Knowledge Management

Custom sorting
All you need is links - by Gordon Brander - Subconscious
All you need is links - by Gordon Brander - Subconscious
When Tim Berners Lee talks about how he designed the web, he uses an analogy from physics, describing his process as a quest to find “fundamental laws” which can generate a desired system: One of the beautiful things about physics is its ongoing quest to find simple rules that describe the behavior of very small, simple objects. Once found, these rules can often be scaled up to describe the behavior of monumental systems in the real world. […]
All you need is links - by Gordon Brander - Subconscious
The Next Google | DKB
The Next Google | DKB
DuckDuckGo and Bing are not true alternatives – they’re just worse versions of Google. The next Google can’t just be an input box that spits out links. We need new thinking to create something much better than what came before.
The Next Google | DKB
Access parsed Markdown
Access parsed Markdown
I’m looking into a plugin that would let me copy some Markdown from the current note and transform it into Latex. The current Pandoc route seems set for whole documents more than fragments, and I’d like to write something very simple for pasting into Overleaf, but with a bit of control over how citations are handled. Is it possible to make use of the existing Markdown parser within Obsidian? Is there a way to get an intermediate tree, or will it always work with a DOM?
Access parsed Markdown
Why I felt compelled, sadly, to abandon Obsidian
Why I felt compelled, sadly, to abandon Obsidian
For the foreseeable future I’ve settled on Craft as my primary note taking and KM application. I like Craft so this is hardly a burden but I am disappointed. For all of the reasons that have been pointed out by others (I’ll not repeat them here), I wanted to make Obsidian my default note taking and KM app. I watched videos, installed plugins, migrated notes to Obsidian, and more. I ran into two problems that I could not resolve. That could be due to a lack of knowledge on my part but I think th...
Why I felt compelled, sadly, to abandon Obsidian