WikipediaQL: Query language for efficient data extraction from Wikipedia (early
WikipediaQL: Query language for efficient data extraction from Wikipedia (early – Easy file sharing from the command line – Easy file sharing from the command line
Plotext – Python Plotting on the Terminal | Hacker News
Plotext – Python Plotting on the Terminal | Hacker News
Check If Email Exists
Check If Email Exists
Command Line Interface for Signal
Command Line Interface for Signal
Beets: the music geek’s media organizer
Beets: the music geek’s media organizer
Show HN: Anki alternative with integrated notes and import/export
Show HN: Anki alternative with integrated notes and import/export
Private Gmail and Docs alternatives: Proton, Skiff, and more
Private Gmail and Docs alternatives: Proton, Skiff, and more
Show HN: Generate a free visual sitemap by crawling any website
Livemark – Markdown static page generator with charts, tables, and scripts
Ask HN: Tools you have made for yourself? | Hacker News
How we made Jupyter Notebooks collaborative with Yjs | by Kevin Jahns | Jun, 2021 | Jupyter Blog
Collaborative editing — à la Google Docs — is a feature that you still rarely find in applications. One of the few good things that came… | Ethical, easy-to-use and privacy-conscious alternatives to well-known software
Ethical, easy-to-use and privacy-conscious alternatives to well-known software
Follow blogs, wikis, YouTube channels, as well as accounts on Twitter, Instagram, etc. from a single page.
Q – Run SQL Directly on CSV or TSV Files | Hacker News
How to extract an equation from a PDF using Mathpix Snip - YouTube
A short demo of how to use the Mac Snip app to extract an equation from a PDF and use the resulting LaTeX to display the equation in a markdown document.
Get the app at!
Show HN: Transform a CSV into a JSON and vice versa | Hacker News
Helix: a post-modern modal text editor | Hacker News
Ask HN: Alternatives to Google Photos? | Hacker News
GoTTY – Share your terminal as a web application | Hacker News
Show HN: – Annotate and Loop Videos | Hacker News
GPG-Tui, a Terminal User Interface for GnuPG | Hacker News