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The Labor Market for Recent College Graduates - FEDERAL RESERVE BANK of NEW YORK
The Labor Market for Recent College Graduates - FEDERAL RESERVE BANK of NEW YORK
New York Fed economists Jaison Abel and Richard Deitz track data on the job prospects, wages, unemployment, and underemployment of new U.S. college graduates. Trends for young workers holding only a high school diploma provide a comparison
The Labor Market for Recent College Graduates - FEDERAL RESERVE BANK of NEW YORK
The Labor Market for Recent College Graduates - FEDERAL RESERVE BANK of NEW YORK
The Labor Market for Recent College Graduates - FEDERAL RESERVE BANK of NEW YORK
New York Fed economists Jaison Abel and Richard Deitz track data on the job prospects, wages, unemployment, and underemployment of new U.S. college graduates. Trends for young workers holding only a high school diploma provide a comparison
The Labor Market for Recent College Graduates - FEDERAL RESERVE BANK of NEW YORK
How Much Americans Make
How Much Americans Make
Median income only tells you where the middle is. The distributions of income are a lot more interesting.
How Much Americans Make
The 20 Fastest Growing Jobs in the Next Decade
The 20 Fastest Growing Jobs in the Next Decade
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts an overall job growth rate of 7.7%. Here, we show the fastest growing jobs and how much they pay.
The 20 Fastest Growing Jobs in the Next Decade
Question of the Day: What careers is Gen Z most interested in? - Blog
Question of the Day: What careers is Gen Z most interested in? - Blog
Answer: Questions: What is your desired career at this point? Why does that interest you? What education/training do you need for this career? Have you ever had a conversation with someone who does this job?
Question of the Day: What careers is Gen Z most interested in? - Blog
The #1 financial literacy curriculum used by 30,000 teachers reaching over 2 million students. Free personal finance activities and lesson plans for middle and high schools, plus daily professional development for teachers -- also free
Question of the Day: What percent of companies say soft skills matter as much or more than hard skills in hiring? - Blog
Question of the Day: What percent of companies say soft skills matter as much or more than hard skills in hiring? - Blog
Answer: 92% say soft skills matter as much or more than hard skills Questions: What is the difference between a hard skill and a soft skill? Why do you think it is important for employees to have strong soft skills? How can you develop your own soft skills in preparation for your future career? Click here for the ready-to-go slides for this Question of the Day that you can use in your classroom.
Question of the Day: What percent of companies say soft skills matter as much or more than hard skills in hiring? - Blog
Question of the Day: How many people use LinkedIn worldwide? - Blog
Question of the Day: How many people use LinkedIn worldwide? - Blog
Answer: 783 million users worldwide Questions: What is LinkedIn and how can it help you with the job search? Why is it important to note how many professionals are online using LinkedIn? Networking and searching for a job have changed over time. How do you think technology will continue to affect your career journey?
Question of the Day: How many people use LinkedIn worldwide? - Blog
Question of the Day: What percent of jobs are never advertised? - Blog
Question of the Day: What percent of jobs are never advertised? - Blog
Answer: 70-80% Questions: If 70-80% of jobs are never advertised, how do you think that most people find jobs?  For those who have jobs/had jobs, what was your process to find work? What do you think are the skills needed to be an effective networker? Here are the ready-to-go slides for this Question of the Day that you can use in your classroom. Behind the numbers (Payscale) : “At least 70 percent, if not 80 percent, of jobs are not published, ” Matt Youngquist, president of Career Horizons told NPR.
Question of the Day: What percent of jobs are never advertised? - Blog
25 Highest Paid Occupations in the U.S. for 2019
25 Highest Paid Occupations in the U.S. for 2019
Discover the 25 highest-paying jobs in the United States for 2019, based on the most recent Bureau of Labor Statistics data.
25 Highest Paid Occupations in the U.S. for 2019
My 15 ½ Favorite Career Unit Interactives - Blog
My 15 ½ Favorite Career Unit Interactives - Blog
Why 15 ½?. I considered 17 ½, but decided not to include the games The Payoff and the Uber Game, that’s for a later post. Here are my favorite 15 ½ career unit interactives, ranked in reverse order.  #15: What Are Your Chances of Making It To The Executive Suite?: This is a great tool to help aspiring future CEOs understand what they need to do to live their dream. #14: Invest in What’s Next: Life After High School:   There are many possibilities for your life after high school and lots of questions to consider along the way.
My 15 ½ Favorite Career Unit Interactives - Blog
Videos: Careers that don't require a 4-year degree - Blog
Videos: Careers that don't require a 4-year degree - Blog
Thanks to Brian Page for spending 20+ hours combing through and sharing this with the community!  He created a spreadsheet of careers that don’t require a 4 year degree, aren’t in a declining career field, and in most cases pay more than $30K. He did this for classes filled with non-college bound students and showed a 90 second career video to begin most of these classes and dubbed it "Career of the Day." He linked to the YouTube videos (click here) because the Career One Stop videos are slow, depending on the WiFi. Here's a link to the resource where Brian found ...
Videos: Careers that don't require a 4-year degree - Blog
3 Things You Can Do with an Economics Degree - KWHS
3 Things You Can Do with an Economics Degree - KWHS
Exploring the many career prospects for students who are curious, analytical and love a good movement in stock and bond prices.
3 Things You Can Do with an Economics Degree - KWHS
Question of the Day: What percent of U.S. millionaires are professional athletes? - Blog
Question of the Day: What percent of U.S. millionaires are professional athletes? - Blog
Answer: About 1% of U.S. millionaires (those earning $1 million/year) are professional athletes We often hear from teachers that students are convinced that professional sports are the road to riches but besides the challenge of making it to this pinnacle (only 0.03% of high school seniors playing basketball ultimately get drafted after playing college ball), almost 99% of millionaires have generated their wealth outside of professional sports. Then again, athletes who suddenly come into millions from their first contract often struggle to live within their means while we have also unc...
Question of the Day: What percent of U.S. millionaires are professional athletes? - Blog
Interactive Monday: Fastest Growing Jobs since 1970 - Blog
Interactive Monday: Fastest Growing Jobs since 1970 - Blog
From Flowing Data comes a chart showing trends in job growth and decline over the past 4 decades. As you move the cursor over the graph, you can see what jobs correspond to the lines on the graph.  Here's a snapshot (click to go to the interactive chart) Questions: Three fastest growing jobs since 1970? Three jobs that have seen greatest decline?  What jobs were most impacted by the Great Recession of 2008-09? Have they recovered to their pre-recession levels?
Interactive Monday: Fastest Growing Jobs since 1970 - Blog