Survey Results: Shortfalls in Financial Literacy Cost Americans $352 Billion in 2021
/PRNewswire/ -- Lacking key financial knowledge affects people's personal finance situations in powerful ways – that fact is well-established. But how much...
Why You Weren’t Taught Money Management in High School
Studies show that Americans who learn financial literacy in high school fare better in adulthood. So why, for decades, was money management absent from schools?
Parents' and Children's Money Survey: Were You Financially Prepared? | NFEC
Parents play an important role in preparing youth for self-sufficiency. See how people rated their parents and take the Parents' and Children's Money Survey.
The data underlying the report reflects course catalogs from 11,049 high schools serving 11,752,118 high school students nationwide. The most recent NCES data estimates that there are 15,400,000 high school students in the U.
NEFE's Toolkit let's you design simple, effective evaluations that make it easy to demonstrate learning and show the value of your personal finance curriculum.
States that require personal finance classes should not overlook teacher training, experts say
Teachers who are tasked with leading instruction on personal finance are not always well-equipped to teach it — and can benefit from specialized training.
People with student loans who participate in financial education programs become better financial managers, building personal wealth after college, University of Illinois researchers found in a recent study.
Teens Think Economics Education is Important, but Struggle with Basic Economic Concepts
/PRNewswire/ -- According to a recent survey, 93 percent of teens believe economics education is "important," yet struggle with basic concepts like "supply and...
What's the Value of A Personal Finance Course? [UPDATED] - Blog
Priceless! As more states consider increasing access to personal finance, we should expect advocates to be questioned about the value of a personal finance course or in investment parlance, "What's the Return on Investment (ROI)?" We know there is lots of academic value to the course as it develops the following skills: Analytical thinking Problem-solving Teamwork through group projects Decision-making in ambiguous situations where there may not be one right answer Communication skills, including written and oral in classroom discussions and presentations It also presents...
James Morrison | Penn needs a financial literacy requirement | The Daily Pennsylvanian
The importance of Penn having its students take a Physical World course pales in comparison to preparing its students to successfully navigate the make-or-break financial decisions that await them after college.