IMF Lowers Global Growth Forecast, Warns of Increasing Risks (22.10.2024)
IMF Lowers Global Growth Forecast, Warns of Increasing Risks (22.10.2024)
The International Monetary Fund lowered its global growth forecast for next year and warned of accelerating risks from wars to trade protectionism, even as it credited central banks for taming inflation without sending nations into recession.
IMF Lowers Global Growth Forecast, Warns of Increasing Risks (22.10.2024)
IMF World Economic Outlook October 2024
IMF World Economic Outlook October 2024
Tune in for the launch of the World Economic Outlook analytical chapters on October 16 and full report on October 22.
IMF World Economic Outlook October 2024
Wirtschaft mit dem Sommer zufrieden (22.10.2024)
Wirtschaft mit dem Sommer zufrieden (22.10.2024)
Trotz eines leichten Rückgangs von rund einem Prozent bei den Übernachtungen haben sich Tirols Touristiker am Montag bei der Bilanz zur bisherigen Sommersaison zufrieden gezeigt. Es seien 20,3 Mio. Nächtigungen seien verzeichnet worden. Auch für den Winter gab man sich optimistisch.
Wirtschaft mit dem Sommer zufrieden (22.10.2024)
ECB’s Kazimir Says December’s Rate Meeting Is Wide Open (21.10.2024)
ECB’s Kazimir Says December’s Rate Meeting Is Wide Open (21.10.2024)
The European Central Bank remains flexible going into its final meeting of 2024, according to Governing Council member Peter Kazimir, who said disinflation is on a “solid footing” and more cuts in borrowing costs are possible.
ECB’s Kazimir Says December’s Rate Meeting Is Wide Open (21.10.2024)