The Heilmeier Catechism | Hacker News
Knowledge Management
Building a Second Brain: The Book | Hacker News
Meeting notes lose value the moment you finish writing them | Hacker News
The silent majority of experts (2012) | Hacker News
Zettelkasten, Linking Your Thinking, and Nick Milo's Search for Ground | Hacker News
Muse — dive into big ideas
Flexible boards for notetaking, whiteboarding, and connecting the dots. Your tool for deep work, now on iPad and Mac.
The Factoid Leveling Experience - Bram Adams
ars longa, vita brevis
Go beyond Bookmarks with BrainTool, the online Topic Manager | BrainTool - Beyond Bookmarks
BrainTool is a way of organizing things you want to remember and get back to, using notes and nested Topics. Its also a better way to control your browser.
Why Google is so unbearable (and how to fix it) | Hacker News
Kagi Search
Kagi is a privacy-focused, user-centric search engine. Great search experience starts with Kagi!
Combing For Insight in 10,000 Hacker News Posts With Text Clustering
Hacker News is one of the leading online communities to discuss software and startup topics. I’ve frequented the site for over ten years and constantly admire the quality of its signal vs. noise ratio. It houses a wealth of knowledge and insightful discussions accumulated over the years. That invaluable
Tools for Thought need a standard for data interop. It should be Org-Mode | Hacker News
Chris's Wiki :: blog/web/WikiTrap
Classifying Hacker News Titles | Hacker News
Information Anxiety by Richard Saul Wurman
Information Anxiety book. Read 15 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. Information Anxiety offers a cure for the uneasiness most peopl...
ExcaliBrain - An update about the new plugin I am building... - YouTube
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Ask HN: Anyone highlight text as they read? | Hacker News
My Org Roam Notes Workflow (2021) | Hacker News
Wikiverse: A Galactic Reimagining of Wikipedia | Hacker News
25+ years of personal knowledge management | Hacker News
The PARA Method: A Universal System for Organizing Digital Information | Hacker News
Learn about Concept Maps | Hacker News
“Xanadu Hypertext Documents” architecture and data structures, 2019 edition | Hacker News
Web3 'contains the seeds of a dystopian nightmare' says analyst firm | Hacker News
Pearl Leff | In Praise of Memorization
What I Learned From Running a Concierge Search Engine
In October 2021, I ran a concierge search engine called Genius Search. That’s a fancy way of saying that I asked my friends to pay me $10/month to research an unlimited number of open-ended questions. I would write and send them a summary of each topic as quickly as I could.
Deep learning on electronic medical records is doomed to fail | Hacker News
Building a blog from scratch in 2022 using Hugo, Docker and a bit of Python | Hacker News
The Mind Map Book - Thomas' Digital Garden
My collection of things I've learned.