for Reiki Training A Brief Overview Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that…
Secret of the Gods: Philosopher’s ‘Stone Handbags’ Deciphered - Graham Hancock Official Website
I had thought the science of the ancients lost, or at least unattainable. But it has survived, despite the aeons, as if fixed in stone. The Secret Science It has long been whispered that a hidden wisdom of a different order is veiled in the ancient mystery traditions. Their riddles, […]
Weaponizing the Web | by Sue Halpern | The New York Review of Books
A few weeks before the publication in early February of This Is How They Tell Me the World Ends, Nicole Perlroth’s disquieting account of the global trade
What Is Consciousness? Some New Perspectives from Our Physics Project—Stephen Wolfram Writings
Stephen Wolfram sketches some preliminary ideas on the complex subject of consciousness and its connection to his research into the fundamental theory of physics.