

Soaring US egg prices put pressure on consumers, businesses
Soaring US egg prices put pressure on consumers, businesses
OMAHA, Neb. (AP) — Chickens may not be able to fly very far, but the price of eggs is soaring. A lingering bird flu outbreak, combined with soaring feed, fuel and labor costs, has led to U.S. egg prices more than doubling over the past year, and hatched a lot of sticker shock on grocery aisles.
Soaring US egg prices put pressure on consumers, businesses
Will High Inflation Persist?
Will High Inflation Persist?
The answer to when inflation will revert to its long-run average likely depends on whether we are still in the “Great Moderation” regime of less volatile inflation.
Will High Inflation Persist?
Noncyclical Rate of Unemployment | FRED | St. Louis Fed
Noncyclical Rate of Unemployment | FRED | St. Louis Fed
Graph and download economic data for Noncyclical Rate of Unemployment from Q1 1948 to Q4 2032 about NAIRU, long-term, projection, unemployment, rate, USA, labor underutilization, headline figure, civilian, 16 years +, labor, and household survey.
Noncyclical Rate of Unemployment | FRED | St. Louis Fed