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Knowledge Management Archipelago | Zenodo
Knowledge Management Archipelago | Zenodo
The theory and practice of knowledge management shares concerns and approaches with a number of other areas of research, some of which preceded its formalization as a field. In the age of the internet, the challenges that the field of knowledge management addresses, such as the difficulty of synthesizing, interpreting, and managing large streams of information, are no longer confined to professional disciplines and are present in everyday life. The commonality and timelessness of the...
Knowledge Management Archipelago | Zenodo
Be critical or be corrupted
Be critical or be corrupted
I recently rewatched "The Wire". The show's central theme is about counter-productive metrics and their corrupting influence on institutions. I've noticed hints of this pattern in software engineering, too
Be critical or be corrupted
The Case Against Public Intellectuals - by Sam Atis
The Case Against Public Intellectuals - by Sam Atis
A higher-than-you-might-expect number of people I know have the opinion that education probably basically doesn’t do anything that will benefit society. Or maybe that learning basic maths and English is beneficial, but geography classes and history classes and physics classes might not do all that much, and university education probably doesn’t really provide you with any skills. It might
The Case Against Public Intellectuals - by Sam Atis
Gnosticism in Film & Animation - A Collection
Gnosticism in Film & Animation - A Collection
This is a collection of some of my (mostly) favourite films and anime/not anime that contain Gnostic themes. It is important that I mention that I am no expert in Gnosticism, it is simply an ism that I like. There are many sects of Gnostics, as such, there are many variables in Gnostic cosmology. What remains consistent across these groups is the Gnostic epic pertaining to Sophia, an emanation of God, and her descent from the Pleroma and the subsequent creation of Yaldabaoth, or the ...
Gnosticism in Film & Animation - A Collection