GitHub - soGeneri/awesome-launch: A curated directory of free and friendly communities to showcase your side projects!A curated directory of free and friendly communities to showcase your side projects! - soGeneri/awesome-launch#Important#Reminders#Actionable#SocialEngineering··Feb 24, 2025GitHub - soGeneri/awesome-launch: A curated directory of free and friendly communities to showcase your side projects!
Better Encrypted Group ChatBroadly, an end-to-end encrypted messaging protocol is one that ensures that only the participants in a conversation, and no intermediate servers, routers, or relay systems, can read and write mess…#privacy#encryption#Important#Reminders··Aug 30, 2023Better Encrypted Group Chat
Publish your Second Brain online with Logseq for free, forever | Hacker News#knowledge-management#Reminders··Jun 26, 2022Publish your Second Brain online with Logseq for free, forever | Hacker News
Building a blog from scratch in 2022 using Hugo, Docker and a bit of Python | Hacker News#Reminders#Homelab#knowledge-management··Mar 18, 2022Building a blog from scratch in 2022 using Hugo, Docker and a bit of Python | Hacker News