Beckham Jr. were a part of a recent fundraise for Avalanche blockchain-based sneaker trading platform, MynaSwap. The raise, totaling $6M, will go towards building out the digital collectibles platform that provides digital authentification for physical goods. The platform is founded by Adeel Shams, co-founder of sneaker shop Coolkicks (which has become an LA staple in the sneakerhead community). Reportedly Turning Down The Dial On Sports Partnerships is reportedly cutting back on sports sponsorship engagements as the exchange likely faces increased budgetary constraints in the bear market. While the exact scope is unknown, reports emerged in recent days that was looking to cut scope with sports partners such as the World Cup and Twitch Rivals. The exchange was once a leading force in sports sponsorships and is now likely seeing a major shift in spending as the bear market has persisted throughout this year. MoonPay’s First Sports Foray One name we haven’t mentioned in the Slice‘s history is MoonPay. Check that box this week as the crypto exchange secured it’s first-ever sports deal with Brazilian soccer club Flamengo. The two will look to have MoonPay lead the charge on a variety of NFT engagement, including ticketing, loyalty programs, and more. Trail Blazers Cut StormX Jersey Patch Deal The NBA’s first crypto jersey patch deal was established in the middle of last year, and despite being a multi-year deal that was established between the Portland Trail Blazers and young platform StormX, it’s coming to a quiet and unexpected close. StormX has largely underperformed in the broader crypto marketplace, and despite signing an athlete endorsement deal with former Blazer CJ McCollum back in November, the exchange is rarely mentioned when top crypto exchanges are discussed. The club’s reasoning behind cutting the partner, who’s jersey patch was featured in media day content in recent weeks, was undisclosed. We’ll see where Portland turns to next for a patch deal, after donning a BioFreeze patch prior to the StormX deal. The Blazers join the Grizzlies and Wizards among clubs currently searching for a jersey patch partner. Featured image from Pexels, Charts from The writer of this content is not associated or affiliated with any of the parties mentioned in this article. This is not financial advice. This op-ed represents the views of the author, and may not necessarily reflect the views of Bitcoinist. Bitcoinist is an advocate of creative and financial freedom alike.
Crypto Corner: The Sports Slice | Bitcoinist
INDIA STOCKS Indian Shares Hit One-Week Low On U.S. Rate Hike Jitters Reuters
INDIA STOCKS Indian Shares Hit One-Week Low On U.S. Rate Hike Jitters Reuters
INDIA STOCKS Indian Shares Hit One-Week Low On U.S. Rate Hike Jitters – Reuters BENGALURU, Oct 10 (Reuters) – Indian shares fell to their lowest level in a week on Monday, led by automobile and consumer stocks, and as Asian equities slipped after a strong U.S. jobs report strengthened the case for the Federal Reserve to persist with aggressive rate hikes. The NSE Nifty 50 index (.NSEI), with all of its major sub-indexes in the negative territory, fell 1.4% to 17,072.90 as of 0442 GMT, and the S&P BSE Sensex (.BSESN) declined 1.37% to 57,396.53. Both the indexes posted their sharpest intraday drop in two weeks. “The paradoxical construct of good economic news turning out to be bad news for markets played out again last Friday in the U.S. The surprisingly low U.S. unemployment rate implies that the Fed will have to continue raising interest rates longer than the markets had discounted,” said V K Vijayakumar, chief investment strategist at Geojit Financial Services. Register now for FREE unlimited access to In morning trading, the Nifty’s auto index (.NIFTYAUTO) and the fast-moving consumer goods index (.NIFTYFMCG) were among the worst performers among other sub-indexes, falling 1.64% and 1.8%, respectively. Tata Motors Ltd (TAMO.NS) and Hero MotoCorp (HROM.NS) were the top losers on the Nifty 50, declining 3.8% and 2.8%, respectively. Domestic corporate earnings will be among the drivers for markets in the next few weeks, with IT service provider Tata Consultancy Services (TCS.NS) set to kick off earnings season on Monday, when it reports quarterly results later in the day. Tata Consultancy Services, rising 0.6%, was among the two gainers on the Nifty IT index (.NIFTYIT) which was down 0.48%. IDBI Bank (IDBI.NS) jumped as much as 11.2% after the government said on Friday it was looking to sell a 60.72% stake in the bank and invited expressions of interest. read more A Reuters poll found India’s retail inflation accelerated to a five month high of 7.30% in September due to surging food prices, staying above the Reserve Bank of India’s tolerance band for a ninth month. The data is due after market hours on Wednesday. read more ($1 = 82.8200 Indian rupees) Register now for FREE unlimited access to Reporting by Rama Venkat in Bengaluru; Editing by Neha Arora and Dhanya Ann Thoppil Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
INDIA STOCKS Indian Shares Hit One-Week Low On U.S. Rate Hike Jitters Reuters
New U Of A Center For Public Health And Technology Kicks Off Speaker Series University Of Arkansas Newswire
New U Of A Center For Public Health And Technology Kicks Off Speaker Series University Of Arkansas Newswire
New U Of A Center For Public Health And Technology Kicks Off Speaker Series – University Of Arkansas Newswire Photo Submitted Tyler Prochnow, Ph.D., assistant professor of health behavior in the School of Public Health at Texas A&M University. The U of A Center for Public Health and Technology will host its first speaker Tuesday in a series focused on public health research, health literacy and emerging media and digital technologies. Tyler Prochnow, Ph.D., assistant professor of health behavior in the School of Public Health at Texas A&M University, will speak at 1 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 11, in the Graduate Education Building, room 343. His talk is titled “Connections Matter: In life, health, and research.” Registration is required. Prochnow’s research interests include the social dynamics which drive health behavior. His primary areas of research involve youth physical activity, mental health and social network analysis. The human body is wired for connection, physically, mentally and emotionally. Social network analysis is one tool to quantify and evaluate connections between people and what they might mean for health, health behavior and health belief. In his talk, Prochnow will offer a primer on social network analysis, including how he has used it to study topics like youth physical activity, mental health among online gamers and professional collaborations in health care. He also plans to lead a discussion on how social network analysis could be used in ongoing research within health and technology to answer new research questions. The second speaker in the center’s series is Mark Williams, Ph.D., dean of the Fay W. Boozman College of Public Health at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. His talk, “What’s in a picture: The influence of social networks on health,” will be at noon on Friday, Oct. 14, in the Graduate Education Building, room 239. Registration is required. The Center for Public Health and Technology, in the U of A College of Education and Health Professions, is a new hub for interdisciplinary research. The center specializes in public health research and communication, health literacy, and emerging media and digital technologies in the U.S. and around the globe. Faculty bring together diverse disciplines and capitalize on mixed methodologies to support public health surveillance, intervention and evaluation in advancing health and human rights, social justice and health equity. Prochnow’s talk is co-sponsored by the Department of Health, Human Performance and Recreation‘s Outside Guest Speaker Series (HOGSS).
New U Of A Center For Public Health And Technology Kicks Off Speaker Series University Of Arkansas Newswire
McKinney Mom Who Lost Son To An Overdose Teams With DEA To Warn Parents About New Deadly Fentanyl Pills
McKinney Mom Who Lost Son To An Overdose Teams With DEA To Warn Parents About New Deadly Fentanyl Pills
McKinney Mom Who Lost Son To An Overdose Teams With DEA To Warn Parents About New Deadly Fentanyl Pills – The Drug Enforcement Administration is warning parents about a deadly drug popping up on the streets of DFW: rainbow-colored fentanyl. DENTON, Texas — Late last week, the Tarrant county sheriff’s office seized the largest amount of fentanyl pills in Tarrant county ever. The Drug Enforcement Administration is warning parents about a deadly drug popping up on the streets of DFW. It’s rainbow-colored fentanyl. Tonight, the message from the DEA, and a mom from McKinney who lost her son to an overdose: “It was right before his brother’s wedding,” said Sharon Roland. Sharon Roland shared memories of her youngest son with us. “On a Monday, he passed away,” said Sharon. In 2016, Sharon says, Randy died of an overdose. He was 32 years old. “He couldn’t save himself. He knew so much drug and alcohol,” said Sharon. While Randy worked as a drug and rehab councilor, Sharon says, her son was battling that addiction. “Ultimately couldn’t save himself,” said Sharon. — Malini Basu (@MaliniBasu_) October 10, 2022 After her husband died of a heart failure, Sharon says, Randy took it really hard. “Randy was 14. Seems like he was never able to find peace after that,” said Sharon. Her way of finding peace, is warning parents across North Texas about deadly drugs, like the new rainbow colored fentanyl pills that are on our streets. “These are in different shapes and sizes, almost looking like your grocery store cereal marshmallow,” said SAC Eduardo Chavez, from the DEA Dallas. DEA Special Agent in Charge Eduardo Chavez says, recently, on 4 occasions, hundreds of these pills were confiscated in Dallas. Authorities telling us, drug traffickers are disguising them to get them across the border. “In blocks, almost like the sidewalk chalk your kids might use,” said Chavez. Hearing that makes Sharon’s outreach start in her city of McKinney. “You think, it won’t happen in my family, it happens in a certain kind of family. It happens in all families,” said Sharon. With that in mind, Sharon is trying a new approach to help fight the addiction. A food pantry in honor of Randy sits outside of the family’s law office, which is on a busy street in Denton. The goal here is to let people know they’re not alone, and there is help out there. “It’s there 24/7, anybody can take whatever they want. We try to provide the resources that aren’t intrusive. to provide whatever help we can,” said Sharon. If you would like to know more about Sharon Roland’s organization, click here.
McKinney Mom Who Lost Son To An Overdose Teams With DEA To Warn Parents About New Deadly Fentanyl Pills
A Time Of Courage The Maritime Executive
A Time Of Courage The Maritime Executive
A Time Of Courage – The Maritime Executive With its Ukrainian roots and focus on the seafarer, Danica is leading the way in finding and caring for qualified crews against a backdrop of war and an ongoing pandemic. Jensen, second from left, with his staff in Batumi, Georgia (Danica) Published Oct 9, 2022 10:53 PM by Tony Munoz (Article originally published in July/Aug 2022 edition.) “At the start of Danica Crewing Specialists, our primary base of mariners were Ukrainians, and our main office was in Ukraine,” says Henrik Jensen, Founder & Managing Director. “While our headquarters are in Hamburg, our biggest crewing office was in Odesa. Because of this terrible situation with the war in Ukraine, we have now opened an operational office in Limassol to act as a regional coordination center.” The Russian invasion of Ukraine began on February 24, 2022 when Putin announced his intention to  demilitarize and “denazify” Ukraine. Immediately after the announcement, Russia launched missile and air strikes across Ukraine including on the capital of Kyiv. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy enacted martial law and a general mobilization of all male Ukrainian citizens between the ages of 18 and 60 and banned them from leaving the country.    The invasion has displaced almost 13 million Ukrainians with more than six million fleeing the country and another seven million leaving their homes and seeking refuge elsewhere. It also further aggravated a growing shortage of seafarers worldwide that had begun two years earlier with the onset of COVID-19. Ukraine accounts for roughly 77,000 seafarers – 47,000 officers and 30,000 ratings. Russian and Ukrainian mariners together account for about 14 percent of officers and 15 percent of ratings, a significant proportion of the world’s approximately two million seafarers. Crewing ships had already been a challenging situation because of COVID-19 as crews were subject to travel restrictions and were often quarantined onboard for months beyond IMO statutory limits. “Any industry where 15 percent of the workforce more or less falls out will have a problem,” says Jensen. “Even owners not using Eastern European crew will feel a knock-on effect as owners traditionally using Ukrainian and Russian crew turn to other nationalities.” There are other problems as well. The Russian invasion of Ukraine is overwhelming shipping companies’ ability to hire seafarers. Since the war began it’s become difficult for Russians to obtain travel visas and get paid due to Russian bank sanctions, and it’s problematic to mix Russian and Ukrainian crews. Several shipping companies have declined to hire Russian seafarers entirely. The stress on Ukrainian mariners has been tremendous because many of their families have fled the country or been forced to relocate. Many do not want to return to Ukraine and have extended onboard contracts. Ukrainian national marine licenses have been extended, but no new licenses are being issued, which is affecting job opportunities for Ukrainians. In the meantime, the Ukrainian maritime authorities have established a system where Ukrainian seafarers can now undertake online the necessary courses and exams to renew their certificates when their five-year cycle expires. In addition, the Polish maritime administration has established a system for extending Ukrainian certificates. “When the war broke out, about 60 percent of Ukrainian seafarers were onboard,” Jensen explains. “A few of them wanted to return home immediately when the war started to join the army or be with their families, but the majority stayed onboard, and when their tenure came to an end they asked to stay longer. In general, shipping companies were able to cope, including Danica. However, in the past few months the situation has changed. Many of the Ukrainian seafarers’ families have been able to leave the country and are now in the E.U. As soon as their families are out of Ukraine, the seafarers onboard want to join them. This is of course understandable, but now it creates a shortage of relievers while other relievers are still not able to leave Ukraine.” With the growing shortage of professional mariners, salaries for onboard personnel are rising quickly, and there are no quick solutions due to the professional licenses required to meet the IMO’s STCW certifications along with logging verifiable time at sea. A Different Kind of Company “Our ambition is to be the crewing partner for demanding shipping companies,” says Jensen, “those with high standards and high expectations, and to deliver crews who can fulfill our clients’ business goals.” To do so, the company employs one of the strictest screening procedures in the business, especially for senior officers, and offers leadership training courses for officers and safety training courses for ratings. It screens candidate backgrounds, authenticates licenses and verifies sea service including navigational skills and knowledge. It charts the candidate’s behavior and ability to communicate and interact with other crew members, which is critical for successful ship operations. Asked if Danica is the world’s biggest crew supply company, he replies, “No, and we will not be. There are not enough crews who can pass our strict pre-employment screening process.” Jensen grew up in a seafaring family in Denmark. Both of his grandfathers were professional mariners, and his uncle was a marine pilot. During summer vacations from school, he would join his uncle on pilotage voyages in the Denmark fjords and deep-sea waters, which sparked his interest in becoming a deck officer and ship’s captain. He served as an officer on container ships, bulk carriers and ferries and eventually took command of seismic vessels. When not sailing, he earned advanced degrees in business organization and human resource management. Eventually, he came ashore with the opportunity to work as a safety superintendent and crewing officer for the seismic company. He went to Greece to oversee operations for a Danish-Greek ferry and soon became the fleet director and managing director for another Danish ferry company. He spent nine years with Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement in Germany, rising to Group HR-Marine Manning Director. In 2009 he cofounded Nordic Hamburg Shipmanagement and in 2013 founded Danica Crewing Specialists. His years of hands-on experience managing crews and fleets made it clear that there was a need for quality recruitment and manning services, for a company that was independently owned and acted entirely on behalf of its customers. “We are not a ship manager,” Jensen emphasizes. “Our focus is to be the HR (human resources) partner for our clients, who are typically shipowning companies with their own in-house technical management but with a fleet size that does not have the economies of scale to have their own recruitment offices, screening, logistics and training. We are their extended arm or department.” Today, the company has eight offices in six countries and a network of more than 350,000 officers and ratings. It has long been recruiting in the Philippines, India and Indonesia. While looking to open more offices, the pandemic put further expansion plans on hold. But it did open an office in Batumi, Georgia recently and – in addition to transferring much of the Odesa operation to Limassol – has partnered with a crewing company in the Philippines.   Blue Water Crisis When Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, more than 2,000 seafarers were stranded on 94 vessels at Ukrainian ports. The IMO and several governments insisted that the Russian Federation honor the “blue safe maritime corridor” in the high-risk areas of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov. Russia deferred, saying it would establish a humanitarian corridor once ships were outside Ukraine’s territorial waters. Today, Ukrainian ports are at MARSEC (maritime security) level 3, which means the ports will remain closed for entry and exit or that ships sail at their own peril. Sea mines have been laid at port approaches and ports blocked with sunken barges and cranes. Many ships in the region no longer have sufficient crew onboard to sail. “We still have about 1,000 Ukrainians, mainly senior officers, deployed now,” Jensen says. “There are still Danica employees and crew in distress in Ukraine, many of whom have lost their properties and possessions. Meanwhile, our company supports these employees and their families, even those who have escaped to other countries.” While the Russians have signed an accord to allow grain ships to sail from Ukraine and through the Black Sea, there is massive congestion of vessels near Sulina and Bystre, south of Snake Island, trying to transit through Romania to the Danube. Officials estimate it will take months to get ships moving again. Meanwhile, IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim and international aid organizations have been trying to reprovision ships, which need vital supplies for stranded seafarers in the Black Sea region. A Time of Courage There are currently around 75,000 commercial ships in the world trading fleet totaling 2,095 million deadweight tons, which has doubled since 2007. By 2025, the world fleet will exceed 80,000 ships, and the demand for licensed mariners will continue to increase. Added to the war in Ukraine and the ongoing pandemic, that presents a real challenge for companies like Danica. Where will the seafarers come from? “That’s a very valid question,” he says, “and it worries me a lot. Seafaring has been an attractive career for decades in the main sourcing countries. A career at sea offers challenging jobs, great responsibility, and a steady and relatively high income – indeed for senior ranks in some countries even an extremely high salary. However, IT companies and big engineering companies are also in the market to recruit the same young talent, also offer...
A Time Of Courage The Maritime Executive
Lancaster Business Owner Helps Raise Money For Hurricane Ian Victims NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth
Lancaster Business Owner Helps Raise Money For Hurricane Ian Victims NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth
Lancaster Business Owner Helps Raise Money For Hurricane Ian Victims – NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth Massive cleanup efforts continue in the wake of Hurricane Ian. Across Florida, volunteers and organizations from North Texas are on the ground in Florida. At home, a local business owner has raised thousands of dollars for hurricane victims.    Leon Brown of Lancaster is the driving force behind a social media mission to help victims of Hurricane Ian.   “If you look around my shop, shelves are empty, and the racks don’t have clothes on them. People have been coming through,” said Brown, Founder of We Are the Help.  His nearly 90,000 Instagram followers have helped raise $10,000 for 100 Florida families.    “One family, Bree and Marcus Smith stopped by from Fort Myers, Florida. They were heading to El Paso, and they were able to stop inside here and get some clothes. That’s the family we were able to bless with $500,” said Brown.  Bree and Marcus Smith spoke to NBC5 about the generosity they experienced on their drive from Florida to Texas, where they’re now staying with family friends.   Local The latest news from around North Texas. “That was a blessing. We were able to get down to El Paso, and that was able to cover food and gas for us,” said Bree Smith.   Their Fort Myers home is flooded, and they don’t yet know the extent of the damage.  The couple is grateful they could reach out online, and receive help from Leon – just when they needed it most.  “My message is: Allow people to help. Put your pride aside, because this is the time that we all need to lean on each other,” said Bree Smith.  If you’d like to drop off clothing for Hurricane Ian victims stopping by – or the consignment shop’s year-round mission to help local families, you’re asked first to call Leon Brown at the store to schedule a drop-off time and day: (510) 754-8880
Lancaster Business Owner Helps Raise Money For Hurricane Ian Victims NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth