Coal-Black Swans Threaten the Green Transition
The Deadly Mining Complex Powering the EV Revolution
China Connects Biggest Desert Solar Plant in Effort to Curb Coal (19.12.2024)
We’re Burning More Coal Than Ever Thanks to China (18.12.2024)
Weather Derivatives: What Are They, And Why Is Demand Soaring? (17.12.2024)
IEA rechnet mit weltweiter Rekordnachfrage nach Kohle (18.12.2024)
Northvolt Bankruptcy, Plant Delays in Europe Tighten BYD, CATL Grip on EVs (10.12.2024)
Nachhaltigkeit: Berichtspflicht auch für KMU (08.12.2024)
Climate Change: Africa Offers $193 Billion Renewables Opportunity, Study Shows (24.07.2024)
Nächster Rückschlag: UNO-Klimakonferenzen unter Zugzwang (03.12.2024)
This Is What the World’s First All-EV Car Market Looks Like (29.11.2024)
Bloomberg Green Newsletter: Five Things We Learned at COP29
„Minimalkompromiss“: Auf COP29 folgt scharfe Kritik von NGOs (24.11.2024)
COP29 Summit Puts Trillion-Dollar Climate Financing on Table (21.11.2024)
Akkuproduzent Northvolt beantragt US-Gläubigerschutz (22.11.2024)
Europe Car Sales From Including Ford, VW Stagnate as EV Weakness Persists (21.11.2024)
Ford will 4000 Arbeitsplätze in Europa streichen (20.11.2024)
Northvolt: Europas Akku-Hoffnung strauchelt (19.11.2024)
COP29: Where China Stands on Tough Climate Finance Negotiations (18.11.2024)
Fed Refuses to Back Basel Climate Plan, Leaving Talks in Limbo (14.11.2024)
China's CHN Energy starts up massive offshore solar park (14.11.2024)
EIB to Unveil €500 Million in Bank Guarantees for Clean Tech (13.11.2024)
Trump Will Bury ESG, But It Was Already Dead (11.11.2024)
Sorge vor Kehrtwende: COP29-Auftakt im Schatten von Trump-Sieg (11.11.2024)
Trump bereitet laut "New York Times" Wende in Klimapolitik vor (09.11.2024)
COP29: Scholz Cancels Baku Trip to Deal With Crisis at Home (07.11.2024)
Copernicus: Erderwärmung heuer erstmals über 1,5 Grad (07.11.2024)
Global GDP Seen Taking Much Bigger Climate Hit Than First Feared (05.11.2024)
Ford changes gear (28.10.2024)
Northvolt Factory Layoffs Top 1,200 After IF Metall Union Negotiations End (22.10.2024)