Why Civilization Is Older Than We Thought | Hacker News
The First Law of Cybernetics | Hacker News
The Memex Method | Hacker News
Measuring time accurately increases the entropy in the universe | New Scientist
A clock with controllable accuracy has shown that the better a clock is at timekeeping, the more entropy it will produce in the form of heat, increasing disorder as it ticks
The digital natives are not who you think they are | Hacker News
Peter Thiel's Religion | Hacker News
A “Perfect Coronal Mass Ejection” Could Be a Nightmare | Hacker News
Are We on the Brink of a New Age of Scientific Discovery? | Hacker News
I’ve had the same supper for 10 years | Hacker News
Learning how to think (2015) | Hacker News
The Ultimate Guide to Inflation | Hacker News
The Hume paradox: how great philosophy leads to dismal politics | Hacker News
What did Einstein mean by “spooky action at a distance”? | Hacker News
When Hackers Were Heroes | Hacker News
When people ate people, a strange disease emerged (2016) | Hacker News
jsomers.net | I should have loved biology
In biology class, biology wasn't presented as a quest for the secrets of life. The textbooks wrung out the questing.
The Autodidactic Universe | Hacker News
Persuading the Body to Regenerate Its Limbs | Hacker News
The experts can stay wrong longer than you can stay alive | Hacker News
The Cyphernomicon: Cypherpunks FAQ and More (1994) [Txt] | Hacker News
A backdoor lets the immune system monitor the brain | Hacker News
On Laws and Gods | Hacker News
Former Astronaut Suggests Alien Beings Are Here On Earth, If So, Maybe They Are Waiting For AI Self-Driving Cars To Emerge
If alien beings are hiding on Earth, maybe AI self-driving cars will trigger them out of hiding.
Maxwell’s Demon Continues to Startle Scientists | Hacker News
A Furry’s Guide to Cryptocurrency | Hacker News
When did writing in major newspapers become so bad? - Machine Learning Everything
Run on sentences, indiscernible insider nods and confusing narrative perspective plague major news publications
Where did the $12 trillion of covid spending go? - Machine Learning Everything
Part 5: USD as global reserve currency
About Reiki | OMMM Reiki Mi
for Reiki Training A Brief Overview Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that…
Secret of the Gods: Philosopher’s ‘Stone Handbags’ Deciphered - Graham Hancock Official Website
I had thought the science of the ancients lost, or at least unattainable. But it has survived, despite the aeons, as if fixed in stone. The Secret Science It has long been whispered that a hidden wisdom of a different order is veiled in the ancient mystery traditions. Their riddles, […]
How People Get Rich Now