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Hochrechnung: FPÖ auf Platz eins, ÖVP deutlich vor SPÖ (29.09.2024)
Hochrechnung: FPÖ auf Platz eins, ÖVP deutlich vor SPÖ (29.09.2024)
Die FPÖ hat bei der Nationalratswahl am Sonntag laut Hochrechnungen inklusive Wahlkartenprognose klar Platz eins erreicht. Rang zwei geht laut Foresight-Hochrechnung für ORF und APA an die ÖVP, abgeschlagen auf Platz drei liegt die SPÖ. NEOS liegt auf Platz vier knapp vor den Grünen. Alle anderen Parteien scheiterten am Einzug in den Nationalrat.
Hochrechnung: FPÖ auf Platz eins, ÖVP deutlich vor SPÖ (29.09.2024)
Nationalratswahl: Spitzenkandidaten schreiten zur Urne (29.09.2024)
Nationalratswahl: Spitzenkandidaten schreiten zur Urne (29.09.2024)
Österreich wählt am Sonntag einen neuen Nationalrat. Schon am frühen Vormittag schritten die ersten der Spitzenkandidaten und -kandidatinnen zur Urne. Neben den fünf Parlamentsparteien ÖVP, SPÖ, FPÖ, Grüne und NEOS schafften es bundesweit auch Bierpartei, KPÖ, Keine von denen (Wandel) und Liste Madeleine Petrovic (LMP) auf den Stimmzettel.
Nationalratswahl: Spitzenkandidaten schreiten zur Urne (29.09.2024)
Volkswagen Lowers Forecast Again on Waning Car Sales (27.09.2024)
Volkswagen Lowers Forecast Again on Waning Car Sales (27.09.2024)
Volkswagen AG cut its guidance for a second time this year, warning that waning demand will undercut the German carmaker’s profitability as it squares off with unions over possible job cuts and unprecedented plant closures.
Volkswagen Lowers Forecast Again on Waning Car Sales (27.09.2024)
Poor euro zone data flow keeps adding to case for ECB rate cut (27.09.2024)
Poor euro zone data flow keeps adding to case for ECB rate cut (27.09.2024)
Inflation has eased more than expected in two of the euro zone's biggest economies and the German jobs market has continued to cool this month, adding to an already substantial case for the European Central Bank to cut borrowing costs further next month.
Poor euro zone data flow keeps adding to case for ECB rate cut (27.09.2024)
Europe’s Battered Listed Landlords Are Preparing for a Rebound (27.09.2024)
Europe’s Battered Listed Landlords Are Preparing for a Rebound (27.09.2024)
A dormant construction site visible from the back door of Berlin’s grand Hotel Adlon is emblematic of the boom turned bust in Europe’s real estate markets, but investors that gathered recently at the five-star establishment have started to look past symbols like the hole in the ground across the street and toward a nascent recovery.
Europe’s Battered Listed Landlords Are Preparing for a Rebound (27.09.2024)
Port Employers Ask NLRB to Force Dockworkers to Bargaining Table (26.09.2024)
Port Employers Ask NLRB to Force Dockworkers to Bargaining Table (26.09.2024)
With less than a week until a dockworker strike could shutter every major container port on the US Atlantic and Gulf coasts, port employers and the union disagree on a range of issues — including whether they’re even negotiating.
Port Employers Ask NLRB to Force Dockworkers to Bargaining Table (26.09.2024)
‘Buy China’ Is Favored Post-US Election Trade, Goldman's Scott Rubner Says (26.09.2024)
‘Buy China’ Is Favored Post-US Election Trade, Goldman's Scott Rubner Says (26.09.2024)
Chinese stocks have been on a tear, with the Nasdaq Golden Dragon Index soaring 19% in the last four days, and the shares should be a key part of investors’ plans once the US election is over, according to Scott Rubner, managing director for global markets and tactical specialist at Goldman Sachs Group Inc.
‘Buy China’ Is Favored Post-US Election Trade, Goldman's Scott Rubner Says (26.09.2024)
US Jobless Claims Are an Unreliable Indicator of Tight Labor Market (26.09.2024)
US Jobless Claims Are an Unreliable Indicator of Tight Labor Market (26.09.2024)
The number of Americans applying for unemployment insurance have been defying expectations and hovering near historically low levels, but they’re not a good indicator of the state of the labor market right now, according to a Bloomberg Economics analysis.
US Jobless Claims Are an Unreliable Indicator of Tight Labor Market (26.09.2024)
OpenAI Pitched White House on Unprecedented Data Center Buildout (25.09.2024)
OpenAI Pitched White House on Unprecedented Data Center Buildout (25.09.2024)
OpenAI has pitched the Biden administration on the need for massive data centers that could each use as much power as entire cities, framing the unprecedented expansion as necessary to develop more advanced artificial intelligence models and compete with China.
OpenAI Pitched White House on Unprecedented Data Center Buildout (25.09.2024)