

Key Economic Growth Indicators
Key Economic Growth Indicators
CNN Business tracks key economic indicators to provide a comprehensive, up-to-date picture of the US Economy. Data on this dashboard is refreshed automatically.
Key Economic Growth Indicators
If prices keep rising, a nightmare scenario for the US economy is a real possibility
If prices keep rising, a nightmare scenario for the US economy is a real possibility
There's no denying it: Inflation is here. Consumer prices surged 7% over the past year. Housing prices have continued to soar, too. But the question on the minds of many economists and Wall Street strategists is whether something even worse could be in the cards: prices rising as the economy slows.
If prices keep rising, a nightmare scenario for the US economy is a real possibility
The 20 Fastest Growing Jobs in the Next Decade
The 20 Fastest Growing Jobs in the Next Decade
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts an overall job growth rate of 7.7%. Here, we show the fastest growing jobs and how much they pay.
The 20 Fastest Growing Jobs in the Next Decade
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theccee on Twitter
The CCEE team partnered with @thegriotb of Schoolyard Rap to create our very own music video about how we are each our own greatest resource–or in other words, human capital! Check it out and share if you also agree that we hold the keys to investing in our own potential! #edchat
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Experienced well-being rises with income, even above $75,000 per year
Experienced well-being rises with income, even above $75,000 per year
Past research has found that experienced well-being does not increase above incomes of $75,000/y. This finding has been the focus of substantial attention from researchers and the general public, yet is based on a dataset with a measure of experienced well-being that may or may not be indicative of actual emotional experience (retrospective, dichotomous reports). Here, over one million real-time reports of experienced well-being from a large US sample show evidence that experienced well-being rises linearly with log income, with an equally steep slope above $80,000 as below it. This suggests that higher incomes may still have potential to improve people’s day-to-day well-being, rather than having already reached a plateau for many people in wealthy countries. Data aggregated by income level have been deposited in OSF ( ([23][1]). Granular data are stored in a repository and are available to qualified researchers who wish to verify or extend the claims of this paper; contact the author for access information. March 25, 2021: The Data Availability section has been updated. [1]: #ref-23
Experienced well-being rises with income, even above $75,000 per year
Inflation Q&A
Inflation Q&A
Higher inflation is on people’s minds, so we tackle a handful of questions posed online and during a recent inflation event.
Inflation Q&A