Fake books - lcamtuf’s thing
Late last year, at the peak of the non-fungible token (NFT) craze, I purchased about a dozen highest-rated NFT books on Amazon: I did this because I wanted to publish a balanced critique of NFTs; I figured the most honest approach would to get familiar with the best-articulated arguments put forward by the proponents of this tech.
What's the deal with zkapps?
Vitalik recently mentioned zkapps at ETHMexico. But what are these zkapps? By the end of this post you will know what they are, and how they are going to change the technology landscape as we know it. Zkapps, or zero-knowledge applications, are the modern and secure solution we found to allow someone else to compute arbitrary programs, while allowing us to trust the result. And all of that thanks ...
Human identity: the number one challenge in computer science
The modern problem of identity was how to construct an identity and keep it solid and stable. Now, how to avoid fixation and keep the options open? https://discord.com/channels/1001036228294094909/1001036228734505013/1032358509179838514
Competent Elites | Hacker News
One of the major surprises I received when I moved out of childhood into the real world, was the degree to which the world is stratified by genuine competence.
This was the point at which I realized that my child prodigy license had officially completely expired.
No, even worse than that, much worse than that: these CEOs and CTOs and hedge-fund traders, these folk of the mid-level power elite, seemed happier and more alive.
But entering the real world, I found out that the average mortal really can't be an executive. Even the average manager can't function without a higher-level manager above them.
But entering the real world, I found out that the average mortal really can't be an executive. Even the average manager can't function without a higher-level manager above them
Someone who can be an executive at all, even a below-average executive, is a rare find.
I tried—once—going to an interesting-sounding mainstream AI conference that happened to be in my area. I met ordinary research scholars and looked at their posterboards and read some of their papers. I watched their presentations and talked to them at lunch. And they were way below the level of the big names. I mean, they weren't visibly incompetent, they had their various research interests and I'm sure they were doing passable work on them. And I gave up and left before the conference was over, because I kept thinking "What am I even doing here?"
There's "smart" and then there's "smart enough for your cognitive mechanisms to reliably decide to sign up for cryonics".
It's a standard idea that people who make it to the elite, tend to stop talking to ordinary mortals, and only hang out with other people at their level of the elite.
The four best short stories about artificial intelligence you need to read - The Verge
The Verge is about technology and how it makes us feel. Founded in 2011, we offer our audience everything from breaking news to reviews to award-winning features and investigations, on our site, in video, and in podcasts.
Knowledge Management Archipelago | Zenodo
The theory and practice of knowledge management shares concerns and approaches with a number of other areas of research, some of which preceded its formalization as a field. In the age of the internet, the challenges that the field of knowledge management addresses, such as the difficulty of synthesizing, interpreting, and managing large streams of information, are no longer confined to professional disciplines and are present in everyday life. The commonality and timelessness of the...