Datawrapper: Create charts, maps, and tables | Hacker News
Cassowary – Run Windows Apps on Linux using a VM as if they were native apps | Hacker News
Show HN: Download Twitter data without API keys | Hacker News
Best F-Droid Apps | Hacker News
GitHub - jeffbass/imagezmq: A set of Python classes that transport OpenCV images from one computer to another using PyZMQ messaging.
A set of Python classes that transport OpenCV images from one computer to another using PyZMQ messaging. - GitHub - jeffbass/imagezmq: A set of Python classes that transport OpenCV images from one ...
Python Tools for the Semantic Web, an Overview | Hacker News
How I built a date picker | Hacker News
Electric Tables V0.1
Experimenting with personal databases and the web as a texture
What’s new in HTTPie for Terminal 3.0 | Hacker News
Show HN: Social network that looks and works more like a forum | Hacker News
Rnote – A note-taking application for drawing tablets, written in Rust and GTK4 | Hacker News
Programming and Cognitive Load (2019) | Hacker News
We build tools to make the command line glamorous
Quarto: A scientific and technical publishing system built on Pandoc | Hacker News
Articulate and Incompetent | Hacker News
Show HN: Bulk convert images online without sending to server | Hacker News
Ask HN: What's Up with Google? | Hacker News
language documentation
Behavioral Profiling: The password you can't change (2015) | Hacker News
Interana/eventsim: Event data simulator. Generates a stream of pseudo-random events from a set of users, designed to simulate web traffic.
Event data simulator. Generates a stream of pseudo-random events from a set of users, designed to simulate web traffic. - Interana/eventsim: Event data simulator. Generates a stream of pseudo-random events from a set of users, designed to simulate web traffic.
FalsiScan: Make it look like a PDF has been hand signed and scanned | Hacker News – Free Postgres Databases (and free storage volumes, up to 3GB total) | Hacker News
Nerd-dictation, hackable speech to text on Linux | Hacker News
Show HN: CodeCaptcha - Hide web links behind coding challenges | Hacker News
Show HN: Matrix-CRDT – real-time collaborative apps using Matrix as backend | Hacker News
CyberChef – The Cyber Swiss Army Knife | Hacker News
CryptPad: Collaboration suite end-to-end encrypted and open-source | Hacker News
Show HN: Yahoo Finance CLI Written in Rust | Hacker News
Show HN: SQL on CSV/TSV/etc + native/WASM + worlds fastest CSV parser | Hacker News
Jailer: A tool for database subsetting, schema and data browsing | Hacker News
Launch HN: Clover (YC S20) – Notes, whiteboarding, and daily planner in one tool | Hacker News