Table 4. Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U): Selected areas, all items index - 2022 M08 Results

No Covid vaccine a $100m decision - Irving
Brooklyn Nets guard Kyrie Irving says choosing not to get a Covid-19 vaccination cost him a $100m contract.
🌽🌽 Erica, The White Trash Socialist 🌽🌽™️ on Twitter
“This little suggestion on top of my hamburger helper box is how I know we are about to have a Great Depression part 2”
Exclusive: Qatar conscripts civilians for World Cup security
Qatar has called up hundreds of civilians, including diplomats summoned back from overseas, for mandatory military service operating security checkpoints at World Cup stadiums, according to a source and documents seen by Reuters.
US Housing Prices Fall for First Time Since 2012
A bull run that began after the final crisis comes to an end as higher mortgage rates cool the real estate market.
Stock market losses wipe out $9 trillion from Americans' wealth
Falling stock markets have wiped out $9 trillion in wealth from U.S. households, putting pressure on family balance sheets and spending.
The dollar is surging. This is who gets helped — and hurt — by its newfound strength
The U.S. dollar is the strongest it has been in 20 years. As it strengthens, other currencies — like the pound — weaken. That's good news for U.S. consumers and importers but bad news for others.
Is a beer shortage on tap? Inflation and supply chain pressures on brewers are intensifying
Beer makers face a combination of issues such as inflation and supply chain shortages, which could lead to some beer shortages and brewery closures.
Survey: Middle Class Wages, Inflation, Spending Habits Revealed
Parents have had some wallet relief over the past few weeks following record high inflation rates and gas prices. But these 5 staples continue to rise in price.
Once-Hot Fake Meat Sees Sales Slide on Price and Being Too ‘Woke’
Deloitte reports deteriorating perceptions regarding plant-based meat.
CBO: White House plan to cancel student loan debt costs $400 billion
Supporters of student debt cancelation have argued some estimates overstate the policy’s price-tag.
EconExtra: Digging into the FOMC Data—What is the SEP? - Blog
The Summary of Economic Projections, or SEP, represents all of the FOMC participants’ projections for four key economic indicators as well as the Federal Funds Rate. Examining the SEP opens a window into what the participants are thinking as well as how that thinking changes over time. It is also a way to use current events for a statistics lesson. EconExtra is a series of posts that go beyond the textbook, relating current events and recent developments in economics to content standards, and providing resource suggestions to help you incorporate the current events into your lessons The Headline Among the headlines this week following the Federal Open Market Committee meeting, press release, and press conference with Chair Powell, one key point was how much the projection for where the Federal Funds rate will end up this year (and next) increased since the last SEP in June.
Money to Burn | Brain Games
We’re selling a twenty-dollar bill, but the amount some people are willing to pay for it might make your head spin. Find out why in this clever experiment.➡ ...
The (Ir)rationality of the Dollar Auction
The Dollar Auction is a simple game devised by economist Martin Shubik in the 1970s. The beauty of the game is it's remarkable ability to illustrate the freq...
Business Drinking and the Dollar Auction Game – Mind Your Decisions
53. Christmas Creep & Wars of Attrition | THUNK
It seems the Christmas season comes earlier every year...and there's actually a decent reason why: game theory!-Links for the Curious-A poll of when consumer...
September Is Not the Most Wonderful Time of the Year
The winter holidays are still a few months away, but that's not stopping some stores from putting out there Christmas selections early. Game theory can help us understand their pre-emptive behavior.
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Oh No No: Where Did all the Santas Go? 🎅
Are you planning to take some family photos with Santa this year? Be prepared to search around for a bit longer than you remember because Santa Claus might not be coming to your town this year. The pandemic has impacted a lot of different labor markets
American workers need lots and lots of robots
With the power of automation, our workers can win. Without it, they're in trouble.
Hilton to design astronaut suites, facilities for Voyager's private space station Starlab
Hotel giant Hilton has signed on to design astronaut facilities for the private space station Starlab.
Personal Debt in America Had Dropped 25% in Three Years
/PRNewswire/ -- At the early part of this year, personal debt among U.S. adults aged 18+ was on a three-year downward trajectory, according to Northwestern...
Does Money Make You Happy? The Latest Research Might Surprise You | Family Finance | U.S. News
How inflation could affect 2023 tax brackets: You may get an unexpected 'tax cut,' in a way
Federal income tax rate brackets, and many other federal tax parameters, are indexed for inflation.
The real state of real estate
And six charts to help you navigate it.
Netflix Reduces Payments for Comedy Specials in Some New Deals
The streaming giant is paying around $200,000 to license some specials for two years, instead of writing a bigger check to buy them outright.
Russians rush for flights out amid partial reservist call-up
Flights filled up and ticket prices sky-rocketed, apparently driven by fears that Russia's borders could close or that a broader call-up might send many Russian men to the war's front lines.
Worker Productivity's Steepest Drop in 74 Years: What That Means for the Economy | WSJ - YouTube
In the first quarter of 2022, U.S. worker productivity fell in the steepest drop in 74 years. WSJ’s Jon Hilsenrath explains why productivity is central to th...
State of black america 2022 black white%20 index
Achieve the American dream (results may vary)
White households are 71% more likely to own their homes than Black households.