Why I prefer making useless stuff | Hacker News
Scientists find 'missing link' behind first human languages
People can understand these "iconic vocalizations" regardless of their spoken language.
The Anus Is an Evolutionary Marvel | Hacker News
Why Civilization Is Older Than We Thought | Hacker News
The First Law of Cybernetics | Hacker News
The Memex Method | Hacker News
Measuring time accurately increases the entropy in the universe | New Scientist
A clock with controllable accuracy has shown that the better a clock is at timekeeping, the more entropy it will produce in the form of heat, increasing disorder as it ticks
The digital natives are not who you think they are | Hacker News
Peter Thiel's Religion | Hacker News
A “Perfect Coronal Mass Ejection” Could Be a Nightmare | Hacker News
Are We on the Brink of a New Age of Scientific Discovery? | Hacker News
I’ve had the same supper for 10 years | Hacker News
Learning how to think (2015) | Hacker News
The Ultimate Guide to Inflation | Hacker News
The Hume paradox: how great philosophy leads to dismal politics | Hacker News
What did Einstein mean by “spooky action at a distance”? | Hacker News
When Hackers Were Heroes | Hacker News
When people ate people, a strange disease emerged (2016) | Hacker News
jsomers.net | I should have loved biology
In biology class, biology wasn't presented as a quest for the secrets of life. The textbooks wrung out the questing.
The Autodidactic Universe | Hacker News
Persuading the Body to Regenerate Its Limbs | Hacker News
The experts can stay wrong longer than you can stay alive | Hacker News
The Cyphernomicon: Cypherpunks FAQ and More (1994) [Txt] | Hacker News
A backdoor lets the immune system monitor the brain | Hacker News
On Laws and Gods | Hacker News
Former Astronaut Suggests Alien Beings Are Here On Earth, If So, Maybe They Are Waiting For AI Self-Driving Cars To Emerge
If alien beings are hiding on Earth, maybe AI self-driving cars will trigger them out of hiding.
Maxwell’s Demon Continues to Startle Scientists | Hacker News
A Furry’s Guide to Cryptocurrency | Hacker News
When did writing in major newspapers become so bad? - Machine Learning Everything
Run on sentences, indiscernible insider nods and confusing narrative perspective plague major news publications
Where did the $12 trillion of covid spending go? - Machine Learning Everything
Part 5: USD as global reserve currency