Beets: the music geek’s media organizer
Zapier | The easiest way to automate your work
Workflow automation for everyone. Zapier automates your work across 5,000+ app integrations, so you can focus on what matters.
APSE – A Personal Search Engine | Hacker News
Show HN: Anchorage: a CLI to bulk archive you bookmark collection | Hacker News
desgeeko/pdfsyntax: A Python tool to generate a static HTML file that represents the internal structure of a PDF file
A Python PDF parsing library and tool built on top to browse the internal structure of a PDF file - GitHub - desgeeko/pdfsyntax: A Python PDF parsing library and tool built on top to browse the int...
Looking Glass: Run a Windows VM on Linux in a Window with Native Performance | Hacker News
WikipediaQL: Query language for efficient data extraction from Wikipedia (early
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Beets: the music geek’s media organizer
Show HN: Generate a free visual sitemap by crawling any website
Privacy – A curated list of services and alternatives that respect privacy | Hacker News
The Document Arms Race Intensifies | Hacker News