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Transcendental Axioms – Gnostic Muse
The gnostic philosophy is axiomatic, meaning that it is complete in and of itself and does not derive from any other source. The gnostic philosophy is practical and verifiable through the conscious…
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The Work of Byron Katie
The Work is a simple a process of remaining alert to and questioning stressful thoughts. It is a simple, powerful, and effective meditation practice.
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NASA Astrobiology
How Did Multicellular Life Evolve?
The Economic Collapse
Are You Prepared For The Coming Economic Collapse And The Next Great Depression?
Bruce Schneier - Wikipedia
Walkaway | Cory Doctorow's craphound.com
IRC Yeshiva | Contravex: Essais de Pete D.
Hofstadter's law - Wikipedia
You can purchase Reinventing Organizations from Amazon.com , from Barnes&Noble and from international Amazon stores, as well as your local book store. ( Click here for translations into other...
Gödel, Escher, Bach - Wikipedia
Amazon.com: How to Be a Stoic: Using Ancient Philosophy to Live a Modern Life eBook: Pigliucci, Massimo: Kindle Store
Amazon.com: How to Be a Stoic: Using Ancient Philosophy to Live a Modern Life eBook : Pigliucci, Massimo: Kindle Store
Amazon.com: Liquid Reign (9781981029174): Reutemann, Tim, Häsliprinz, Dr. Karl-Heinz: Books
Liquid Reign [Reutemann, Tim, Häsliprinz, Dr. Karl-Heinz] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Liquid Reign
The Four Quadrants of Conformism
The Fantasy of Opting Out | The MIT Press Reader
Those who know about us have power over us. Obfuscation may be our best digital weapon.
Keep Your Identity Small
Libertarian ideology is the natural enemy of science | David Robert Grimes
David Robert Grimes: Whether the issue is climate change, healthcare or gun control, libertarians are on a permanent collision course with evidence
Technological dystopia looming, dooming the West — RT Op-Edge
This latest Russian 'sanctions tilt' toward nuclear confrontation comes alongside a quiet and apparently unconnected launch of a global digital ID system through the City of London’s slick mouthpiece magazine, The Economist.