

Patrick Explains HOME ALONE (And Why It's Great)
Patrick Explains HOME ALONE (And Why It's Great)
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Patrick Explains HOME ALONE (And Why It's Great)
Micron Gets $6.2 Billion Chips Award to Spur Plant Expansion
Micron Gets $6.2 Billion Chips Award to Spur Plant Expansion
The Biden administration has reached a final agreement to give Micron Corp. nearly $6.2 billion in subsidies from a program designed to boost American semiconductor manufacturing, allowing funds to start flowing to factories in Idaho and New York.
Micron Gets $6.2 Billion Chips Award to Spur Plant Expansion
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Question of the Day: How much money was spent on video game microtransactions last year? - Blog
Question of the Day: How much money was spent on video game microtransactions last year? - Blog
Microtransactions are making mega billions Answer: $73.27 billion dollars   Questions: Would you spend money on microtransactions in a game you enjoy? Why or why not? Why do you think so many gamers choose to spend money on microtransactions? What do you think are the biggest drawbacks of microtransactions for players?
Question of the Day: How much money was spent on video game microtransactions last year? - Blog
QoD: How much money was donated on Giving Tuesday in 2020? - Blog
QoD: How much money was donated on Giving Tuesday in 2020? - Blog
Giving Tuesday is one of the biggest days for philanthropic donations. Find out how much Americans gave last year.  Answer: $3.1 billion   Questions: Have you ever donated on Giving Tuesday? Why or why not? Why do you think Giving Tuesday has grown so much over the last decade?
QoD: How much money was donated on Giving Tuesday in 2020? - Blog