Knowledge Management

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An Augmented Mind: Designing a Knowledge Base — Kasey Klimes
An Augmented Mind: Designing a Knowledge Base — Kasey Klimes
In 1945 Vannevar Bush proposed the Memex, a machine that would provide an "enlarged intimate supplement to one's memory" by compressing and storing all of one's books and records. In effect, the organization of information in the machine would reflect the associative patterns of our own th
An Augmented Mind: Designing a Knowledge Base — Kasey Klimes
The Liminal Web: Mapping An Emergent Subculture Of Sensemakers, Meta-Theorists & Systems Poets
The Liminal Web: Mapping An Emergent Subculture Of Sensemakers, Meta-Theorists & Systems Poets
Somewhere along the way I seem to have unofficially joined a subculture or memetic ecosystem that I’ve come to think of as The Liminal Web. While there aren’t any hard and fast edges to this international constellation of thinkers and theorists it becomes pretty clear you’ve joined the fray when at least thirty percent of all the intellectual media you consume tends to emerge from this particular noospheric relay. Here's how it looks in 2D. A Visual Representation Of The Liminal Web ...
The Liminal Web: Mapping An Emergent Subculture Of Sensemakers, Meta-Theorists & Systems Poets
NIM Collab - Google Docs
NIM Collab - Google Docs
This document will be used to generate a graph of our NIM-tools ecosystem Examples 3 Example Section 4 [[Google Scholar]] 4 Manage Information Gaps 5 [[Google Scholar]] 5 [[Google Alerts]] 5 [[Keybase]] 5 [[@docxology]] (stop changing this it is my tool) 5 [[Email]] 5 [[@docxology]] 5 [[Pubme...
NIM Collab - Google Docs