So you want to be a writer? | Hacker News
Study: Americans consistently overestimate how much culture has changed | Hacker News
The Distinctiveness of Human Aggression
The Goodness Paradox: The Strange Relationship Between Virtue and Violence in Human Evolution by Richard Wrangham—A Review
Was Feminism A Psyop To Get Women To Pay More Taxes To The Government? | Evie Magazine
It has been said that the first building block of a dynasty is the self-sufficient home. Women’s traditional roles were a crucial part of creating…
Interview: Vitalik Buterin, creator of Ethereum
In which we talk about the big shifts in crypto.
The gossip trap - by Erik Hoel - The Intrinsic Perspective
How civilization came to be and how social media is ending it
How civilization came to be and how social media is ending it | Hacker News
Peter Thiel's Religion - David Perell
David explores how Christianity and religion shape Peter Thiel's worldview and success. Read here.
The Sick Society | Hacker News
Buckminster Fuller’s Greatest Invention | The New Republic
Blink - Online identity & payment technologies
Mimetic Traps | Hacker News
How to get promoted - by Slava Akhmechet - Zero Credibility
Almost everyone who does great work toils in relative obscurity. Performance reviews are social fiction. How do people really advance through the corporate hierarchy?
How Can We Create a Manual For Civilization? - Long Now
The promise of a technologically advancing future is predicated on millennia of accumulated knowledge. How can we retain that knowledge?
The New Normal: The Coming Tsunami of Fakery
How the Dead Internet Theory is fast becoming reality thanks to zero, marginal-cost content generated at infinite scale
Schwabstack | Substack
Alt-History, High Strangeness, Ultra-terrestrial Research. Click to read Schwabstack, a Substack publication with thousands of readers.
WEF's "Global Intelligence Collecting AI" to Erase Ideas from the Internet
Naughty GETTR posts? Say bye-bye to your TWITTER account
The Collapse of Complex Societies (Book Review) | Hacker News
Welcome to Philip K. Dick's dystopia - UnHerd
Nothing is private and no one is free
It Usually Begins with Ayn Rand
Jerome Tuccille, author of RADICAL LIBERTARIANISM and presently editor of the newly formed OUTLOOK magazine, has just published his second...
Old Vintage Computing Research: The dark ages of history, circa 2030
I have no intention of explaining how the correspondence which I now offer to the public fell into my hands. * * * (as recorded to the ge...
Instagram, TikTok, and the Three Trends – Stratechery by Ben Thompson
Trends in medium, AI, and user interaction underpin Instagram’s response to TikTok, and will determine Meta’s long-term moat.
Why Is the Web So Monotonous? Google. :: Reasonably Polymorphic
The “bicameral mind” 30 years on (2007) | Hacker News
Is DALL-E 2 ‘gluing things together’ without understanding their relationships? | Hacker News
MEMEX - Botspam Apocalypse [ 2022-08-03 ]
What the Hell is Up with Dilbert - by Meghan Boilard
The normally innocuous workplace comic strip is arguably trying to get itself cancelled after three decades in syndication. But why?
The End of Social Media - Every
Why friend graphs can‘t compete in an algorithmic world.
I Looked Into 34 Top Real-World Blockchain Projects So You Don’t Have To | Niko’s Blog
I looked at 34 projects listed by the top Google result for “real-world blockchain projects”. 33 of these are either dead, pivoted away from Blockchain, use Blockchain in a (sometimes dangerously) bad way, or are have no real-world utility.
God (programmer) - Wikiversity
Raymond Souster, the Bard of Toronto | Hacker News